Dove season

TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd argue the two topics are inextricably linked. Suppose the first guy asks in a public forum, what's the best location to dispose of a murder victim's body. That certainly raises the question of the morality of murder.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Put the cool aide down and step back, Where and how do you think you get meat / chicken from stores Magic ?
I will not get into a long discussion on conservation , and Murder and eating birds Just damn
I love dove. If you harvest any extras and want to make sure they are ethically consumed, I am you guy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I eat meat and have no moral problem with ethical hunting. I just think one topic imimplicates the other.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I called around places I've hunted before, the concensus is the mournuing dove are for the most part still in Kansas and Nebraska.
Not too long ago a white wing anywhere north of San Antonio would make the newspaper, now they're hitting my bird feeder and defiling my windshields in Fort Worth.
Eurasians (collared) dove look just like a young pigeon when plucked. Bigger, and they squawk instead of coo.

For now, go towards Brownwood. This storm system comes through this week and holds together going northward, we may get some birds west of here.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-04-2018, 11:57 AM
Doves won't go to waste, I'm sure the hungry animals will appreciated the chow
The topic is the location of dove leases. Period. Plain and simple. It wasn’t an opening for someone to pontificate on their version of morality Originally Posted by txexetoo
I completely agree. Does every single post have to be a fucking rant?

Are we talking about hiding bodies because of murder (illegal) or did the OP ask about legitime places to hunt dove?
If you find a spot PM me.. I’ve had no luck with public land.. an Vegans need not post lol, if it lives an breathes with 4 legs or wing ima shoot n eat that Mfr
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly and apparently YES every opportunity to RANT is now socially okay really isn't but , just look at the past two funerals ( MCCain,Franklyn ) .............................. ............................
Callie Jones's Avatar
Try this site. I’ve had plenty of good luck here with short term leases. I also know some other places to check. Hope this helps and good luck! Dove hunting is fantastic! I sure miss quail hunting however. But the birds seem to be returning.
Callie Jones's Avatar
Also more info:
Whenever I’m looking for a lease, I check the county seat website. Each county almost always has lease listings and availability. It just depends on your location, how far you are willing to travel, and of course your price range. Tons of online tools to help you. Again, good luck!!
CG2014's Avatar
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Meat is murder. Tasty. tasty murder.
  • harry
  • 09-05-2018, 07:14 PM
In Texas it is illegal to waste a harvested game animal or bird. So if the game warden catches you leaving the dove you shot laying in the field, he will bust you for it.

But why would you do that? Dove are very tasty as is venison.
Callie Jones's Avatar
In Texas it is illegal to waste a harvested game animal or bird. So if the game warden catches you leaving the dove you shot laying in the field, he will bust you for it.

But why would you do that? Dove are very tasty as is venison. Originally Posted by harry
I 100% agree! I never kill anything I don’t eat. Dove is wonderful to eat! Ever go down to Argentina? Dove are killed by the 1000’s by hunters and just left there to lay and rot. It’s a sport. It’s a sport here as well, but responsible hunters harvest what they shoot and feed their families. There are a lot of dove leases around. I hope the OP finds one.👍