Please help me understand the nazi references in Coed?

cabletex7's Avatar
I'm offended by all the hookers on this board.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I'm offended by all the hookers on this board. Originally Posted by cabletex7

Me too.
Russ38's Avatar
I’m new here and really don’t want to cause any waves, but I’ve been seeing a lot of nazi and hitler references in Coed discussions. I’m curious as to when did the holocaust become funny. Am I missing something? There is no inside joke about the holocaust. My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. I only put this here because it seems like a running joke that isn’t funny in Coed. If it’s in the wrong area mods please redirect Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
One question for you OP.......

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I’m new here and really don’t want to cause any waves, but I’ve been seeing a lot of nazi and hitler references in Coed discussions. I’m curious as to when did the holocaust become funny. Am I missing something? There is no inside joke about the holocaust. My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. I only put this here because it seems like a running joke that isn’t funny in Coed. If it’s in the wrong area mods please redirect Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
I agree with you. I've always thought it tasteless, out of pocket, and in violation of the spirit of the law if not the letter. Many of these people have never lived through real evil and suffering so for many of them much of life is filtered as fantasaic, conceptual or ideal. These same folk would go ape nuts if you joked about 911 and made joking reference of adulation and praise of Osama Bin Laden. Some would go ape nuts if they joked about slavery and the slave masters. I mean some would consider it extremely tasteless and crass if you joked about Pimps beating up escorts. So I'm perplexed that many find the intolerable suffering during the Holocaust as a joke. I find nothing funny about dismissive banter of the perpetrators of people getting their eyelids cut off and being faced towards the Sun on a crucifix or being drowned in pools of excrement or being starved to skin on bone - the sickness unto death.

I think it's a result of a very immature mindset. If these people have never lived in a third world country or experienced evil first hand I suggest they read Victor Frankel's book "The Search For Meaning" which incidentally is what they're looking for.

I'm sorry you had to experience this OP. I know how it must hurt thinking of folks making lite of your ancestors suffering
Russ38's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Point of order: it’s been ten (10) years. Therefore 9-11 is funny
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Not to mention, the filthy A-rab who masterminded the shit was shot in the face and dumped in the ocean for shark chum....I’m good with that.....
You people are cold as hell. My grandfather died in the Krakow concentration camp.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
^^^^ Not to mention, the filthy A-rab who masterminded the shit was shot in the face and dumped in the ocean for shark chum....I’m good with that..... Originally Posted by Russ38
.... & let's not forget about his vast collection of porn. Stored.... on.... V.... H.... S....
boardman's Avatar
You people are cold as hell. My grandfather died in the Krakow concentration camp. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Its DG's fault. His great grandfather ran that camp.
boardman's Avatar
Point of order: it’s been ten (10) years. Therefore 9-11 is funny Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Unless, of course, you're easily offended and/or subject to getting butt hurt on a SHMB...then it's hilarious.
Russ38's Avatar
Its DG's fault. His great grandfather ran that camp. Originally Posted by boardman
At the end of the’s always DG’s fault.....
Dorian Gray's Avatar
One question for you OP.......

Originally Posted by Russ38
IDK.... The Dark Side has some pretty good cookies too wasn't DGs fault.

He was a drinker and got drunk and fell out of a guard tower
Dorian Gray's Avatar
:Correction: wasn't DGs fault.

He IS a drinker and got drunk and fell out of a guard tower Originally Posted by tbone2u

Prost !!!!