Texas New abortion bill

So if a woman gets pregnant from being raped she has no choice but to bear the indignity of a forced pregnancy and is forced to complete the pregnancy......”tough shit”.........and while we’re at it maybe play it like the Arabs do and blame the woman for it and for bringing shame onto herself and the family?

And if the woman is facing the possibility of death by following through with the pregnancy then it’s another “tough shit” scenario?

Of course if some senator’s daughter ends up pregnant and there’s no way out of it available in this country then there’s always the red eye flight to France......

And if men had to give birth abortion would have been legal since the beginning of time. There would have been no debate: it would have been a unanimous vote for men’s rights over murder. Originally Posted by sexykarma
Rape and a Medical Emergency might be the only two scenarios where an Abortion as a Medical Procedure could be viewed as an exception. But the majority of Abortions are performed because the pregnancy is just an inconvenience and that's the "Tough Shit" scenario I am referring to. If you don't agree, then you don't. It's not important to me whether you agree with my views or not.
I was agreeing with you. I was talking about the guy you were responding to. Originally Posted by redpartyhat
Ok, I misinterpreted your response. Thank you for the clarification.
Rape and a Medical Emergency might be the only two scenarios where an Abortion as a Medical Procedure could be viewed as an exception. But the majority of Abortions are performed because the pregnancy is just an inconvenience and that's the "Tough Shit" scenario I am referring to. If you don't agree, then you don't. It's not important to me whether you agree with my views or not. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Fair enough. There are passionate opinions on both sides of the roe vs wade debate, all depends on whether a person views the subject as birth control/women’s rights or murder.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Makes sense, insofar as no heartbeat = dead that heartbeat would = alive and taking that life is murder.
What I don't understand is how will private citizen find out if a young lady is pregnant, how many week and if there was a heart beat detected or not. I thought HIPPA kept any private medical issues private. I remember call my sons doctor about his medical issues and they would not give it to me although he was under 18 and on my health Insurance.