Dream Vacation with Companion/Client?

GTDADDY: Don't forget to visit the Isle of Taint.
My dream vacation (staycation) LOL would be My ATF and I spending a full weekend in our hometown. Her showing me the things that thrill her about this lovely city and me doing the same. We would dine drink and dance until we collapse. Hmmm we have done that but it was a weeknight. Just a dream Originally Posted by Lucky LaRue
Your ATF is a lucky lady.

Mine currently is Monte Carlo for gambling. I didn't get to spend enough time there.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Old-T, Prague is so perfect for the architectural and cultural traveler. You must, must, must endeavor to put it on your bucket list. Now, I didn't find the people charming, or the food particularly delicious but it will not matter because they will have to pull you screaming and crying from your vantage point of the castle as you stare stupefied at the loveliness of the rolling hills and town below. There's nothing like taking your morning coffee on the terrace of a fin de siecle hotel with the Wenceslaus bridge beckoning below.

Ah well, I should cease my reverie and get back to work so that I may get back to those places I so love. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

Thank you for the recommendation. Prague is indeed on my list of places I would love to spend time in--sadly the list gets longer with each passing month! I have been fortunate enough to travel some, but there are so many more places to see--and places to get back to.

I used to see a lady from Czech Republic who moved back there a few years ago. We occasionally write, and she has suggested I come visit her. I really should. I do not believe she is in Prague, but a couple hours away. She has offered to be a tour guide, and I should take her up on it.
Traveling with a beautiful, fun lady is a current wish of mine. Unfortunately, those in my part of the world are not to the tastes of a man like me.
Madame X's Avatar
Zhivago-I'm with you 100%. I have no interest in Princess Cruise lining it around the islands with other overfed Americans eating mediocre buffets, dancing to some low rent boat band, squeezing my daquiri inflated ass into some cheesy sequined dress. Just for the privilege of my lover and I to share a table with Mr. and Mrs. Used Car Lot owner from Kansas City only to have earlier been dropped off at some tourist port to have overpriced clothing and jewelry shoved in my face by local hawkers. (Can you tell I'm inclined to never set foot on a cruise line?) Nah, drop me off in the Cinque Terra, I'll take my dinners in a simple black dress and shoes in some little cliffside taverna, thank you. They can keep their cruise ships and the pestilence that comes with them. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I used to feel similarly about those big cruises, and so I had never been on one. But, as Boston becomes a more regular port of call, and I go the Caribbean regularly, I recently decided to go with one of my gentlemen who invited me on a cruise. The boat costs less than the flight, and is much more enjoyable if you can spare the time. I was surprised to find that I loved it!

I've got nothing for or against Mr & Mrs. Used Car Lot Owner (pretention was never my strong point), but I was pleased to find that they weren't the only people on the cruise. I spent most of my dock time hanging out with the jazz club staff on the island, and had a blast doing it. Basically, when you're having fun, you'll find more fun everywhere As for the food, stay away from the buffet. Stick with places where you can actually speak to the chef, and your food will turn out much better.

That was my first cruise, not quite sure when the next one will be though I was glad to get the opportunity to see more of the Caribbean than I had before (generally I am visiting family and do not have much time for simple sightseeing) and am planning a return trip to one of my favorite islands right now. A few of my friends in this lifestyle are taking a yacht cruise to the Greek Islands (for real, lol, acronyms are so useless) and I'm thinking of joining in.

Oh... and I'm still looking for a fellow adventurer to accompany me on the National Geographic cruise to the Galapagos - it's on my bucket list
bladtinzu's Avatar
I did a month in Dubai with two SB's. Well actually 3 weeks in Dubai and the other week in the homeland Israel. They had fun and I wasn't annoyed so it was a win win.
Zane D. Grayson's Avatar
I, along with 3 other buddies, and 4 lovely ladies chartered a 94' yacht for a week out of Miami. We went island hopping in the Caribbean. The yacht had 4 bedrooms, a pool, 2 Waverunners and a 15' boat that we used once to go exploring around a smaller island that couldn't dock the yacht. With a full staff at our disposal, the boat was a vacation in itself! When we would stop at different various islands, the chef would pick up fresh seafood and produce from local markets and cook us the most awesome dinners every night! Sorry but I'm a foodie so that was a big highlight of the trip for me! Lol! Can't wait to do something like that again!

Jake B's Avatar
Would take my ATF out into space. Zero gravity. Imagine the possibilities. We'd have have a condo on the moon as well.
I did a month in Dubai with two SB's. Well actually 3 weeks in Dubai and the other week in the homeland Israel. They had fun and I wasn't annoyed so it was a win win. Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Always wanted to visit Dubai. Was it as awesome as you expected? Looks like it would be time and money very well spent.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Always wanted to visit Dubai. Was it as awesome as you expected? Looks like it would be time and money very well spent. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
It was my seventh time over there (first with female companionship since the times before were on business). It is a more progressive Middle Eastern country but still has it's fair share of die hard Islamic fundamentalists. It is a bit easier when you speak Arabic or Farsi but a good portion of the locals do speak English since it is a major tourist destination. I always had an interpreter when there on business since my Arabic is just enough to cause a major problem and my beheading.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Always wanted to visit Dubai. Was it as awesome as you expected? Looks like it would be time and money very well spent. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I don't know why anyone would go there for anything but business. Nothing to see but buildings decaying via sandblasting, can't drink alcohol or whore around, or so I hear, no titty bars, cover ups on the beach, no gambling....sounds like it sucks to me!!
Im from Poland and I would love to go back there. Amazing place for sure.
Porky Poker's Avatar
I took my s/b to the Dominican Republic to a 5 star resort for a week. It was the trip guys fantasize about. Beach, fishing, sightseeing during the day, lots of great activities at night. I could not have asked for a better vacation companion either. I plan on taking her on a caribbean cruise this fall
Your guests are very lucky ladies. I have been traveling with a gentleman for several years now. We don't go nearly as often as we used to, due to a change in business schedules, but
I find it unbelievable to have a travel companion that is as interested in pleasing me, as I am him. Together, we have enjoyed some fabulous experiences.

Now..... Have any of you had a rather unpleasant experience due to the choice of your companion?

Sorry duplicate post....