Hey guys regarding the BAD reviews I recieved last Monday

Well to those 2 guys once again i am terribly sorry
i tried to offer a discount to make things up for a much better session, and thats whenever you are available. so you 2 know who i am referring to and you can pm me if you are interested in allowing me to correct this situation that was bad ok.thanks for everyone input and once again as a provider i am truly sorry. i will handle the situation much better next time.
gptxman's Avatar
If Aunt Flo came a little early and you communicated properly with the gentleman, what reason would there be for a bad review? Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
The flow came but I know with me there was no communication until I tried to get her panties off (mid BCD). This is not the time to communicate to a client that the flow is on.

Other things are an issue with being in a rush, forgot my appointment made the night before and not into it at all.

I still have my NO review to do but I haven't gotten to it yet.
Well gptxman, when my son was gone in an unfair cause i pretty much forgot a lot of things,yet i still tried to work. so go ahead and put up your no review thats fine by me. im not going to be bitter of it, not one bit. i guess i have to be a perfect provider for guys like you to not accept my apologies and allow me to fix it. so without disrespect, go ahead and write your review and please feel good about it.

everyone out there please have a good week. i offered to fix the situations due to my issues, and this will not happen again.
And to all of the guys that have yet to visit with me, just to let you know I am not as bad as those guys are making out to be...
I admit i haven't read every post..so i apologize if this has been said..

however..#1 bad reviews happen, creating a discussion while within your right..is often times foolish since it often times leads to simply more people reading the negative review and you drawing even more attention to a bad situation. Its human nature to wanna defend and offer excuses..however its not always the smartest thing..let the review run its course..and move off to the next pages..creating a coed simply keeps in on the guys minds, further impacting your ability to move forward and make money

#2.. there is NEVER an excuse to show up and provide bad service..EVER.. you owe it to the customer of your business..as does any business.. to try to provide the best service you can..despite your "real world troubles".. because keep in mind..guys are trying to escape the real world when they see girls..they don't need girls letting their real world influence them..

understand I will be told I am wrong..the wk's(if there is any) and more importantly the girls in wk form will come out in force..they wanna try to force the notion down guys throats that they are entitled to bad days and still take guys money for it.. that couldn't be more wrong.. the guy spending his hard earned money is entitled to the best every girl has to offer.. no matter what the day has brought..no "life doesn't happen" despite what so many will try to blow smoke up your ass and make you believe.. life shouldn't happen..if life is gonna happen then the girl..you whatever..should just live with the fact that you just don't get to make money that day..if you choose to go thru with a date..and offer bad service as viewed by the PAYING CUSTOMER..then you must live with that with no excuses being tolerated..

its a service oriented business..unlike many other businesses it involves 2 people and unfortunately often times girls are allowed by some clients to believe its ok to FUCK UP..its not.. provide the best..excuse free or live with the bad review that will often follow..and rightfully so..

good luck to you.. if i was you i would ask this thread to be closed..let it fade off into internet black hole..let your bad review skip off to page 10 and hopefully start new and fresh and don't let "life" get in the way of your need to make money
gptxman's Avatar
I am sorry for your misfortunes in life but at the same time I don't feel you giving a bad session deserves a YES review. I feel if you had issues you should have taken time off to deal with them instead of putting your issues on the clients that came to see you.

I wasn't looking for perfect but was looking for a good time. I do appreciate your appoligy but I don't see how that should change the facts of what happened during our session. My NO review will be nothing other than an honest depiction of what happened that day. BTW I have not received an offer from you to make my session right since I haven't posted a review yet.

With this said I wish you luck, I am glad to see the positive review posted today of you and I hope that you can get back to giving good service.
And to all of the guys that have yet to visit with me, just to let you know I am not as bad as those guys are making out to be...
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...hlight=gfelala Originally Posted by gfelala

Sweetie. I have not been with you...but you seem very professional...stuff happens and you explained it. Hopefully as time goes on you can be with guys who understand that things happen. Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss. As for aunt flo...my experience has been that stress (and you had a lot) will bring it on. Keep on the way you do business and good things will come your way
When the lady says and I quote: (I have no one to blame but my self)

why keep throwing rocks?? Originally Posted by daddyo67

Because her version of the events that she stated in this thread did not jibe with the emails and what actually happened.

GFE Lala Classy response to your review. Very classy Im really sorry about your troubles, when stuff happens, it happens hard and swift. Next time do not work..do not entertain company until your head is right. It just works better that way. Your head is in the game, you are comfortable, he is comfortable. Its impossible doing good enjoyable sessions with life problems in your head. Take care Lisa
absorbed's Avatar
Because her version of the events that she stated in this thread did not jibe with the emails and what actually happened.

Originally Posted by cpi3000
I'm glad someone said it. An apology helps, but I have yet to see any real professionalism here. A pro wouldn't have gotten stuck in this mess in the first place.

Ladies, if it is that time of the month then conveniently forgetting is no excuse. I've kelt appts with providers that told me it was that time of the month and just kept it above the waist (for her). I have also had a provider "start" during an appt and of course wouldn't ding her for that. But wow, if a provider let's someone DATY knowing it's that time of the month (And I'm not saying that's what happened here) then I wish you the driest fiscal year ever.
Things do happens to true professionals; aunt flo, session interrupted by roomie, etc.

But not a couple of times in a row.
Denna Luv,
very interesting.no comment to you..
to everyone else i just wanted to express my sincere apologies because us providers can not review guys that mistreat us or get upset because we will not do everything that they wish. so i was not looking for for anyone to feel sorry for me and the bad reviews i do accept them.i honestly tried to be a realist about the situation but now its created a mess lol....

good night everyone and to each their own ok.
let us all cheer on the cowboys tomorrow because they are in dier need of a victory!!!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Things do happens to true professionals; aunt flo, session interrupted by roomie, etc.

But not a couple of times in a row. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Yourself and (OP) are suffering from a lack of parenting, BOTH of you go to your room right now!!!!"Mother Say's".
i just wanted to express my sincere apologies because us providers can not review guys that mistreat us or get upset because we will not do everything that they wish. Originally Posted by gfelala
incorrect..there is more than a few avenues..some on this very board that cater to just that very need.. places for providers to go and bitch and moan in private as to not show hobbyiest their true colors are bountiful on this board and other places..

just do your homework and you will find what you are looking for..

however...that fact and your actions still have nothing to do with the bad review..not having a place to bitch and moan(which you do in fact have)..has nothign to do with providing what someone deems as shitty service..

as i said..good luck..best advice would be to REQUEST THIS THREAD LOCKED..let it fade away..let the drama leave..if thats truly what you seek..however i get the feeling you abide by the "even bad publicity is good publicity"..
daddyo67's Avatar
Well Lala has shown that she has class

others have shown there class too! ( I mean lack of )