Do Liberals have growths on their ears and eyes that make it so they can't see or hear all the answers to these questions that have been posted repeatedly?
The 1% DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU RAISE THEIR TAXES. They will never know the difference. They have said often, " go for it, I'll never be able to tell you did it and I"m all about helping the little guy. OH but I forgot to mention, the current tax code has a billion loop holes I can swing through and avoid all of this. I pay people to pay people to take care of this for me."
It's when you get into the 250k-500k a year guys that there is a problem. Do you have ANY IDEA how fucking hard it is to make 250k a year in a small business? If you tax those guys 20-40% it will kill job growth and small business. A flat tax on every damn body tax is the ONLY answer. That way, you get the hookers, drug dealers, super rich, poor and even the dogies. No one would escape the tax man. That tax would hit me pretty hard but it's fair so I don't mind.
250k a year is so much less than it sounds. With my small business's I pay out about 60% to contract labor, and overhead. In one of them I'm upside down right now, but it looks like I'm making money hand over fist. The appearance of deep pockets is an illusion.
My family wealth is only one generation deep. It's taken my father a life time to get where he is and he took every single inch one at a time. He was even bankrupt at 40 after divorce, etc. We have the appearance of deep pockets to someone that only has a net worth of say 50k or so. We are the heart of America. We are the ones you are trying to redistribute from. F U C K Y O U. We worked our asses off for what we have and the democrats want to take it away to make things more fair. Plah ease.
A death tax starting at 250k? wtf?
You all talk about wanting to tax the rich but all I hear are numbers around 250k. That is NOT rich. Anyone that thinks otherwise, come sit by me for a while.