If you found out your ATF had a pimp, would you still see her?

Naomi4u's Avatar
Waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiit a minute. So are some of you saying that Pimp and SO mean the same thing? That is what it sounds like. I don't understand why a guy wouldn't want to see a girl with an SO. Isn't that like saying "I don't want to see provider that really isn't into me?" You're paying for a fantasy anyway - what does it matter but I guess hey whatever floats your boat .
shorty's Avatar
There are only 1 or 2 ladies for which I could find that kind of exception. Shayla isn't one. Admittedly, she has the hotness factor, but there are other things that I take into consideration. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

OMG! You would turn down Shayla! I bet she doesn't get turned down very often or even at all. Needless to say, if Shayla did want that 3some, I would be glad to take your place free of charge.
DallasRain's Avatar
Most everyone here knows I have an SO{for 30 years}.............he actually does mfm sessions with me....he helps host if I have a gb....he comes to the nola m& g's.....etc

{we are in the lifestyle and have an "open minded relationship"}....and I do this cause I want to do this!!!!

{My repeat clients know about him and it does not alter their opinion of me................if a clients has a problem with it,then just pass me by and see some other provider}
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiit a minute. So are some of you saying that Pimp and SO mean the same thing? That is what it sounds like. I don't understand why a guy wouldn't want to see a girl with an SO. Isn't that like saying "I don't want to see provider that really isn't into me?" You're paying for a fantasy anyway - what does it matter but I guess hey whatever floats your boat . Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
It's a man thing. A brotherhood. SO's are sacred to most guys and wouldn't want any part of screwing another man's sacred SO. it was a big turn off for me.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I definately would NOT. The reason is I would not want to support that lifestyle. I am iffy on the BF/SO scenario as well so I would have to really evaluate that before seeing her again if I found out. The reason is because the guy could still be a pimp with the title of her BF/SO. AND I would be thinking to myself: "Damn if you were my GF/SO I'd do whatever I had to just to make sure you didn't have to do this." That does not mean I would be cold hearted about it because I do care for the women I get so spend time with and their well being That may sound close minded or judgemental but, it is what it is. I try to stay as civie minded as I can and try to practice chivalry,thoughtfulness,courte sy along with respect. If she is just all business anyway we have nothing to discuss because I probably would not have met her in the first place hopefully, and if the day comes that I can just accept how some things are then I'll walk away from all of it completely with an explanation to those that mattered to me. It has nothing to do with not respecting or not likeing her. But I think of it like this...

Why hide it? Why lie about it, if it isn't that big of a deal to some? Because surely she would still get people to come see her, no? I imagine there would be guys who would not care right?...so why hide it in the first place? Is it the stigma, or something else?.. As for me it's also about the deception. But you can only keep a lie up for so long. I would have a TON of respect for her to just tell me the truth. That could go a long way, but...
B.Wayne's Avatar
Also TonyTiger, I feel the same way. I don't mean to sound judgmental to anyone but that's just my opinion. It may sound strange to some but,... it's a funny world we live in..
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I may be the board cynic, but I believe a lot of the guys are naive. There are more pimps out there than you will ever know.
I may be the board cynic, but I believe a lot of the guys are naive. There are more pimps out there than you will ever know. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Agreed. They're also known as SOs, husbands & pimps. Ladies always have a guy(s) in the picture. It's stupid not to think so.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
PIMP no. bf or so. That's her problem.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
So ... I guess most of you are saying that if she has a s.o. or a pimp, she should hide it from you. And guess what? That is what most will do.

I don't care about a s.o. That issue is between him and her. I have nothing against open marriages, swinging, or married providers. As for a pimp, I admit to a visceral negative feeling, but I wonder if that emotional reaction can be justified intellectually. I doubt "pimps" for p411 or eccie providers are like the pimps depicted in the movies. But then again, I really don't know, because no provider ever talks about them.

