How do you lefties get so off topic? Nothing pertaining to the actual events? At all?
For the patriots, man you guys should have seen some of this video I've been going through. It's actually funny to see how very afraid Obama is of the American Vet. They had snipers and riot gear and street tanks. More than a few WOMEN were hit with night sticks and they had done nothing.
My father has always been very GOP and I've been trying to tell him stuff like McCain and graham are BOUGHT and FOX is full of crap. He thought I was so misguided until this weekend.
He got to see what I was seeing trying to moderate certain channels and keep up with the by the min stuff. When he watched FOXs report and how terribly WRONG they got so much of the story, he called me to apologize. I don't think the GOP has any idea how DONE they are.
I'm confident that when the tide turns and the Right regains control, the lefties will snap back to some sort of sane thinking and we might all be on the same page. Any ANY republican that's elected will have his feet held to fire till they're nubs. I have so much less mercy for the guys that are supposed to be the good guys. I'm just done with the bullshit.