Packin' heat

notanewbie's Avatar

:ro flmao: Originally Posted by Raphael

hi-jack alert, hi-jack alert. Where is that darn RTM button when you need it.

For a Frenchman, you really seem to have a little fight in you! Are you sure about your heritage? But all kidding aside, let's let it die OK? Just take a good long shower (ask someone how, if need be) drink a beer, and chill.

Raphael's Avatar
No provider in her right mind would allow an armed notanewbie in the same room as her - has his internet immaturity proves his unfitness to bear arms.

The second amendment links the right to bear arms to State-sponsored militias, The individual practiced currently seems like a corruption of the intent of the founding fathers.

A gun in any ladies possession certainly would be a deal breaker for me. There are enough yahoos in this hobby, you don't want them armed
Raphael's Avatar
Gymrat: poor fool reduced to begging the whippings of a failed liverpool provider, as he does not meet the standards of all american girls...
From Guilty Pleasures:
"""Yea, it is a very sticky situation in the escort biz. Because regardless if you have a concealed license to carry you could still be the one going to jail even if you had to use it to defend yourself. Charges like "Deadly conduct" can be filed if you pulled it out, or fired it off in a hotel or apartment."""

There is a saying... FAR better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6
Go to gun show get the insurance. You get a card from the law office that says for you. " I need my lawyer present before I say anything"
Insurance for the year is like $100 to $200

Strange blond rang doorbell at night SO asks who is it- no reply
Daughter came out with a 12ga pump and I with my 9mm piston then I yell to my daughter IS THAT SHOTGUN LOADED? by the time I got to the door I just saw a truck speeding off. They must have figured they rang the doorbell of a beehive
No provider in her right mind would allow an armed notanewbie in the same room as her - has his internet immaturity proves his unfitness to bear arms.

The second amendment links the right to bear arms to State-sponsored militias, The individual practiced currently seems like a corruption of the intent of the founding fathers.

A gun in any ladies possession certainly would be a deal breaker for me. There are enough yahoos in this hobby, you don't want them armed Originally Posted by Raphael
From what I've read Raphael, a bar of soap would be a deal breaker for you as well!
let's keep the conversation light and do away with the personal attacks.
LexusLover's Avatar

This topic fits there.

Can anyone spell ....

"t....e....s....t.....o.....s. .....t......e......r......o... ....n......e?
notanewbie's Avatar
sorry Ike my post was out of line, I was mimicking hand puppet and I know that is wrong.

I shall refrain from posting in this thread.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
I think it should only be a concern if the client is carrying his firearm in the session but doesn't inform the provider about it beforehand. I know it defeats the purpose of having it concealed but why risk losing your appointment? eventually you'll have to dress down and reveal it (unless your pistol is small enough to fit the pocket then you can keep your mouth shut lol)....but talk about killin the mood if they see it otherwise.

However, If he/she is licensed to carry their firearm I don't see why it should be a problem to provider or client, especially if both parties are meeting each other for the first time. (reference back to the story involving the football coach who was shot while seeing a hooker).you just don't know people's true intentions nowadays...

don't mind me though, I'm such a pro-gun advocate lol
caseytx's Avatar
I can spell testosterone.....I can also tell you that EVERY firearms class and re-qualify that I attended had several LADIES present taking the course. And, I might add,......they all passed.
LexusLover's Avatar
I can spell testosterone..... And, I might add,......they all passed. Originally Posted by caseytx
"passed" what .....

The average CHL class to get a license is from 8 to 12 hours ... (re-qualify is 4 hours?)

... the same topics in the minimum standards for a BASIC peace officer's course takes an average of 120 to 130 hours ... or about 10x the training.... and in most larger agencies the same topic training hours will run 200+.

Let me repeat: BASIC.

I am sure that you are an expert in decision making, instinctive shooting responses, and what PROPER equipment to "carry" to an "appointment" in a motel room or someone's apartment .... since you know how to spell "testosterone" ... but 85-90% of the persons carrying a weapon lack the proper skills and knowledge to get into and out of a shooting situation without getting themselves hurt, hurting an innocent person, or going to jail! Even those "ladies" that qualified!

My guess is: When someone calls a weapon "a piece" ... they got a lot of their "training" and "insight" in front of the television or at the "movies."

Or...they are just talking the talk......they "perceive."

As far as I am concerned a person is not "qualifed" to carry a handgun on their person (or outside the house) until they can CONSISTENTLY un-ass their weapon, fire 2 double taps with soft-ball rounds into center mass on a flip target at 10 feet, and re-secure their weapon inside of 3 seconds.

Just sayin, and saying respectfully.
LexusLover's Avatar
This is directed mainly to the ladies here, ...

Question: How do you feel about a client who is trained and licensed to carry a hand gun bringing a concealed gun to a session?
Originally Posted by caseytx
Question ("to the ladies"):

How do you KNOW that "a client" is "trained and licensed to carry a hand gun" ...or ... "a concealed gun"?

Did you ask for their CHL at the door?

Or did they just say so?

Is that now a part of your "screening" process?
carkido45's Avatar
Last year I was going to a Jack in the Box to grab a bite it was 7:30pm a masked thug holds us up at gun point.
I have no problem with being armed if someone else has a problem with it so be it.
Castel Law
When I was not seeing only my selected regulars, I would have been comfortable with anyone new that was carrying a weapon. He wouldn't have been able to pass my screening if he was dangerous, so it wouldn't have been a big deal. On the other hand, sometimes they become dangerous after they've passed screening. If a certain someone who crossed the line with me and became a psycho had a weapon, I probably wouldn't be here now.