Hell throw in some fried chicken a 40 of bud light and its all good. Nah I kid I kid.....mmmWhen I first notice you and clicked on your showcase I was in shock to see what you were charging. You could easily get 300 I see a lot of less attractive ladies charging 300 buts it's nice that you keep your prices at where there at.
But really times are hard for some guys that want to hobby. Ive kept my prices the same since day one of being in the hobby. Ive never be 300 or 350. Im sorry but that's a crazy price. My pussy isn't my of gold are has diamonds around my clit. lol Maybe I could charge and get it if I wanted but I think im doing good at 250 and seeing the guys that can pay a price like that and still have money left over and not broke, Originally Posted by Tara Evans
So 250 and 40 pack of bud and some fried chicken can't beat that deal.