Provider Alerts

KenMonk's Avatar
But the scary part about this guy is he HAS ref's. It looks like he will see a couple of girls and be really nice and then WHAM! He is at it again.

This guy has done this over and over and over again. In fact he just got OUT of jail for doing this to providers. Ladies, make sure you BURN his image into your brain (there is pix of him every where on this board) because that may save your life. There is NO doubt in my mind, it is a matter of time before he kills someone.

He was posting in the alert thread. Go check it out. It is the one that has been banned. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

If he really does have references, and the ladies he has seen has checked those references, they need to add that info to their alerts. That means those references will no longer be good within the community. You begin to choke off his ability to see other ladies and decrease the chances of him being able to do this again.

Granted, he will continue to see ladies who screen poorly, don't know about the situation, or who aren't on the site at all, but YOU (those reading this who actually screen) will be safer.

Also, no one has seen his face? Do you look at who is on the other side of the door at all or do you just blindly open it to anyone who is knocking? If you can't see a person's face, or anything through a peep hole don't open the door. That seems like a basic safety lesson to me.

Also hotels have camera's, make a police report. I don't believe cops make a practice of busting ladies, even ones in this business, who report serious crimes such as rape and robbery. I know its scary to think of you going to the police and offering them up information about yourself, but that is what "I plead the fifth" is for.

Oh and the police generally don't offer up the names of rape victims, so you should never be outed for going to the police.
Ken good points. If a person is showed one pic and told all the info on someone then that is the person someone will say did it. ( Maybe nt all the times but our opinions of the person has been affected.) A true line up will be with several pics and you have to be sure. You dont get to hear a voice or a colored pic but a black and white one. If the guy touches something there are finger prints. If girls are opening doors for guys with doctor mask and stuff on his face something not right. If we are drinking and doing other things before a guy gets there we arent truly focused on our job and cant be 100% alert like we need to be. I am not saying this to be ugly but any man can over power a woman cause most are stronger. I hate to think about how many guys and girls are doing each other wrong in the hobby. There are alot of men that may see one girl and she is done good but another girl is done wrong. I really believe if he does one wrong there are others done wrong too. If just one of the girls done wrong would speak up and put on Provider Buzz or National Blacklist it would help others out. Eccie is nt just the only place providers post ads at and some may nt come on here so Infoshare and Powder Room will not help a girl that is traveling if she not on here. Alot of girls arent in Powder Room and Info share isnt the best place to share info cause Ive been outted and so has others by other providers. I wont post alerts there again if I do it be in coed or Provider Buzz.. I know I sound like a faucet that has a drip but once again I will say this one girl speaking up and posting to Provider Buzz or other sources will help others. It may seem like nothing to others but maybe just maybe your gut was working and you listen and the other had bills and wasnt as focused so they need to be and blew it off cause the guy was a good guy with alot of Okays. I am sorry if I sound like a know it all. I am not but we all need to besafe Ladies and Men. Helping each other out is part of it. Please know I just want us to besafe. Hugs and Kisses TP
I was attacked by this man 3 years ago and he did use 2 references. As I have stated in threads before the ladies pretty much disappeared about 2 to 3 weeks after I was attacked. His information. Has changed several times in the last 3 years. In all he has attacked over.25 or so girls and these are just the 1s who spoke up back then.
Perhaps it would be best to shore up the details on him. Ijs, let's get the facts together for everyone's best interest:

1. Is he black or hispanic, or both?

2. Do we think he's 5'7", or 5'8"? And do all recent victims or witnesses agree he's 280 lbs?? (That's formidable, btw.)

3. Tatoos or not? And if someone could say what they are, then providers could recognize him if he is, in fact, having normal visits in order to get the refs. to set up the violent visits.

4. Someone should put all these events on a calendar so that there's a timetable for his habits and cycles.

5. Can we agree on this bandana? Is it the same one? Does it change? Does he always wear it?

6. Has anyone else seen the 9mm he allegedly used that one time (black & silver was it?)?

7. Has anyone else seen the ride with these alleged big rims?

8. Can we compile phone numbers he's used? We might find some correlation.

There should be a detailed comparison between everyone's experience with him to understand his m.o., habits, time of day, etc., etc., with all women contributing to get a good picture of how he operates.

Honestly, if you all are sincere about ending this guy you should get everyone together on this, take it UTR, and put it together. Compiled details (think factual and situational databasing) could then be given to LE, and posted to private Ladies Forums for their info.

Just an example, let's say LE has a suspect. And let's say the real guy has done time for this criminal activity. If the timeline shows that these crimes stopped while LE's suspect was in jail, that could be used to help drive LE's investigation of him. This is a small example of how compiling all victim's information could aid in his prosecution.

I don't have time to do it, but if y'all are sincere about getting rid of this guy, then somebody needs to do the work, for everyone's safety.

Again, take it UTR, too. We want to screen out possible copycats. We do not want to be giving him post-to-post updates on our progress, and we don't want him reading here what all the ladies are being informed of.

Do the work my lovelies!! And get rid of this shitbag!
There is also the part where Providers tend to get questioned on their alerts, which seems like prevents some ladies not to post them, to avoid the drama and hassle. Which is pretty sad, if they were a victim, because its now not only effected them, but also will effect someone else.

I know, sometimes some might have an agenda as we have seen before, but, seems like tact needs to be involved when questioning a validity of an alert. Don't be a jerk/asshole about it. Originally Posted by Incognito44
What about providers posting "first time alert","nightmares" when in actuality it's just a nuisance and probably should be in the ladies version of the ML. Let's not forget "bogus" alerts too. All of these examples muddies alerts and makes the hobby community skeptical. For the ladies and gents who have truly experienced "true alerts and nightmares" in hobby, I encourage to post and let others know. It's not to have fun at your expense but to warn others and who knows possibly capture the culprits
Thatdude you deserve a hug for your great post. Hugs,kisses and more!!!!!!!!!!