Fantastic Job- We owe Eccie a vote of Thanks

heresy's Avatar
They've made me feel very welcome here.
As an admited forum slut, I must say ECCIE is one of the best layed out and user friendly. Keep up the great work
Mr_Winter's Avatar
Apparently eccie is doing such a good job ASPD, even though it's about to shut down, has now started censoring the letters "eccie". Really chickenshit, if you ask me. A web site that admits it has no future is afraid of competition!! But c'est la vie. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Amen. There's plenty of roon in the sandbox for all the kids to play, but why the hate? This is something that pisses me off to no end, and yet another reason why I like this place more than ASPD...
  • meryt
  • 01-05-2010, 02:21 AM
Huzzahs to ECCIE!
We're working very hard to get the New Orleans board up and running.

Our local members are doing a great job getting out the word, sending invites, emails, retrieving reviews.

The support we're receiving from the ECCIE staff and community is unbelievable.

As someone with a lifetime invested in small businesses in many fields, I have to say that ECCIE.NET is proving to be the best conceived and executed start-up I have ever been associated with. Planning on the part of owners and staff is extraordinary. You are truly showing this community "how it should be done".

My hat's off to everyone involved with ECCIE.NET.

Just want to add I like having the ad graphics on the side rather than a big mass up top. Makes for much more discrete browsing and a better layout.
This layout really is nice. The stats on the side are interesting - a lot of Daily Registrations.