When you enjoying your self so much oops you go over Time;)

Suzanna Turner's Avatar
This DOES NOT go both ways... WE offer YOU 1hr hour of our time... we have 1 full hour marked on our calendars for you and only you. That is the agreed upon amount of time. If YOU decide to leave early and forfeit 10 or 15 minutes, we do not owe you any money back. That full time frame is still blocked out for just you. That was the agreed upon amount. Period. Stop this BS about how ladies owe you money back if you leave early, That is a bunch of idiotic group thinking that I have ever heard. And you call yourself gentlemen?

Lia, ultimately it is up to you to make sure you end on time. I know it is a tricky thing since there are some men here who want to bash the ladies for clock watching. What has become the acceptable norm though, is an extra 10 mins to wrap up and rinse off. If time gets way from you because you were enjoying yourself and lost track of time, that's on you. But a true gentleman will either offer a bit more to compensate or set up another appt. with you ASAP to show that it wasn't all for not.
If the meet up goes over because he encourages it to, because he's having a hard time performing, or if he really needs/wants longer but can not afford it, then that is on him. He needs to compensate you for the full time. It is not your fault that he's not able to afford a longer time frame. You can't afford to pass up another appointment, or put your day on hold, after him because you do not know how long he is going to take.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 03-25-2019, 06:39 PM
This DOES NOT go both ways... WE offer YOU 1hr hour of our time... we have 1 full hour marked on our calendars for you and only you. That is the agreed upon amount of time. If YOU decide to leave early and forfeit 10 or 15 minutes, we do not owe you any money back. That full time frame is still blocked out for just you. That was the agreed upon amount. Period. Stop this BS about how ladies owe you money back if you leave early, That is a bunch of idiotic group thinking that I have ever heard. And you call yourself gentlemen?

Lia, ultimately it is up to you to make sure you end on time. I know it is a tricky thing since there are some men here who want to bash the ladies for clock watching. What has become the acceptable norm though, is an extra 10 mins to wrap up and rinse off. If time gets way from you because you were enjoying yourself and lost track of time, that's on you. But a true gentleman will either offer a bit more to compensate or set up another appt. with you ASAP to show that it wasn't all for not.
If the meet up goes over because he encourages it to, because he's having a hard time performing, or if he really needs/wants longer but can not afford it, then that is on him. He needs to compensate you for the full time. It is not your fault that he's not able to afford a longer time frame. You can't afford to pass up another appointment, or put your day on hold, after him because you do not know how long he is going to take. Originally Posted by Suzanna Turner

Finally a provider comments!!

Oh trust me I know very well..

Check my post in the PR
Pangolier's Avatar
It's very often that providers spend more than 1 hour with me. And to this very day I've never deliberately booked an appointment lasting longer than 1 hour. I don't compare myself to other men out there, nor do I know the behaviors or demeanors of other guys while visiting providers.

From my way of thinking, whether it's been an hour or not, if she's ready to leave for whatever reason, she's going to get up from the bed and start getting dressed. That should be a pretty obvious que to anyone that she has determined it's time to wrap things up. Regardless of whether the physical activity has concluded or not, if she doesn't want to continue the session, then I assume she's going to let me know somehow or another, even if it's a silent signal and not a verbal one. I don't try to deliberately persuade anyone to stay past the agreed time. As such I personally feel it's not my responsibility to watch the clock. If I did that it would be just detracting from my ability to enjoy the appointment.

I've never had a woman ask me for additional compensation for 1hour appointments that lasted 90 minutes or even 2 hours. The provider I see the most these days spent nearly 2 hours with me the first time I met. We spent a lot of time talking then took a shower together. When I walked her back to her car she had a huge smile on her face. She's occasionally concluded things after about 50 minutes, but most of the time I see her things last about 80 minutes. I don't question it, I just realize she's in control of her own time and will make adjustments as she feels comfortable if she wants to.
Eric586's Avatar
I am usually the clock watcher. But sometimes when I mention the time the lady does not want me to leave yet. So I leave her a good tip when I do leave.
tinman483's Avatar
I agree with a lot of this. It kinda seems, and with me, it is some times YMMV.

YMMV if a # of things.
If she isn't ready at appointment time for example'
Did you visit to long or longer than expected.
Dang does that count against my time?.
Depends on the providers, the session etc
She has a busy day scheduled?

ETC ETC it all makes a difference, at least in my book.

I have had providers say extra for that and we ended up having more fun than either thot and I have left not giving the extra $s. I have always txt later and apologized for that. Usually she says don't worry about it.

Have had providers say, I will give you a discount on the next date. (No I have never held them to that

That I can recall, one provider just talks to much and just put something in her mouth to shut her up.
One time another was late did I say late? And ended with a QV instead of the hr agree on.
And once we spent to much time getting reacquainted, ended as on the clock, proly my misunderstanding?

So I'm just kinda thinkin it with all the variables it is a YMMV?
Hell if a provider is offering a special of the day, I never even hold them to it. And pay their normal rate.

How ever I think, well I think, I watch the clock, out of respect, than the provider.
Not to be rude but we're paying for your time and I feel it's your responsibility to keep track of that time.