Intellectually, why do I care if a lady had a pimp, as long as the pimp is invisible? My main non-visceral concern is that a third party might know my information or know about me, and that would be yet another person who could potentially cause me trouble in some way, e.g. extortion. That concern is not to be taken lightly. Otherwise, intellectually, why do I care how a lady does business. If she chooses to have a pimp (and is not forced to have a pimp) then why should I care?

Some complain that pimps live off women. True. But partners in law firms live off junior lawyers and backroom help. Consulting companies live off their backroom workers as well. In fact, companies in general live off their workers. What is the problem with the manager/worker model applied to the escort business? (Note that I am assuming it is voluntary. Also, the manager/pimp may be a woman, as someone posted above. So....why do I care?)

I am independent and don't have an SO. I couldn't do this if I did-too weird for me. hat's just me and credit to the ones who do-I have seen some great open relationships. As for pimps...ehh no chance.
I help other women out all the time, not for money, but anyone who knows me knows that I try to help out new providers with advice, or whatever they need. It doesn't need to be that catty out there. I hate that it is at times, but I'm not going to go that route. There is someone for everyone, no need for jealousy.
gimme_that's Avatar
I definately would NOT. The reason is I would not want to support that lifestyle. I am iffy on the BF/SO scenario as well so I would have to really evaluate that before seeing her again if I found out........I would be thinking to myself: "Damn if you were my GF/SO I'd do whatever I had to just to make sure you didn't have to do this.".......I try to stay as civie minded as I can and try to practice chivalry,thoughtfulness,courte sy along with respect. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
I think in a since I totally read and understand where you are coming from. From both the pimp and bf/so perspective. But as a client.........in a way.....the illusion of the type of GFE experience she offers is tainted in a sense in your eyes.

So in some respect you and the pimp are the same. You want false mental temporary ownership of her (the provider) in real life so that you can feel better about the exchange.........or not have double negativity with your own infedelity in your own personal life.

Me personally a boyfriend or significant other isn't an issue for me, a pimp would be for many reason. I think when we try to mentally regulate ladies like that into lieing and saying they don't have s.o.'s they can't really relax and be themselves which guys sometimes try to implement (dinner dates, pillowtalk, dirty talk with your name maybe, etc).....which feeds more into the act........and moreso business. Doesn't seem fair for those ladies, but I understand your paying for the illusion.

To me really it makes no difference. When I'm booking a multi hour yes I do opt for the physical benefits......but I also look for small pieces of her likes and realism if I consider her an ATF. If she told me she was happily married or in a good relationship it wouldn't matter too much to me. I treat ladies with respect in the hobby but these are not the civie worlld to me.......this is fantasy.

Why hide it? Why lie about it, if it isn't that big of a deal to some? Originally Posted by B.Wayne
I think some providers hide it because its personal just like our lovelife is......but I think also if ladies posted their relationship and marital status in their "about me" page more guys will be turned off than the ones like me who don't even care remotely.
To me, the Hobby is about having fun. I do not concern myself with my ATF's persoanal life. In fact, it is none of my business, just as my personal life is none of Hers.

What I do care about is Her giving me her 100 percent when we are together. That is what I pay for.
DallasRain's Avatar
To me, the Hobby is about having fun. I do not concern myself with my ATF's persoanal life. In fact, it is none of my business, just as my personal life is none of Hers.

What I do care about is Her giving me her 100 percent when we are together. That is what I pay for. Originally Posted by Jackie S

well said!!
shorty's Avatar
Most everyone here knows I have an SO{for 30 years}.............he actually does mfm sessions with me....he helps host if I have a gb....he comes to the nola m& g's.....etc

{we are in the lifestyle and have an "open minded relationship"}....and I do this cause I want to do this!!!!

{My repeat clients know about him and it does not alter their opinion of me................if a clients has a problem with it,then just pass me by and see some other provider} Originally Posted by DallasRain

I do applaud you and your SO for making this lifestyle work for you two. It says something about your long lasting relationship and knowing what boundaries you two have with each other.