Zenovia's Avatar
Quality surpasses quantity!! If I want quantity I can get it at home.

MHO, those that are working day in & day out need a break. After awhile they will eventually show wear or worn. Meaning by their attitude, willingness, efforts, hygiene, enjoyment, etc...

Some of us are here for two reasons having a choice and PSE.

I expect quality when I make a decision. I take into consideration of the workload and presence they show here and others.

If your working non stop are you really having fun and being the provider that's expected?!?!?

May have misinterpreted the original post. Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
The answer I was hoping to read..NICELY said..agreeing with you 100%
(I swear I'm having way too much fun)
Every time is like the first..only better!
Quality surpasses quantity!! If I want quantity I can get it at home.

MHO, those that are working day in & day out need a break. After awhile they will eventually show wear or worn. Meaning by their attitude, willingness, efforts, hygiene, enjoyment, etc.. Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
Agreed. Most ladies I know regularly take time off... I know I do. I try to pace longer tours to no more than once every 6 months, max. Little Rock doesn't really count since it's my home away from home.

You can always tell that a lady is balancing her hobby life & down time well when a lengthy history of reviews show the same consistent quality, year after year!
Fr8nk, I wish that like you, more guys would consider the "time off thing" as a positive... I've had so many get upset with me when I don't answer PM's, phone calls, texts, & emails during a brief hiatus. Don't panic, I'll be back! Lol
  • mwise
  • 07-25-2015, 07:19 AM
While I agree with Frank&beans POV... I think its totally possible for a provider to not like what she is doing, but to still do it well, conversely, I think its possible for a provider to work constantly and stay consistent. Granted it takes a special person... I've done jobs I didn't particularly care for, but I still did it better than most. I've also worked 3 months in a row without so much as a Saturday or Sunday off and stayed consistent.

I bet if Ginger is having a bad day and you happened to schedule on said day, you would never know it... because she is a professional.
Again, I see where you're going and I agree, but I also think there are exceptions to every rule... granted, they may be few, but they do exist.
Ginger i totally agree, down time always helps me, if i dont want to answer the phone i dont, when i recoup i'm much better!
Zenovia's Avatar

Things that make you go...hmmm!
hogfan2222's Avatar
Can't wait to meet you Nova....
Zenovia's Avatar
Only you can make it happen Mr.Hogfan!
hogfan2222's Avatar
I will try to stop by on my way to Joplin from LR this to play with those big natural sisters and ride that fine ass of yours super Nova...
Zenovia's Avatar
Mmmm like how that sounded! Glad to see my ad sparked interest.