Asian girl handcuffed, beaten and throw out of moving patrol car (officers get caught on camera)

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 01:37 PM
Are you taking it out on the Asians what the Germans did to you tribe....starving the poor concentration camp hookers..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2013, 01:49 PM
You can't kick your way out of a squad car once you are in the back. In fact I was detained once and there were no handles in the back of the squad car I was in. It would take a great deal of force to knock out the window of a squad car. She is handcuffed in that picture, they say she was handcuffed. They had her handcuffed when the put her into the vehicle. Her dress is down to her hips. How does her dress get down to her hips like that, unless someone was pulling her clothes off or down. Yea, this whole story stinks here with the cops. In fact she is a student, an honor student. They claim she was drunk, but there was no blood test taken, no breathalizer test done etc. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

what does that tell you?

rear doors on cop cars are secure from the inside, which means the door had to be opened from the outside ... at what speed was the cop car going when the officer running along side the car opened the door and yanked her out ?

a little logic goes a long way, unless you are a moron.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
what does that tell you?

rear doors on cop cars are secure from the inside, which means the door had to be opened from the outside ... at what speed was the cop car going when the officer running along side the car opened the door and yanked her out ?

a little logic goes a long way, unless you are a moron. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well I can see your point here.. that is a whole lot of damage though, crushed jaw, bleeding on the brain and if the car was going slow, and an officer yanked her out while it was still moving would she have had that much damage? Hmmm...
Pink Floyd's Avatar
How about a simple explanation.

The door wasn't closed right. She was drunk and leaning against it. And when the cop car made the turn, the door swung open and she fell out.

I don't see anything in the video tape to contradict that.\ Originally Posted by ExNYer
This seems like the most logical explanation.
LexusLover's Avatar
....a whole lot of damage though, crushed jaw, bleeding on the brain and if the car was going slow, and an officer yanked her out while it was still moving would she have had that much damage? .. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
There were 2 patrol units shown going through the intersection ... one was straight and going what looked in the area of 30 mph if the speed of the video was normal, etc., and the second vehicle turned left from the right street coming into the intersection, which meant it feel in behind the 1st unit that just passed through the intersection ....

I could not tell from the video that anyone was ejected to the right side of the street from either one of those vehicles ... the 2nd unit stopped and the officer driving exited ...

if she came out of a window at about 30 mph* and hit the pavement she was damaged....

face/head ... and if she was cuffed she didn't have any hands to break her fall.

BTW: Who gave the damage assessment ... from the hospital exam and xrays?

......the lawyer filing the suit against xyz?

* according to the film ...

.... the unit traveled about 230 feet in about 5 seconds = about 30 mph.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Stan.Dupp, it is not good to sensationalize an event. Are you a journalist? There is no evidence to support 2/3rds of the title of this thread.

Asian girl handcuffed, beaten and throw out of moving patrol car (officers get caught on camera)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yea but they only get 40 of that!

Good thing you like'em skinny because most can't afford to eat on those wages!

Originally Posted by WTF
No, dumbfuck, the house gets 60 and the girl gets 140 out of the 200 total paid.
So, how much do you pay your workers?
This seems like the most logical explanation. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
But there's no conspiracy involved, so it doesn't satisfy any one's agenda. Simple accidents are never considered.

And the second hand statement from the paramedics about what the cop said about his speed doesn't amount to much. The cop might have genuinely believed he was only doing about 10 mph when he made the turn - when in fact he may have been doing 20-30 mph. I doubt he was looking at his speedometer while he was turning. So he probably just guesstimated his speed.

And where does all the speculation come from that she was beaten and pushed out? Cops don't ride in the back seat with prisoners. There was probably a protective cage between her and the front seat. So how could a cop in the front have reached back to push her out?

Much ado about nothing. Somebody made a simple mistake and failed to properly close the door.

I don't see anything else in the article or in the grainy tape to contradict that.
LexusLover's Avatar
How about a simple explanation.

The door wasn't closed right. She was drunk and leaning against it. And when the cop car made the turn, the door swung open and she fell out.

I don't see anything in the video tape to contradict that.\ Originally Posted by ExNYer
#1: Did she come the vehicle turning or the one just passing through the intersection?
#2: I didn't see her being ejected from either one.

#3: If the door wasn't closed OR she wasn't belted in ... it's negligence at least on officers.

Hopefully they have an onboard cam ..

..... they often direct it to the rear when enroute to .............. with someone in custody.

If she came from the vehicle turning the force of the turn builds up speed for her and basically slings her out of the car ... increasing her ejection speed .... increasing her injuries ...

.. at least negligence ... SOP is to belt her in.
#1: Did she come the vehicle turning or the one just passing through the intersection?
#2: I didn't see her being ejected from either one.

#3: If the door wasn't closed OR she wasn't belted in ... it's negligence at least on officers.

Hopefully they have an onboard cam ..

..... they often direct it to the rear when enroute to .............. with someone in custody.

If she came from the vehicle turning the force of the turn builds up speed for her and basically slings her out of the car ... increasing her ejection speed .... increasing her injuries ...

.. at least negligence ... SOP is to belt her in. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let me be clear that I'm not saying the cops aren't responsible for her injuries.

I'm just saying it was an accident (failure to close door and belt her in), not a deliberate beating and push out the door. I don't know where that idea came from.

On second thought, it appears that she fell out of the cop car that went straight through the intersection (the first car), not the turning cop car (the second one on the street).

But it still look like she fell out because she was leaning against a door that was not properly closed. If the cop car made a little bounce going through the intersection, that may be all that was needed.
roaringfork's Avatar
I was once in the back of a squad car. The officer was nice enough to let me sit in there (out of the hundred degree heat) while I filled out my part of an accident report. Nothing quite like the feeling you get when you try to open the door and discover you can't.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, dumbfuck, the house gets 60 and the girl gets 140 out of the 200 total paid.
So, how much do you pay your workers? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Ah, yes.. Spoken like one of God's "Chosen People".
Pink Floyd's Avatar
This does appear to be a case of police negligence or faulty lock on the door. What puzzles me is that if the door was ajar shouldn't there have been some type of alarm especially on a police cruiser.
JCM800's Avatar
What puzzles me is that if the door was ajar shouldn't there have been some type of alarm especially on a police cruiser. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
that would probably depend on their budget.
LexusLover's Avatar
that would probably depend on their budget. Originally Posted by JCM800
No. That depends on whether or not the officer wants to announce his location when he/she opens the door .... interior lights, bells, and whistles are disabled ..