comey can't turn over memo because....

LexusLover's Avatar
WFS is the only banned snitch here. Nobody except the Austin Reacharound Crew trusts his reading comprehension or ability to reach logical conclusions. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's what he does.

He's a racist so he wants everyone else to be.

He's a snitch, so he wants everyone else to be.

The list is almost endless. The projection of his shortfalls.
Somebody snitched to WFS!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So who is the "Special Prsecutor"!

And who said the "original memo" is with Mueller?

The "original memo" is on the computer on which he wrote it!!!!!

So, now WTF believes the FBI computer is with Mueller?

So a person who lacks the classification to be in the possession of classified material was carrying around Government property containing classified information and then turns it over to a person who lacks the classification to be in possession of the classified material? Originally Posted by LexusLover
ladies & gentleman...

this is how they make a sausage into a ham sandwich that they can indict & convict.
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  • 06-11-2017, 01:51 PM
ladies & gentleman...

this is how they make a sausage into a ham sandwich that they can indict & convict. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
James Coney Underoath testified the original document was given to special counselor, Mueller.

Be careful, LezyLiar will stick that sausage up your ass
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  • 06-11-2017, 01:54 PM
That's what he does.

He's a racist so he wants everyone else to be.

He's a snitch, so he wants everyone else to be.

The list is almost endless. The projection of his shortfalls. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I love how you protest projections, while projecting!

I've beat you over your lying lips with your hypocrisy from day one
Seditious Party(D) strikes again...

June 8, 2017
Obama’s State Department covered up Iranian cyber-attack during nuke deal negotiations

By Thomas Lifson

Our media devote most of their attention to a phony story of Trump collusion with a rival, while actual collusion (by silence) between the Obama administration and an actual enemy, Iran, is largely ignored.

The entire media establishment is having paroxysms over a leak by a 25-year-old NSA contractor of an NSA report that the Russians carried out spear-phishing attacks just prior to the election. But evidence of an Iranian attack during negotiations of the secret side deals in the wake of congressional failure to stop the deal has been ignored. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

State Department officials determined that Iran hacked their emails and social media accounts during a particularly sensitive week for the nuclear deal in the fall of 2015, according to multiple sources familiar with the details of the cyber attack.

The attack took place within days of the deal overcoming opposition in Congress in late September that year. That same week, Iranian officials and negotiators for the United States and other world powers were beginning the process of hashing out a series of agreements allowing Tehran to meet previously determined implementation deadlines. ...

It is unclear whether top officials at the State Department negotiating the Iran deal knew about the hack or if their personal or professional email accounts were compromised. Sources familiar with the attack believed top officials at State were deeply concerned about the hack and that those senior leaders did not have any of their email or social media accounts compromised in this particular incident.

While the Free Beacon report relies mostly on anonymous sources, there is actual hard evidence provided that this happened:

State Department officials in the Office of Iranian Affairs on Sept. 24, 2015 sent an email to dozens of outside contractors. The email alerted the contractors that a cyber-attack had occurred and urged them not to open any email from a group of five State Department officials that did not come directly from their official accounts.

If the State Department or White House had acknowledged the attack to the public, it would have demonstrated the wrongheadedness of the Iran deal Congress had just punted on.

Where is the outrage of the left, obsessed with "collaboration" with Russia (a nation that, unlike Iran, has not launched terror attacks against the United States the way Iran has)? What about Obama's and Jarrett's collaboration with Iran?

After all, hacking during negotiations is a way to gain an unfair advantage, causing the opponent to give away far too much. Isn't that exactly what happened? And didn't the Obama administration cover it up?

Sooner or later, the time will come for a full frontal pushback against the phony fantasy story of Trump-Russia collaboration. How about congressional investigations of the Iran deal and Obama administration collusion?

Hat tip: Jack Hellner
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  • 06-12-2017, 09:22 AM
Seditious Party(D) strikes again... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I know your ignorance shows no limits but the Clinton investigation started with Whitewater.

Obama is not President.

Clinton is not President.

Trump is and he has a Special Counsel poking around.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dims: We need to investigate whether Lynch gave cover to hildebeest campaign

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday that Congress should investigate whether former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pressured former FBI Director James Comey to cover for dim-retard nominee hildebeest's presidential campaign.

(The Hill)
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  • 06-12-2017, 09:31 AM
Don't worry!

