Sat is 911 we will NEVER forget

Prego's Avatar
  • Prego
  • 09-11-2010, 02:57 PM
This all shows the disregard of the political class for the American people. Agreed. One of the few good ideas from President O is to put our infrastructure management in a separate, independent commission. But Congress will never give it up cause its their main source of thievery.
wallstreet's Avatar
maybe he can get mccain (anti pork) to get behind it...which sort of by-default puts palin onboard...and the 3 of them can push it.
ICU 812's Avatar
On this day nine years ago ,I was working in a Veteran’s Administration hospital doing cardiac tread-mill tests on formembers of our armed forces. Most had served in WW-II or the Korean War. My co-workers and I were in-and-out of the waiting room with the TV always on. I ducked in to bring the next patient back and he said, “Wait a bit Doc, “ (I am not an M.D.), “. . .theres been a bad accident. A plane just crashed into a sky scraper in New York.” We all watched a few minutes and the news was confused. First reports are usually incomplete and/or inaccurate and I brought the patient into the back to get prepped for his test.
When I got back to the waiting room, the second plane hit. Someone said, “That’s no accident, We’re at war with someone!” All day long we worked and watched. Peter Jennings was supercilious and demeaning towards those who had evacuated the White House. One of my co-workers at that time was a Shiite Moslem (dare I say that here?) didn’t come in to work till 11-ish after it was all over.

The patients were all men who had been trained to action at a formative time in their lives. They (we) were frustrated by our inability to immediately identify an enemy and strike back. One man had been a Ranger at Omaha Beach on D-Day. They were the unit of commandos that had climbed the cliffs at Pont du Hauk at dawn— under fire. I recall seeing him remembering the vigor of his youth and wishing, in tears, that he could rise out of his wheel-chair and once again defend his country.

A “Ground-Zero” Mosque? Sheria compliant USA? Let us not be so quick to forget September 11th, 2001.

Quote Of The Day.
Famous Last words: “Lets Roll!”
Guest091710's Avatar
On this day nine years ago ,I was working in a Veteran’s Administration hospital doing cardiac tread-mill tests on formembers of our armed forces. Most had served in WW-II or the Korean War. My co-workers and I were in-and-out of the waiting room with the TV always on. I ducked in to bring the next patient back and he said, “Wait a bit Doc, “ (I am not an M.D.), “. . .theres been a bad accident. A plane just crashed into a sky scraper in New York.” We all watched a few minutes and the news was confused. First reports are usually incomplete and/or inaccurate and I brought the patient into the back to get prepped for his test.
When I got back to the waiting room, the second plane hit. Someone said, “That’s no accident, We’re at war with someone!” All day long we worked and watched. Peter Jennings was supercilious and demeaning towards those who had evacuated the White House. One of my co-workers at that time was a Shiite Moslem (dare I say that here?) didn’t come in to work till 11-ish after it was all over.

The patients were all men who had been trained to action at a formative time in their lives. They (we) were frustrated by our inability to immediately identify an enemy and strike back. One man had been a Ranger at Omaha Beach on D-Day. They were the unit of commandos that had climbed the cliffs at Pont du Hauk at dawn— under fire. I recall seeing him remembering the vigor of his youth and wishing, in tears, that he could rise out of his wheel-chair and once again defend his country.

A “Ground-Zero” Mosque? Sheria compliant USA? Let us not be so quick to forget September 11th, 2001.

Quote Of The Day.
Famous Last words: “Lets Roll!” Originally Posted by ICU 812
Thank You very sincerely for sharing this heart felt story.