this silly girl just text me

macbeth1000's Avatar
Originally Posted by Jarvis
Dude you seem to have it out for this girl, If its fire you are looking for, why not just go visit and get the fire you need.
Dude you seem to have it out for this girl, If its fire you are looking for, why not just go visit and get the fire you need. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Just the opposite. I am enjoying her daily alerts.
Are you Kitty Lamour's daughter?
Are you Kitty Lamour's daughter? Originally Posted by Emary Preston

A fair question....

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Are you Kitty Lamour's daughter? Originally Posted by Emary Preston
Bwahahaha! Sorry that was funny

A fair question....
Originally Posted by eccienewbie

macbeth1000's Avatar
Nope, Emary has some of the best Boobs I have seen on picture. I love fire like anyone else, so if we are bringing down the house, well I have the TNT.
Nope, Emary has some of the best Boobs I have seen on picture. I love fire like anyone else, so if we are bringing down the house, well I have the TNT. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Save the TNT for tomorrow's alert.

I am quite certain that someone is doing something to her right now and they will be sorry!
Now we know why the Dane was so melancholy.....

Best of luck to you on your interesting journey.
macbeth1000's Avatar
You have no idea........stay on topic. "Silly girl........? Idk? WTF? If you want to play in Disney Land and pretend nothing is wrong...than do that. Wulf Princess, you need some constructive criticism.

PM me if you would like some advice. Eccie Land can be pretty harsh. Originally Posted by Emary Preston
Wait are you implying that I am CJ hahahaha thats a first (did my Faye picture do it, no Faye is my perfect woman that I would sell everything for). I think you jumped the gun there Emary, in your rush to jump into the fire, you jumped on the wrong person and I dont argue with females,they always win however my point still remains, the drama is just too much but I guess this is life.
macbeth1000's Avatar are not staying on topic. Mods? lol It's life. Originally Posted by Emary Preston
No comment, if you didnt get what i said, i dont have key power to elaborate further.

Merry Christmas All, the drama is just too much, lets reflect on good pussy and fine wine.
I got it.
macbeth1000's Avatar
I got it. Originally Posted by Emary Preston
Happy we are on the same page because I was getting worried there, because fine boobs like yours would go on my TDL but you had me worried there for a minute. Merry Christmas to you though.