Enough is Enough

Wakeup's Avatar
CivilBarrister's Avatar
This is just stupid and drama filled. If that is what you want, you are the gasoline.

A couple of things.

YOU do not own the board or make the rules. The guys who do don't give a shit about the things you posed.

You can't teach an elephant not to be an elephant.

If you don't like you read, don't read it.

AND, your handle has been here for 2 years and you wrote 1 review. YOU don't contribute to the database, so I don't give a shit about your opinion.
boardman's Avatar
Blowpop? Is that you?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pussy cat.
I agree with Adabear 100%.... Very well stated...
Wakeup's Avatar
You would...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Nice try OP but the majority of the assholes around here crave attention. The only way to defeat that is to completely ignore them......and that will never happen.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Nice try OP but the majority of the assholes around here crave attention. The only way to defeat that is to completely ignore them......and that will never happen. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I understand.... Oilfieldscum +1
Wakeup's Avatar
How's it working out for you OP?
Adabear's Avatar
Thank you for your comments. I have answered the best I can below. I am sorry I will not be able to count on you as someone who would like to see a nicer tone.

This is just stupid and drama filled. If that is what you want, you are the gasoline. - I do not want drama. I simply want people to be civil with each other. If you think that asking people to be nice to each other is drama, then we will probably not see eye to eye on many issues.

A couple of things.

YOU do not own the board or make the rules. The guys who do don't give a shit about the things you posed. - Never claimed to own the board. I did not say they cared about my opinion either. As long as the sight is used, has good traffic and no laws are broken, I do not think they have a problem with a change in tone. I could be wrong. If they tell me to not attempt to make this a little nicer, then I will stop. However, other cities on this site are not as nasty towards each other and they seem to run fine.

You can't teach an elephant not to be an elephant. - Maybe not but, I do not have to accept the elephant shitting in my house. I can keep the elephant out back instead.

If you don't like you read, don't read it. - OR change it. I would venture a guess that many people would be much happier on the site if they did not have to be worried about being flamed after each post.

AND, your handle has been here for 2 years and you wrote 1 review. YOU don't contribute to the database, so I don't give a shit about your opinion. To be fair, you can contribute to the community outside of just doing reviews. It would seem that is the only way you feel that one can contribute. You are entitled to that opinion. You do not have to give a shit. In truth, while you my have took your shots at me, you did so in a respectful way. You listed why you do not agree without the senseless name calling. You seem happy with the status quo. That is fine. I am not. If I am in the minority, no changes will be made. If I am in the majority, maybe things will change. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Hope you have a wonderful day as well.

WU - Yes, I am fat. If I were sensitive, your words could have hurt. You should really think about that in the future before posting comments. There is no need to blow someone's candle out just to make yours look brighter.

To the supporters - Thank you. If you want to help, feel free to let someone know when they are crossing the line. If not, that is ok. Just having you post on the thread helps show that there are many of us who would like to see a change. After two years of ignoring, I think it is time for a change.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What I'm saying is that just because you feel it's wrong doesn't mean one should change their ways. Just as you aren't going to leave this lifestyle due to others calling you out for doing so. You are wasting your time just as they are wasting theirs.

BTW this has been tried before....

Also nice signature, I'm sure the chicks that others call a "2" find it funny being called that as well
Wakeup's Avatar
Wait...I said the word "fat" and you weren't offended? How dare you NOT get offended! Wasn't the whole premise of your post, that me saying those words offended people?

Count me out too ! Peace love and communinal shit is fucking boring ! If it wasn't you'd have flowers in your hair . Grow some thicker skin . I was raised sticks and stones can break your bones , but words can never hurt me . If you don't like it turn your fucking computer off !
Adabear's Avatar
EA - What you say is true and I may be wasting my time. I have have ignored it this long, I could continue to do so. However, I feel like I need to try to make a difference. Even if all this does is get a couple of people to be nicer or has a couple more people speak up, then it is worth it.
LittleSpike's Avatar
A little respect goes a long way, and by that I mean respect for a fellow human being. I have lived long enough to know that I can only control my behavior, and it pays to ignore the assholes.