Is Weight and Size and issue with the Ladies?

I dont care what color or size you are. No Need For ANYONE to be unhappy and not be able to play... I can make it work! lol.... Make it do what it do baby!
I actually like my gentlemen with some meat on their bones But really, I don't think weight matters at all.
I actually like my gentlemen with some meat on their bones But really, I don't think weight matters at all. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Raises hand...... I resemble that remark and hopes to visit Lily very soon
I love this thread!!!

I too resemble that remark. Nothing wrong with a little extra weight. Don't think my weight will interfer with anything. Have been taking a few pounds off though.
You know I really like threads like this. Even though there are some ladies who have concerns in this area. There are quite a few of us who genuinely love spending time with clean respectful gentlemen. I believe in a fair exchange, not my judgement of whom you should be physically. You get that enough at home and in real life. This is your fantasy, you should leave feeling relaxed, with less stress and hopefully wishing to see me again. So, please don't feel you need to change physically for us, stay gentlemanly, with good hygiene and prompt in your appreciation...let me do the rest.

And yes, I do agree with Mr. Chan above...the OP sounds like one hunka yummy man, lol. Kisses, Lace
COugh cough bodyofagodbudha Thought All the overweight monks and i would chime in.We have never had a problem with this, however i have seen ads before with the "I dont see overweight budha's and so This budha had to pass. the monks and this budha loves the thread. also the monks are very excited "esp all overweight ones" that Miss Dreams has no prob with the big monks. we hope to play with her soon and have her rub the budha.
mrpink1961's Avatar
truth is the ladies expect us hobbyists to be homely/overweight/etc.. the most attractive feature we possess is our wallets! lol.. i mean thats why we procure the fantasy.. if i had 6 pac abs/i'd be doing the charging right?
You are very mistaken pinky. We don't get paid for what you look like, but for the convenience of leaving you alone afterward. And men of all kinds enjoy that kind of arrangment.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
truth is the ladies expect us hobbyists to be homely/overweight/etc.. the most attractive feature we possess is our wallets! Originally Posted by mrpink1961
Truth be told, to most women (not just providers) in my experience the most attractive thing about a man is the size of his wallet. To steal a line from Lord Edmund Blackadder, if yours is as capacious as an elephant's scrotum and much less difficult to get her hands on, most women will find you very attractive. As this picture would tend to prove:

[HINT: The lady is Anna Nicole. The gentleman is not her grandfather. Or father.]

As for the hobby, it's all about the Benjamins, and only about the Benjamins (well, maybe with an occasional Ulysses, Andrew, or Alexander thrown into the mix). To think otherwise is the road to madness (bcg knows whereof he speaks, alas... only too well).


TopGun's Avatar
I love this thread ...........i would love to hear from more providers what is there opinion!!
ambersilk's Avatar
Looks doesn't matter. It's your attitude and personality. Everyone deserves to have a little fun.
mrpink1961's Avatar
well my experience has been that men in general are "visual" creatures in that we love a beautiful woman. women in general are much smarter and are more cerebral, and overall looks are not priority. the best ladies no this and the ones that show pleasant enthusiasm regardless of the guys looks are the ones that keep us cumming back for more
there is no denying men of all shapes, sizes and looks hobby.. those that are considered "good looking" or "hot" the studs, the ripped muscles, abs etc.. those guys pay for convience..the "sure thing".. as do many other guys..

the perhaps less than attractive guys.. overweight..etc etc..they are paying for the experience..the thing they haven't had a chance to get before..the hot girl the whatever..

in the end..all guys are paying.. its all about the money... think your good looking? try not paying 1 time

think the girl ain't there for the money..try NOT paying 1 time...

some girls won't break "character" and will blow smoke up your ass and continue the smoke and mirrors of its not about the money, its about the guys attitude and personality.. order to tolerate you and want to see you again..that may be true..but if you ain't paying.. you better believe you won't get the same fun..

personally, I don't look at any guy here and their looks.. doesn't matter..neither does their personality..we ain't gonna get married, we will have fun no matter the size, your looks, etc etc etc.. most guys attitudes aren't bad so thats kinda not in the mix for me.. and since I am not concerned with the guys looks, never impressed or repulsed, never worried, or happy based on looks.. and since I approach it with.. everyone is paying the same amount for the same experience and thats what you deserve.. and i save my personal taste for my personal life.. it lends itself for a much better experience both ways.. the guys know I ain't judging them.. ain't worried about.. and they aren't worried about me..everyone that shows up is paying for the experience
Lonesome's Avatar
Speaking as an old, fat, and ugly guy who has hobbied off & on for many years ..... I've learned that most providers do not discriminate because of age or weight, but mainly just want to be treated nice & respectfully. I've only been turned away at the door one time, which was very upsetting due to the fact I'd driven for 3 hours to meet her. After that incident, I began ensuring it wouldn't happen again by letting providers know up front what to expect ... no surprises. I do believe there are some ymmv providers who will agree to date old fat guys, but the service offered is not as good. I'm thankful for those I've met who are NOT ymmv ... it's been fun being with you.

BTW, Deanna Luv .... it's been a long time, about 6 or 7 years .... and you were known as cockluvr at the time. You provided a good demonstration of why you chose that name.