If he prepared his "memos" on "his" Government laptop all the files on there can and will be recovered (if they haven't already). Originally Posted by LexusLover
If he prepared... Big 'if' there LexyLiar.

wtf is wrong with YOU ? NO WHERE in the story does it say that Comey gave copies of the memo to the Special Prosecutor. ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He said , under oath, he gave the original memo to Muller.

Allegedly... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well, I haven't talked to Muller and actually seen the memo. One would think Comey would not lie about such a thing while under oath. But evidently that is not enough for you. Were you like LexyLiar and Gay Rey a birther? Fucking loons who will not believe anything unless they see in person, even though they wouldn't know what the fuck they were looking at if it hit them on their bullshit filled eyes. .

So who is the "Special Prsecutor"!

And who said the "original memo" is with Mueller?

The "original memo " is on the computer on which he wrote it!!!!!

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sit down boy, this is not Snitchville where you can make shit up about a hooker to further your cause. You lied for years on here about hookers not being able to voice record Vice. They can. ShysterJohn schooled you recently on that fact. You think jury selection does not matter. Just sit the fuc down and STFU.

Comey told the committee he kept contemporaneous notes immediately following nine private conversations with Mr. Trump. He said he turned those memos over to former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to oversee the Russia investigation.
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  • 06-12-2017, 09:45 AM
All sentient beings already know the answer is : "yes".. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Of course they do.

It is exactly why Comey has credibility in this whole matter. Out of all of them.

Both Clinton (Bill) and Trump have put him in bad spots. Well Bill put Lynch in a bad spot.

And if any of you believe that Trump was not trying to influence the Flynn investigation because Trump said 'Hope'....well then you probably believe that Bill Clinton was not trying to influence AG Lynch.
If he prepared...

He said , under oath, he gave the original memo to Muller.

Well, I haven't talked to Muller and actually seen the memo. One would think Comey would not lie about such a thing while under oath.

Sit down boy, this is not Snitchville where you can make shit up about a hooker to further your cause.

Comey told the committee he kept contemporaneous notes immediately following nine private conversations with Mr. Trump. He said he turned those memos over to former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to oversee the Russia investigation. Originally Posted by WTF
what are you talking about. the "original memo"?

there is no "original" memo except that created digitally if the memories were typed into a laptop

you can print out the memo as many times as you wish

so then did he turn over the laptop? that's the "original" memo

how could he have the lap top, that's government property plus supposedly it had been deleted, destruction of government property, huh?

or did he download the file onto a thumb drive and steal it that way?

so did he lie when he said he turned over those memos? the whole truth please
Bill Clintons Former CIA Director Woolsey 'Stunned' Comey Leaked Conversations with President to Press

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  • 06-12-2017, 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You do realize that he no longer worked for the FBI and that Trump was trashing him. Which frees him up from some legal problems you seem to think this will cause him.
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  • 06-12-2017, 10:15 AM
what are you talking about. the "original memo"?

there is no "original" memo except that created digitally if the memories were typed into a laptop

you can print out the memo as many times as you wish

so then did he turn over the laptop? that's the "original" memo

how could he have the lap top, that's government property.

or did he download the file onto a thumb drive and steal it that way?

so did he lie when he said he turned over those memos? the whole truth please Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Maybe you should go grill Comey.

Charge him with lying if you think you have a case!

comey is an experienced attorney

he views himself as a wily operative

he has also revealed himself as ideological

he wanted a special prosecutor to get trump on anything but also claimed he didn't know if by trump saying "i hope" he obstructed the application of justice but it was good fodder to get the political appointment of a special prosecutor

comey also lied when he said he had the memo released in response to a trump tweet, when the ny times quoted the memo the day before the tweet

he tried to smear trump by vague statements about being "troubled" and concerned in meeting trump

his testimony last week had one central theme - try to set up trump for a fall

I think he thinks he set what he views as traps for trump. since theres no crime maybe he, trump, can be had by some extraneous overstated attempt at defense

he effusively praised Mueller, perhaps in an attempt to schmooze his ego, his old buddy

I'm with gingrich when he claims Mueller wont be fair

comey even called trump a liar and what everyone misses is that the only instance comey cites as a lie was a matter of opinion, that the fbi was poorly led. how can one lie about an opinion?

comey is a snake who tried to appear as the last boy scout