Broken-Hearted To Leave New Orleans...

dezperado's Avatar
OHD: will miss your humor and your informative luck to you!
weebbadd's Avatar
Good luck and if you need me to ship you some crawfish sometime I'd be happy to!
I owe you for all the great reviews and posts your input was always helpful
Take care OHD! Hope you enjoy your new digs.
SknyDiva's Avatar
I still say bony ass or not I could have rocked your world. May the hobby Gods always be in your favor! Bring OHD Big Booty ladies!! Hugs and kisses!!
MrCthulhu's Avatar
Take care OHD. You were one of the few to recognize my namesake. Good luck in your endeavors
Louisiana/Mississippi has the hottest girls anywhere it amazes me what we have here.....Dallas isn't bad and I have a hunch Austin is pretty good too...but nothing beats this area for hot girls just when you think there are none new ones come on board.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! I appreciate it very much.

I miss you already

Until we meet again .... Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Awww! Thanks ~P! I had such a good time meeting you! I really do hope I'll see you again soon.

So .....any prospects in Va you thinking about seeing first? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Not really--everything here seems to be BP. We'll see...

Good luck and if you need me to ship you some crawfish sometime I'd be happy to!
I owe you for all the great reviews and posts your input was always helpful Originally Posted by weebbadd
Dammit--I MEANT to stop @ Dorignac's on my way out of town & get some red beans & some chick-peas & put some pickled meat w/a little dry ice in the cooler for the trip up. You know they don't have Camelia-brand up here? That's just wrong... how you supposed to buy dried beans if no one can carry the RIGHT BRAND? How am I supposed to make red beans w/o pickled meat?

Take care OHD. You were one of the few to recognize my namesake. Good luck in your endeavors Originally Posted by MrCthulhu
Well, I enjoyed reading your reviews Old One. I think we have some overlap in the types of girls we like, so the reviews were helpful.
wildwing's Avatar
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! I appreciate it very much.

Awww! Thanks ~P! I had such a good time meeting you! I really do hope I'll see you again soon.

Not really--everything here seems to be BP. We'll see...

Dammit--I MEANT to stop @ Dorignac's on my way out of town & get some red beans & some chick-peas & put some pickled meat w/a little dry ice in the cooler for the trip up. You know they don't have Camelia-brand up here? That's just wrong... how you supposed to buy dried beans if no one can carry the RIGHT BRAND? How am I supposed to make red beans w/o pickled meat?

Well, I enjoyed reading your reviews Old One. I think we have some overlap in the types of girls we like, so the reviews were helpful. Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
Its kinda hard to hear of the regulars leaving first GB and now you. the best part is you leave a legacy for many others to learn from.

BTW you gotta have some momma hear who can send you a care package now and then.
BootyfulGia's Avatar
You will be missed here, I hope you find some Big Booty's to bang up there. Best wishes & take care.
Best wishes OHD. Your post were invaluable.
Gonna miss you around here OHD.. take care friend
Elegance.Reign's Avatar
Awww sad to hear another leaving the city but VA is nice to and im sure you will find it interesting in its own way. Nola will miss ya be safe......
annie@christophers's Avatar
Shit. Well I didn't even realize you were in nola. Poof gone? Well..alright alright ALRIGHT. I SHALL MISS OUR TALKS.. l gotta sneaking suspicion we ain't heard the last oughta ya boo... if so . Regards. Stay me.. xxoo annie
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Thanks again everyone. I really hope I'll be back to visit a fair amt. It's also POSSIBLE that I'll be able to return in a couple of years for good, in terms of job. Don't know how likely, but it's possible.

I'm sorry I never got to meet some of the women here--Elegance Reign & Gia both are among that number & thank you for the good wishes along w/Annie.

So VA isn't bad so far. I'm from close by originally although not this part: I'm in Tidewater (which is the generic term for the Eastern part of VA). It's kind of generic. In other words, no one comes here voluntarily--everyone is sent here to work, and of course a huge military presence--that has advantages & disadvantages of its own. But even though it's not AWESOME so you wouldn't come here if someone said, "Hey--where would YOU like to live on the East Coast?" it's also not BAD. It's... perfectly average & adequate. B/c so many people here are transients, whether working for the military or private employers either one--it tends to be generic & cater to the lowest-common-denominator of shared-American culture although you've also got large areas of town w/people from here. You get what you need, in other words, but it might not be what you would choose somewhere else: want to eat out? Great--there are perfectly-nice mid-priced national chains everywhere here. It ain't New Orleans, or even Charleston or Austin or Santa Fe, but you can enjoy dinner out.

It doesn't have NOLA's extremes--that's also both good & bad. Overall for me it's worse, b/c I got an awful lot of the good-NOLA & was able to really minimize the bad-NOLA. Still: I live in a perfectly-nice neighborhood in a perfectly-average-adequate city where the street parking is, incredibly, even MORE rapacious than NOLA's (Umm, is the city council under the impression that people WANT to visit its minuscule downtown & do... nothing except walk around looking @ 'for-lease' signs), and these fascists will WRITE YOU A TICKET if your TRASH CAN IS ON THE CURB TOO LONG! Yes, really: I nearly hocked up a lung laughing when my upstairs neighbor explained that to me. No one in New Orleans would be stupid enough to try to enforce that even if they passed it would they? We're all just grateful someone we have (somewhat intermittent) collection of trash.

I did notice I got spoiled even in 2 weeks up here when I came back to move out--walked out of my mid-city place on Sunday morning two weeks ago & WHAP! got hit in the face w/NOLA-in-July, and that's saying something--Eastern VA summers are no joke either, cities here (well everywhere in the South) are built on swamps, summer is long & hot & sticky, etc. But the degree of misery (I'd guess about 10 degrees & maybe 4-5% more humidity @ 7:30 am) after only two weeks away was surprising. After 20 mins. or so I got used to it again & just moped around mid-City thinking "Damn--love these houses" or "Damn--loved that place to go" or "Damn--gonna miss THIS part especially" or "Damn--it really IS a nice walk down Metairie Rd. on a Sunday morning". It was a nice way to spend a morning saying a silent 'good-bye' to a place where I was happy to be.