Do Not Use This Site Starting Out Stealing Ladies Pics and Info

I advertise on netchixx and my phone has been ringing since I joined I did get a complimentary welcome email and phone call from a Rep giving me my username and password again since I joined on the 30 day free trial a while ago that they was offering.Letting me know about some new features that has been added since I joined. So before you try throwing them under the bus you should have given them a try... At the end of the day girl it's all about getting that money and if something is working then let it work... I get tons of calls from different sites wanting me to sign up daily and I do forget some of them but not the ones that got my phone ringing....
You have to watch out with some sites that you advertise with. They bury something in the agreement that once you upload a picture it is their property....ohh I hate that.
That's true, I've gotten responses from a couple sites that I'd never heard of. I was pissed! When I went to those sites to see my pics and bio I realized they were lifted specifically from Eros from over a year ago. There must be some hidden shenanigans going on. It's as if once you present your material in a sort of internet 'public domain', it's no longer yours. I suddenly had the sickening feeling that this would be a past that would forever shadow me.
Shit. Those netchixx fools just called me this morning as well. I asked when I set up a profile and she gave me the date of January 21st. I knew then it was an absolute lie but still looked up the site out of curiousity. To my horror, there was my information and my pics. I have sent them an e-mail asking for my info to be pulled down...see what happens.
I just got a call from netchixx yesterday also. I just ask them to remove my number from their database and my profile from their site when I get calls like this.
I actually received a few calls from this company about 6 months ago and they asked if I wanted free advertizing for 30days on a new site. And thed use my pics from other ads I had up. I didn't even have to do anything, I told them yes and they copied my pics, and bio to their site and my phone has been ringing with some good $ calls, so no harm done here! They sent my username and pw to my e-mail. The site looks real nice and you can chat with the guys b4 u meet them through the site too, and post losts of picsI like it. And I advertized for free for months now.
Great to know!
Thanks for the info girl!
Yes u should check it out maybe the other girls are just being haters cause they're photo shoots are from they're cell phone cameras and they're phone ainyt ringing I wonder why!?!? Ha ha I support !!!
Guest060513's Avatar
I advertise on netchixx and my phone has been ringing since I joined I did get a complimentary welcome email and phone call from a Rep giving me my username and password again since I joined on the 30 day free trial a while ago that they was offering.Letting me know about some new features that has been added since I joined. So before you try throwing them under the bus you should have given them a try... At the end of the day girl it's all about getting that money and if something is working then let it work... I get tons of calls from different sites wanting me to sign up daily and I do forget some of them but not the ones that got my phone ringing.... Originally Posted by SexyVixen38
Gee, between the join date, post count, & cheesy endorsement, does anyone else smell what I smell?

I for one am getting REALLY sick of these places acting like they are doing me a favor by blasting me on sites I did NOT choose to be promoted on! I don't want or even NEED to be ANYWHERE but ECCIE & P411 & may even just stick with the latter if the unqualified creeps & ignoramuses lurking here keep turning me off any more...
I never put myself on CityVibe, and there's a couple others that have done it to I can't think of their names offhand.
But if I did NOT give them permission to use my photos & I solely OWN them, what can I do to make them stop stealing my images & info & putting it where I don't want it?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you have any presence at all on TER, better check for your new CityVibe ad that you never knew you placed. They are infamous for this and have been doing it for years.
Jannisary's Avatar
CityVibe will create a profile for you when they make the unauthorized ad. If they have your email the profile will be connected to it and you can go onto CityVibe and request the profile password. They will send it to your email and then you can go into your profile and delete the ad.
This site did the exact same thing to me. I found out cuz some chic from 704 area code called to give me my password. WTF?!! She said she spike to on such n such date and I authorized. I know who I talk too and what sites I join! Here's what I found out, a lot of these smaller sites outsource so called "Accnt reps" (just triffling hoes sitting at home on their ass) to get new members w profiles. These chics just copy ads from everywhere and post them. I have Num to chic that does it for Netchixx. Let me know if I can post her name and Num here. I asked her how does it feel to sit and ur ass and steal kafirs profiles? From what I understand she runs the outsourced co. for netchixx. They get like so many dollars per stolen profile.
Sorry for the mispellings, on my iPhone
hookem69horns's Avatar
Two things ...

I am with AF ... only two Providers vouch for this website; one joined and posted her loving the website the same day, and the other has minimal activity here and just joined two weeks ago.

And lastly, and call me paranoid, but anybody that gives you a username and a password will easily be able to gain access to your computer, and everything on the harddrive.
  • Sami
  • 07-09-2011, 10:44 PM
They are lifting pictures from girl directory. I signed up with them in beginning before I knew what I know now about these sites. I went to girl directory and was doing some checking they are promoting nexchix sharing the info and pictures if you look in fine print it says they can and will share.

Now they say we are getting all these hits to there site they basically are setting up a bunch of sites pinging or whatever they do to get there count up. I have not got a dam thing but bullshit from girl directory.

Signed up with TER was going to Vegas and got email from cityvibe they was kind enough to post a free ad for me. Well nothing come from it.Its has taught me to read better before I sign up.

You lady's can say what you want, you got business from them and that's fine. But I will not do business with anyone from anywhere my info has been snatched and posted without me doing it. I refuse to work with thieves. If a guy calls and says he found me from a place I don't post or advertise sorry I won't be booking.

I advertise p411, post here on eccie, post my selective ads on bp.Ter been a member rarely post