Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cranky lil curmudgeons?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am not now, nor have I ever been a cranky lil curmudgeon. Maybe an out-of-sorts big curmudgeon, but cranky, never. Now get off my lawn! Damn kids!
ss4699's Avatar
Where are the options for "old and female"? Originally Posted by KCQuestor
The worm already gottca!

There are no "old" providers so it is a mute point!

COG made me this way.
So what does a cog have to do with anything?

Well Miss E, did you click the button yet? It really was not an ad to start but she flipped it good! Will have to go back and see who the WK was on the thread!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, Newtotown, how refreshing. The rumors you hear around here about everything being my fault, are just false, vicious rumors, started by those jealous of my addictive sensuality.

Ok, maybe I am cranky.
ss4699's Avatar
HUm, so cog is for Cute old Guy....ok
Well Ms E, went back are reread all the way through and I could not hit the button myself. It is borderline to the extreme but the lady did not cross the line.
Only 9 answers so far, too soon for an item analysis!
HUm, so cog is for Cute old Guy....ok
Well Ms E, went back are reread all the way through and I could not hit the button myself. It is borderline to the extreme but the lady did not cross the line.
Only 9 answers so far, too soon for an item analysis! Originally Posted by newtotown
You need to differntiate when someone is considered old.
I still blame COG. Originally Posted by fritz3552
The "blame COG" thing has been around for over two years (read way too long) and has completely worn itself out.... let it go, please.
Only 9 answers so far, too soon for an item analysis! Originally Posted by newtotown
NewtoTown, I'm not sure who you are yet (not that it matters to me at all), but I doubt you are truly 'new to town'. Be wary gentleman....
Omahan's Avatar
SSame o ssame o.
ss4699's Avatar
NewtoTown, I'm not sure who you are yet (not that it matters to me at all), but I doubt you are truly 'new to town'. Be wary gentleman.... Originally Posted by scorpio31
Mr Scorpio my game is numbers, not stars if that is your intent. I can integrate and differentiate. I am mean, mode and median man. I can chi your square any time you need it as well as correlate your coefficient. I can maximize your matrix with out an identity any time you need it. I am a TI guy, not TO oriented. And my SPSS is binary based. I can be real, imaginary, rational and irrational all at the same time and never truncate even once! Is that enough pi for you?
Oh, have you ever read my RED BOOK? Out west, I used to use it a lot! Anyway enough crumudgeons?

I have been to Kansas City before and Dallas and Denver and Dover, Daytona and Austin and Los Angeles and Charollette, Brooklyn, Jackson and New Orleans, Bilox and Atlanta, Chicago and Des Moines, Omaha and Las Vegas, I've even been to Joplin. There is an old song, "I've been every where boys, I've been every where boys, traveled I've seen my share boys, I've been every where". We I have been many places but not every where.

But your caution is good - just like mine last night on Independence -don't remember is it BLVD or AVE.? When I let her in the car and she kept her jacket on and her shirt pinned down, I tipped her and let her out. The little voice inside said - don't go there - now we can talk about flashing lights if you wish but they were not mine! And my reviews can be verified.

Now on to - I think this is an ad - and she is not registered it looked like. So which crumudgeons would have popped the trigger?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Newtotown, there are 11 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't.
ss4699's Avatar
Newtotown, there are 11 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are good young man! Wonder how many can figure that one out! Time for another poll? NOPE! I do enjoy a man with a sense of humor almost as much as a woman with a great sense of humor - it is as important as great nipples or hips or even eyes. That gentle smile can melt the hardest heart and make the softest dong go King Kong!
Is that question about the mods?
Im not old dammit....but i did have to pee 3 times while i read all the threads on this post!!
ss4699's Avatar
Im not old dammit....but i did have to pee 3 times while i read all the threads on this post!! Originally Posted by bigdeal

Hummmm, standing up or sitting down? That should tell us for sure!

A question about the mods?
Any member can hit the button, only an adminstrator or moderator can do the deed on most php sites. I would not question a moderators decision, that could be done by an admin however.
You are good young man! Wonder how many can figure that one out! King Kong! Originally Posted by newtotown
Pretty much all of us, you're not as superior to the rest here as you think you are. Many of us hold an advanced degree in their respective fields, some of us multiple degrees, plus we have the benefit of being old "curmudgeons", which means we've survived and learned from more shit than youngsters have ever seen.

A more revealing poll would be "Have the young guys always been as full of shit as they are today?" Unfortunately I think the answer would be yes, including when I was young. The difference is now I'm old enough that I recognize I was full of shit back then.
