where to meet girls more spontaneously - hotels, bars?

A partner looking for working girls! No one here would ever say anything close to that! EVER! If you weren't 5.0 you would know the lingo, it's common everywhere you go .Find yourself a pretty lady, have some fun and then Write a review. Prove me wrong!
you do throw up some red flags Ken..why bother trolling a bar when all you have to do is look in Provider ads?? Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
My guess is he wants to be solicited , and definitely won't do the soliciting!
harkontume's Avatar
you do throw up some red flags Ken.. we are not paranoid as so much as your request is not common place,

why bother trolling a bar when all you have to do is look in Provider ads?? Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

Nothing going on here but a bunch of crazy people living an online fantasy.

Trust me on this.
The reason LE would come here to inquire where these places are is because this is Austin and they can't find any.

Why? Because there ARE no such places as a general rule which is why I gave the convent joke response. I'll bet there are occasional odd exceptions.

You guys are gonna have to hit Dallas or Houston for better luck in this regard.
  • kend
  • 02-07-2012, 12:10 PM
Everyone, I have been around for 15+ years and have tons of referrals on TER. I used to be on ASPD all the time but it's gone now, so when I was looking for info I found this forum. I understand some apprehension, sure, but no reason to be so absolute about your suspicions, which are incorrect. I'm just asking a question and it's a pretty simple question that doesn't aim to implicate or involve any single person or establish any situation in which someone from the forum would be involved.