What is Most Important In A Good Sex Life?

Mister Tudball's Avatar
A willing woman.
Who the Hell knows! It's like pornography; you may not be able to define it but you know it when you see it! Big boobs for that guy, small ones for the other. Six-pack abs for her, big cockhead for that one. No standards apply. I've seen some hotties walking around on the arms of some real trolls and can't figure out what makes a hairy, knuckle-draggin moop like that attractive to her. Must be something but who the Hell knows!
berkleigh's Avatar
good strong connection = awesome sex
TexTushHog's Avatar
What's the key to a good sex life?

What's that old Woody Allen joke: "Sex is a lot like bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand."
Bushaholic's Avatar
There's 2 ways I would answer this depending if we're talking about what's "important" to me short term or long term.

Short term - a partner that's consistently willing to do the sort of things I like, and her not just doing them sometimes, or when I have to ask.

Long term - I've got to constantly be experiencing sex with a new partner.

More than once I've had the perfect combo: great communication, great chemistry, great sex, got along great, all wrapped-up in a woman with the perfect face/body.

What I've yet to find, is a woman that can keep me from thinking about wanting something new.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Having 3 one hour sessions a week with a good provider. Yummmmmmmm!