In Science We Distrust

And your point is? Black people have extra bones in their ears, there are people born with 6 fingers, aren't those mutations at some point in man's evolution? Mutations don't necessarily happen suddenly from one generation to the next, those mutated genes may take many generations to show themselves. You still didn't show a theory that explains things better than evolution. Originally Posted by drluv1
Not necessarily mutations, can be "normal variants" that exist within the population.

IMHO a better theory on evolution is that of "punctuated equilibrium."
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
name an observed genetic mutation that added DNA, that actually improved the next generation. A perceived mutation may occur randomly to help a species survive better, that is adaption, not evolution, and results in less genetic material and/or possible variations. Like the giraffe getting taller to eat leaves, that is adaption, not a mutation, and some scientist will call that evolution. Evolution that makes a sponge and fish, a fish into a mammal, would require mutations, and addition of genetic material.

Where is the creature with a retina, waiting for lens to evolve? The logic of evolution is voodoo science. Evolution is all guess work, and occupies a huge percentage high school text books because it is guess work. Needs more emphasis on the physical sciences, and technology. Originally Posted by lostforkate

My take is that if humans and animals were "evolving" that we would see the evolution more. In other words, we would be studying tons of animal and humans that had similar "evolved" characteristics from any certain community. Otherwise, I assume we would all evolve at the snap of a finger.

The strongest rebuttal I have heard to this is that evolution is so slow that people can't document it.

I can add that when my children came home from school and told me with fear filled eyes that they used to be monkeys, and upon further exploration, I found that no other "theories" were offered, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the term THEORY was not stressed, the school had their hands full.

It also came out that Todd akin, they guy from missouri who said raped women can make themselves unpregnant is also on the science committee. Originally Posted by drluv1
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-09-2012, 04:07 PM
I wonder if this thread would even exist if it was a democrat who was at the topic. I doubt it.
cowboy8055's Avatar

My take is that if humans and animals were "evolving" that we would see the evolution more. In other words, we would be studying tons of animal and humans that had similar "evolved" characteristics from any certain community. Otherwise, I assume we would all evolve at the snap of a finger.

The strongest rebuttal I have heard to this is that evolution is so slow that people can't document it. Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
Actually if evolution occurs very slowly and takes a long time then there should be lots of evidence to document from the fossil record. We have fossil remains pre-dating human existence but no "missing links" connecting us to apes. If evolution did occur there should be no shortage of "missing links" in the fossil record to support it.
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  • GP
  • 10-09-2012, 04:48 PM
We should just ask Tebow.
cowboy8055's Avatar

I can add that when my children came home from school and told me with fear filled eyes that they used to be monkeys, and upon further exploration, I found that no other "theories" were offered, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the term THEORY was not stressed, the school had their hands full.
Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
Much of the science community does treat evolution as fact. It will always be theoretical since it couldn't be directly observed by scientists. I actually don't have a problem with evolution being taught in school. But other ideas like creationism and intelligent design should be taught as well.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-09-2012, 05:01 PM
I don't need evolution to convince me that God is nothing more than a Santa Claus for adults.

And let's face it, that's what the whole debate is about.

I wonder if this thread would even exist if it was a democrat who was at the topic. I doubt it. Originally Posted by GP
I think the same thing about your post.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-09-2012, 05:04 PM
come doove, think about it. If this thread didn't exist, then neither would my post. Just ask almighty Tebow!
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-09-2012, 05:06 PM
Doove- Do you really think GP is Santa Claus?
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  • GP
  • 10-09-2012, 05:06 PM
LOL, I am!
IMHO, the scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming. However, this thread was not intended to trigger a (futile) discussion of this topic on which some people have taken unmovable positions. I merely wanted to express my concern about the possible negative effect of having our nation's science policy determined by people with questionable aptitude on the matter.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-09-2012, 06:19 PM
IMHO, the scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming. However, this thread was not intended to trigger a (futile) discussion of this topic on which some people have taken unmovable positions. I merely wanted to express my concern about the possible negative effect of having our nation's science policy determined by people with questionable aptitude on the matter. Originally Posted by jackfengshui

Unfortunately, intelligence is not a prerequisite to run for office.
Much of the science community does treat evolution as fact. It will always be theoretical since it couldn't be directly observed by scientists. I actually don't have a problem with evolution being taught in school. But other ideas like creationism and intelligent design should be taught as well. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Really? I think the scientific community knows that evolution is a theory. As I recall, it was stressed that it was a theory when it was taught to me in high school. It was also stressed that it was a model for learning scientific observation. There is much more evidence for evolution than creationism( a belief with no evidence) or intelligent design( a theory cooked up by religious zealots with no evidence). There's probably more evidence that we were brought here by aliens than creationism or intelligent design.
Ill take my chances with tebow
DDarkness's Avatar
LOL, I am! Originally Posted by GP
DAMN IT SANTA! All I wanted for my 9th Christmas was a 10 speed ... and you didn't get it for me! You gave me freaking SOCK!!!!

And then for my 21st all I wanted was a large breasted provider sitting under the mistletoe and what I got were more freaking socks.

I still have the freaking socks ... THANKS Man!