opppsss, cheating democraps just got bitch slapped by PA. Supreme Court

txdot-guy's Avatar
... So, you sayin' that a proper signature and date
on the envelope is somehow a sad attempt to disenfranchise
people from voting??

... Crikey! ... And yet, Polls show that people
actually WANT Voter ID. ... To help PREVENT voter fraud.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Ever wrote a check with the wrong date on it? I bet it got cashed anyway. As long as the ballot arrives on time with a valid signature then a missing or incorrect date is immaterial. Disallowing that persons vote because of a minor error is disenfranchisement. It is throwing out a legitimate vote.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
It is throwing out a legitimate vote. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Define legitimate voter. There is a different meaning for the word in each state. Plus there are still millions of Trump voters that haven't moved on from the 2020 election as they felt, like Trump, there was some underground stuff going on that skewed the election results. As I had posted in a prior thread, I remember Trump being up around 800,000 votes in PA and doing good in GA, then all of a sudden, the vote count just up and stopped. I seem to remember something about some sort of water leak in GA, but these memories are just generalizations from 4 years ago.

From our friends at wiki, "A December 2020 poll showed 77% of Republicans believed widespread fraud occurred during the election, along with 35% of independent voters.[448] Overall, 60% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate, 34% did not, and 6% were unsure. Another poll taken in late December showed a similar result, with 62% of Americans polled believing Biden was the legitimate winner of the election, while 37% did not.[449] This split in popular opinion remained largely stable, with a January 10, 2021, poll commissioned by ABC News showing 68% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate and 32% did not.[450] These numbers remained largely stagnant, with a June 2021 poll from Monmouth showing 61% believed Biden won fair and square, 32% believed he won due to fraud, and 7% were unsure.[451] More than a year later, public opinion on the matter still remained stagnant, with a poll commissioned by ABC News finding that 65% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate, 33% believed it was not legitimate, and 2% were unsure."
HDGristle's Avatar
John, one of the problems with "he was 800,000 up" is that it plays into the asinine way the media tries to sensationalized elections into an event.

They try to make it an actual race with all the theatrics. Then on election day it's like they're watching a fight and trying to score it in real time. If you think "he was up 800,000" them the reality is you ate the hook and the line.

The counting continued. It actually does continue on after election day. But we're impatient and want to focus on the unofficial results and everyone wants to call it early.

We treat "projected winner" with far too much reverence when any outlet "calls" the election for a candidate. And we hear numbers that don't matter. If we didn't focus on real time updates and treat election results like a prize fight with ebb and flow and empty suits trying to amp it into a spectacle when all that's happening is that a bunch of people are trying to count all the ballots, including legal votes that weren't in person.

You believe he was up because you were pegged with a data point you liked. That makes it easier to accept that something nefarious occurred when all that happened was that they counted the rest of the votes.
  • cc314
  • 09-16-2024, 06:36 AM
Cyber Ninjas and others didn't find proof of voter fraud. I remember the Cyber Ninjas found more votes for Biden, TFF.

Belief in widespread voter fraud is not proof of widespread voter fraud. When asked for proof, we get, "We have theories..."
HDGristle's Avatar
We have a concept of a plan
Define legitimate voter. There is a different meaning for the word in each state. Plus there are still millions of Trump voters that haven't moved on from the 2020 election as they felt, like Trump, there was some underground stuff going on that skewed the election results. As I had posted in a prior thread, I remember Trump being up around 800,000 votes in PA and doing good in GA, then all of a sudden, the vote count just up and stopped. I seem to remember something about some sort of water leak in GA, but these memories are just generalizations from 4 years ago.

From our friends at wiki, "A December 2020 poll showed 77% of Republicans believed widespread fraud occurred during the election, along with 35% of independent voters.[448] Overall, 60% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate, 34% did not, and 6% were unsure. Another poll taken in late December showed a similar result, with 62% of Americans polled believing Biden was the legitimate winner of the election, while 37% did not.[449] This split in popular opinion remained largely stable, with a January 10, 2021, poll commissioned by ABC News showing 68% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate and 32% did not.[450] These numbers remained largely stagnant, with a June 2021 poll from Monmouth showing 61% believed Biden won fair and square, 32% believed he won due to fraud, and 7% were unsure.[451] More than a year later, public opinion on the matter still remained stagnant, with a poll commissioned by ABC News finding that 65% of Americans believed Biden's win was legitimate, 33% believed it was not legitimate, and 2% were unsure." Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
So by your logic because Trumpys and republicans are stupid as the hell and believe a false narrative put out by someone that was ashamed to admit he got his ass kicked by 7 million votes and 74 electoral votes, that makes their belief somehow true and valid. That's illogical and nonsensical.

Because a bunch of dummies have no idea how the system works doesn't mean the system doesn't work or is unfair. Maybe those dummies (Trumpys and Republicans) should educate themselves rather than wallowing in their ignorance.