More often than not, I've paid for an hour and had a hell of a time in 30 minutes and the thought of asking for a rebate (IMO) is absolutely abhorrent. Would you refund money if that happens? If not, it'd be a bit unfair of you to expect the client to compensate the (unintentional) overstay, especially since most of us only carry in the donation plus tip.

If you have someone constantly booking 30 and going well over that's one thing. But if you were having such a good time with the gentleman you went way over the agreed time, I'd imagine you'd risk repeat booking. I guarantee you'd lose my business.
pyramider's Avatar

....But no in my post it states I’m talking about 30 minute sessions that turn to a hour/hour and half. Originally Posted by Lia88
The fuckwaffle needs to pay the hourly or 90 minute rate. Most of the 30 minute fuckwaffle overstay to begin with... they plan to overstay.
pyramider's Avatar
Not to be rude but we're paying for your time and I feel it's your responsibility to keep track of that time.

More often than not, I've paid for an hour and had a hell of a time in 30 minutes and the thought of asking for a rebate (IMO) is absolutely abhorrent. Would you refund money if that happens? If not, it'd be a bit unfair of you to expect the client to compensate the (unintentional) overstay, especially since most of us only carry in the donation plus tip.

If you have someone constantly booking 30 and going well over that's one thing. But if you were having such a good time with the gentleman you went way over the agreed time, I'd imagine you'd risk repeat booking. I guarantee you'd lose my business. Originally Posted by redbeard087
So how would you know if a woman is having a good time? Ever hear of the illusion of passion, IOP?
So how would you know if a woman is having a good time? Ever hear of the illusion of passion, IOP? Originally Posted by pyramider
You ever hear of reading? The original post makes the general statement "when you're enjoying yourself so much" and "we all" so one can safely think she's addressing and referring to both clients and poviders.

Also, unless she was afraid of the client and felt unsafe to bring up the time, you don't run 30-45 minutes long unless you're enjoying yourself too.
You ever hear of reading? The original post makes the general statement "when you're enjoying yourself so much" and "we all" so one can safely think she's addressing and referring to both clients and poviders.

Also, unless she was afraid of the client and felt unsafe to bring up the time, you don't run 30-45 minutes long unless you're enjoying yourself too. Originally Posted by redbeard087

in the frugal business of this type, I figure if a women runs 30-60 minutes over she is doing it cause she enjoys the company and the fun. every time this has happened to me, the provider has jokingly told me not to worry about it.

if she is doing it as an UPGRADE, her clients should be able to tell the difference.

I've been with some that have made comments "we only have about 10 minutes left"

they dont usually get a repeat visit.

just the variation of type of providers AND CLIENTS. some you just click with.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hey Lia,

Good question.

I'm a lot less easy going with extra time than I used to be. Used to be if I was having a good time, I didn't care if we went over 10-15 and more minutes.

Who cares? More fun for me.

About 4 years ago, I had a good client that we just clicked. Something about him. And we always went over and it wasn't a problem.

Well, one time, I had other things to do after our appointment. You would have thought that I was cutting into our actual time when I told him, before our appointment started, that I would have to end our time together ... well, on time!

He acted offended.

So from then on, I still really don't mind if we go over. I don't keep a clock in the room but have a watch nearby. We're always good on time.

But the "Oh God, Don't Stop!" type of appointments that I had (at times) 4 or 5 years ago, that might have gone over an hour or more, really don't happen that much anymore.

Many of my appointments might go over 5 or 10 minutes while he showers or whatever. That never bothers me at all. Even ending 20 minutes late, no issues at all.

But having the expectation of thinking that you're owed extra time because I like you? That really isn't the way things should work.

If we like each other, you should be MORE giving to me. Not less. Because you care on some level.

Seems like that has gotten a bit lost in the equation. There IS caring in the demimonde.

Even with very strong boundaries that most of try have or at least, try to maintain.

Might have gotten lost in my thoughts there, Lia, but you get the idea.

I'm more cognizant of the overall importance of keeping to time these days than before. And although being given extra funds, for going over, would be fantastic, I can count on one hand the times it's been done.

Then there are the times that you cannot get a person to leave and one knows he's not going to pony up the extra. Then, shrug ... one has to use a bit more finesse. Ha! This world of ours, right?

ICU 812's Avatar
The queston in the OP is; Who is responsible for time management?

Well it should be the provider I think . . .and that is why I try to tip some in advance.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The queston in the OP is; Who is responsible for time management?

Well it should be the provider I think . . .and that is why I try to tip some in advance. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Ultimately, the responsibility falls on the one offering the service.

With 30 minute appointments, ladies need to have a plan beforehand. First 10 minutes, getting undressed and foreplay. 10-15 minutes the main event and then the final time is spent getting up, having a few final cuddles and ready to go.

Wars have been started and finished in less time.

30 minute appointments really do have their own charm for me.

Ha! It's true!
hueyfan's Avatar
A GORGEOUS red head in Las Vegas (she has since retired) and I had a great date.

To make a long story short, it was an extremely sensual session. We were both tired and ended up falling asleep in each other's arms. 1 hour and 15 minutes overtime we woke up. She was not upset at all. I gave her a nice tip for a great date, she drove me back to my hotel and kissed me good night.
Any time you go over, you should throw her a bone, for taking extra care of your bone.

Help them help you. Do the right thing.