When people in a position of authority accept Sexual Favors is it "Predatory"?

ck1942's Avatar
There are several easy solutions, one of which is to have mods who are entirely very distant from the forums they moderate. But that kind of solution denies locals the wisdom that locals might be able to supply.

The other solution is to have zero moderators and just let the mob rule.


And yes, I met with many ladies I assisted. Paid the rack rate, wrote reviews as appropriate.

But I also did not play with many many more, including some very desirable redheads. Just wasn't enough chemistry to make stuff happen.
That's a subtle question. I think some of the examples are predatory, some abuse of power, some neither. In most cases I don't think who suggests the exchange changes anything. I'd see it like this:

Predatory is coercive, and it is when you deprive someone of something to which they should be entitled. I think there is also an element of proactiveness to it.

Abuse of power is when someone else has entrusted you with power for a specific person and instead you use it for personal gain. It's a form of theft.

So...to illustrate using the strip club scenario...

If a stripper (credibly) tells a manager she has an emergency and has to leave, and he says only if she blows him (or even if he says "no" and she says "I'll blow you") or she's fired that's predatory. People get to leave work for emergencies.

If a manager offers to let a stripper go home early just because she wants to in return for a blow job, or have free drinks or something like that, that's abuse of power (unless he's the owner, than it is neither - it is P4P). It costs the owner money, reduces the attractiveness of the club (one less dancer) and it pisses off other dancers which also a cost to the owner. You could argue that if this option becomes a standard club-wide, then it rises to predatory to all the dancers who aren't playing if opting out becomes a liability to their ability to earn, but that's greyer in my opinion.

Looking for better deals at the end of the month is neither. I suppose it could be predatory if you are some stripper's "regular" and she gives you better rates or attention in return for say a regular weekly visit of $X and you change the rules on her demanding extra services on the 30th because you know she cannot make rent...but that's because you lied to get her to depend on you, then reneged.
budman33's Avatar

Looking for better deals at the end of the month is neither. I suppose it could be predatory if you are some stripper's "regular" and she gives you better rates or attention in return for say a regular weekly visit of $X and you change the rules on her demanding extra services on the 30th because you know she cannot make rent...but that's because you lied to get her to depend on you, then reneged. Originally Posted by irishlad
Struck a nerve I think. you are entitled to your opinion but I think that is absolutely predatory. when someone is down and you take advantage of it for your goals. That strip club owners deserve favors I won't touch on...that's just creepy.
Whispers's Avatar
You like to pull up items from the ASPD days. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I refer to things from ASPD days at times when there is nothing more relevant here to refer to.

You'll have to give more examples based on your own personal experience. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Personal Experiences?

MANY years ago I used to own nightclubs and produced few concerts. On many occasions a young lady found her way into my office. They never asked for anything but usually avoided lines, got into shows for free and I paid their bar-tabs. It is not uncommon in the business at all. A lot of large scale clubs that produce in hose concerts have an "Owner's Suite" laid out like a Studio apartment that gets a workout..... Dressing rooms at Concert Venues

I was a partner in a Limousine company for a year and often would be out and about in one of the cars when it was not in use.... Strippers are drawn to them and gave a few ladies rides home enjoying them on the way,,,,,

I don't consider either example predatory as I was never looking for or trying to get laid.... It just happened and the quid pro quo was afterwards....

I know strippers in clubs that come to work late and leave early.. have free run of the place and seldom pay house fees...... They are fucking or sucking a manager usually.

I was leaving the Palace in San Antonio with a girl once that told me "I'll meet you in the parking lot in 15 minutes.... I gotta blow the manager before I go or he'll expect $100"

Can you reach back to the post that you made on how to leverage the women to doing what you wanted? I'm sure that'll open the flood gates for you. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I don't believe there are any applicable posts I made where I would have been in a position of authority over the girl I was trying to "leverage".... but if you quote one I'll probably respond.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Everything in/about the hobby is "PREDATORY". Every one of us is preying on the other. Men for pussy and the ladies for the (love)....................of the money.
budman33's Avatar
I don't consider either example predatory as I was never looking for or trying to get laid.... It just happened and the quid pro quo was afterwards....
Originally Posted by Whispers
Westley: We are men of action, lies do not become us.

Unless strippers are outside and then do this when they see a limo driving by anyway...

Precious_b's Avatar
I refer to things from ASPD days at times when there is nothing more relevant here to refer to.

You're too modest.

Personal Experiences?

MANY years ago I used to own nightclubs and produced few concerts. On many occasions a young lady found her way into my office. They never asked for anything but usually avoided lines, got into shows for free and I paid their bar-tabs. It is not uncommon in the business at all. A lot of large scale clubs that produce in hose concerts have an "Owner's Suite" laid out like a Studio apartment that gets a workout..... Dressing rooms at Concert Venues

I was a partner in a Limousine company for a year and often would be out and about in one of the cars when it was not in use.... Strippers are drawn to them and gave a few ladies rides home enjoying them on the way,,,,,

I don't consider either example predatory as I was never looking for or trying to get laid.... It just happened and the quid pro quo was afterwards....

I know strippers in clubs that come to work late and leave early.. have free run of the place and seldom pay house fees...... They are fucking or sucking a manager usually.

I was leaving the Palace in San Antonio with a girl once that told me "I'll meet you in the parking lot in 15 minutes.... I gotta blow the manager before I go or he'll expect $100"

I don't believe there are any applicable posts I made where I would have been in a position of authority over the girl I was trying to "leverage".... but if you quote one I'll probably respond.

Originally Posted by Whispers
.... someone open the vault on the Mothership and I think the rest will happen on its own.
Whispers's Avatar
Ahhh Precious... You get answers to your questions and don't know how to respond huh?
budman33's Avatar
to the OP.

Precious_b's Avatar
Ahhh Precious... You get answers to your questions and don't know how to respond huh? Originally Posted by Whispers
I did respond.
Care to rephrase, please.
Whispers's Avatar
No. It was rather clear. Backup your position with a link.
Precious_b's Avatar
No. It was rather clear. Backup your position with a link. Originally Posted by Whispers
Which position?
As with your dancing about issues on the board, I have more than one.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-07-2015, 04:40 PM

In the narrow context of the question.

"accepts" means it was offered. Not coerced. So its a free decision between two consenting adults.

Where it becomes predatory is OUTSIDE of the stated question. IF the Hoogar is expecting special treatment outside the norm, its still not predatory-but its corrupt...particularly if the favor being asked hurts others outside of these 2. A minor infraction IMO.

That can elevate when the man in control exercises his authority over others because hes getting free or massively discounted favors. I heard rumor of a former MOD who practiced this on occasion. Retaliation if you said something bad about "his girls".

Where I think it becomes predatory is when the male EXPECTS the favors. By threat or intimidation. For instance, expecting BB or she will be receiving a bad review. Or by demanding she see him or not get verified. Both of those hypothetical incidents are absolutely predatory in nature.
Whispers's Avatar
I heard rumor of a former MOD who practiced this on occasion. Retaliation if you said something bad about "his girls". Originally Posted by Toyz
You don't need to look in the past to find that behavior. You just have to cross paths with the wrong "girls"
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-10-2015, 03:52 PM
You don't need to look in the past to find that behavior. You just have to cross paths with the wrong "girls" Originally Posted by Whispers
Yah-I actually agree with you on this one, I've had specific incidents with the 3 incumbents...nothing to lose sleep over though.