Maybe then we'll have much better civic participation and results.
  • r66
  • 09-16-2024, 02:49 PM
So by your logic because Trumpys and republicans are stupid as the hell and believe a false narrative put out by someone that was ashamed to admit he got his ass kicked by 7 million votes and 74 electoral votes, that makes their belief somehow true and valid. That's illogical and nonsensical.

Because a bunch of dummies have no idea how the system works doesn't mean the system doesn't work or is unfair. Maybe those dummies (Trumpys and Republicans) should educate themselves rather than wallowing in their ignorance.

Maybe then we'll have much better civic participation and results. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Really, it's the Democrats who are the dummies and don't know how the system works. Camel-toe got what, 0 votes, to be the nominee for president in the democratic primaries. And then the powers to be supporting Biden threw him under the bus when he showed his true babbling idiot self and was handed his ass by Trump and forced him to withdraw to be replaced by her (likely an Obama puppet)...
election night. took them nearly a week to gin up enough "votes" to sway the vote.

blame Florida for those "hanging chads" not Bushy Jr or the RNC. or his bro JEBBO the Hut.

why is it that the Democrats are so opposed to a simple thing like showing ID to vote? you and me do that in Texas .. why is that such an issue? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You have to show ID to register, anything beyond that is considered a poll tax and is unconstitutional.
Really, it's the Democrats who are the dummies and don't know how the system works. Camel-toe got what, 0 votes, to be the nominee for president in the democratic primaries. And then the powers to be supporting Biden threw him under the bus when he showed his true babbling idiot self and was handed his ass by Trump and forced him to withdraw to be replaced by her (likely an Obama puppet)... Originally Posted by r66
So who is the dummy? Delegates select the nominee not votes.

Trumptards are just mad that all their stupid anti Biden bitch points were all washed away. Harris is tearing up their rapist, fraudster and convicted felon.
Really, it's the Democrats who are the dummies and don't know how the system works. Camel-toe got what, 0 votes, to be the nominee for president in the democratic primaries. And then the powers to be supporting Biden threw him under the bus when he showed his true babbling idiot self and was handed his ass by Trump and forced him to withdraw to be replaced by her (likely an Obama puppet)... Originally Posted by r66
Parties choose nominees. That’s an internal process to the parties. There’s no constitutional requirement for a party to concern itself Harris’s number of votes. See, if you educate yourself you’d know that doesn’t matter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Really, it's the Democrats who are the dummies and don't know how the system works. Camel-toe got what, 0 votes, to be the nominee for president in the democratic primaries. And then the powers to be supporting Biden threw him under the bus when he showed his true babbling idiot self and was handed his ass by Trump and forced him to withdraw to be replaced by her (likely an Obama puppet)... Originally Posted by r66
Trolls gonna troll.

Harris was absolutely nominated according to the rules set forth by the Democratic Party.

She is currently grinding Trump (and don't get us started on Vance) into little dipshit dumplings. And you don't like it.

However, your (tired) grievance has nothing to do with the MAGA's effort to suppress voting in another battleground state.

Next time choose wiser...you can be sure the will of the people will not be held down by this evil.
Trolls gonna troll.

Harris was absolutely nominated according to the rules set forth by the Democratic Party.

She is currently grinding Trump (and don't get us started on Vance) into little dipshit dumplings. And you don't like it.

However, your (tired) grievance has nothing to do with the MAGA's effort to suppress voting in another battleground state.

Next time choose wiser...you can be sure the will of the people will not be held down by this evil. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... So, requiring a proper signature and date is
somehow "EVIL"??

... Crikey! Why not allow people in Canada and Mexico
to vote in U.S. Elections also?? ... No rules at all?

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
... So, requiring a proper signature and date is
somehow "EVIL"??

... Crikey! Why not allow people in Canada and Mexico
to vote in U.S. Elections also?? ... No rules at all?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No, but I do think it’s undemocratic. No one is saying that there should be no rules. We just choose to disagree on what those rules are.

The problem with this thread is the opening statement.

“cheating democraps just got bitch slapped”

No one is cheating. In fact we’re all following the law. I take offense when someone says cheating is involved and my party is likened to excrement.

As Yssup Rider said “Trolls gonna troll.”
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You have to show ID to register, anything beyond that is considered a poll tax and is unconstitutional. Originally Posted by royamcr

nothing else is needed, is it?

black people find it offensive that Lilly white liberals think they aren't able to get an id, which EVERYONE needs to exist in this country.

and btw you need to show id to ... vote too. is that a poll tax?

the date issue in PA was bad enough, what was worse is no signature verification. it meant literally anyone could send in a ballot that couldn't be verified as valid. but it was counted anyway.

and people wonder why other people are questioning voter integrity?