Mtg on 60 minutes

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks for clarifying. Now make sure in future you spell it as MEga or else everyone will assume you mean mega.

Btw - does anyone have a link to the 60 Minutes interview? Originally Posted by lustylad

seems the left is upset with one of their own. poor Lesley Stahl wasn't tough enough on MTG.


the revolution always eats its own

CBS faces backlash over 60 Minutes interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hijacked Every Minute on 60 Minutes

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... what's a "mega"?... Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually, it was "megas", which comes from Greek. To me, the poster often seems to be speaking Greek. I initially thought it was just misspelled "migas" because maybe they were just "hangry" (typical). Though after a bit more reflection - it just seems to be the late stage effects of TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS syndrome. That's the stage where the institution typically heavily sedates the patient, straps them into a wheel chair with a drool bib and parks them in the hallway all day, along with similar sufferers and dementia patients, so they can all be easily monitored from the Nurse's desk.

FWIW: The Greek is somewhat complimentary - From Bible Study Tools (.) com:
NAS Word Usage - Total: 243
  1. great
    1. of the external form or sensible appearance of things (or of persons)
      1. in particular, of space and its dimensions, as respects 1a
    2. mass and weight: great 1a
    3. compass and extent: large, spacious 1a
    4. measure and height: long 1a
    5. stature and age: great, old
    6. of number and quantity: numerous, large, abundant
    7. of age: the elder
    8. used of intensity and its degrees: with great effort, of the affections and emotions of the mind, of natural events powerfully affecting the senses: violent, mighty, strong
  2. predicated of rank, as belonging to
    1. persons, eminent for ability, virtue, authority, power
    2. things esteemed highly for their importance: of great moment, of great weight, importance
    3. a thing to be highly esteemed for its excellence: excellent
  3. splendid, prepared on a grand scale, stately
  4. great things
    1. of God's preeminent blessings
    2. of things which overstep the province of a created being, proud (presumptuous) things, full of arrogance, derogatory to the majesty of God

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm surprised "60 Minutes" even gave that stupid redneck bitch a platform to even spew her idiotic rhetoric. But, I believe they gave AOC the same platform to talk her crazy shit a couple of years ago so I shouldn't be too surprised. I guess they believe in equal opportunity for nutty bitches regardless of their political party.
It was a great ad for dems Lucas. They can use that footage forever

Lie lie lie and just ignore the facts. Some megas will believe you

No reason to fact check that bat shit crazy lying pos. That would be like fact changing trumpy. It's all lies

Where were all your weapons??? Bat shit crazy mtg gets her ass kicked out of new York. She haul ass from her own protest
She should call 911 cause they may have a whistle

We don't want your kind around here. We kicked trumpy out years ago

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm surprised "60 Minutes" even gave that stupid redneck bitch a platform to even spew her idiotic rhetoric. But, I believe they gave AOC the same platform to talk her crazy shit a couple of years ago so I shouldn't be too surprised. I guess they believe in equal opportunity for nutty bitches regardless of their political party. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
A lot of hate and vitriol there. Towards a woman as well. What happened? The test results came back positive?
A lot of hate and vitriol there. Towards a woman as well. What happened? The test results came back positive? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Crikey! ... Almost spilled-over me beer from laughing!

Reckon some lads are truly AFRAID of STRONG
women like MTG... Surely hope 60 Minutes has her on again.

#### Salty
Wondering if mtg will be at the speech/lie event. She may still be hiding under her chicken coop after being run out of a bunch of whistles. After all with her looks she is not accustomed to whistles

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Where were all your weapons??? ... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Thought I had mentioned it before. Tragic boating accident sent them all to the briny deep. Saul Goodman.
Brayzen's Avatar

Where were all your weapons??? Bat shit crazy mtg gets her ass kicked out of new York. She haul ass from her own protest
She should call 911 cause they may have a whistle

We don't want your kind around here. We kicked trumpy out years ago

Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Since I had read many of the other articles on this 60 minute interview, when I read this one, I didn’t get much out of it… Except that it said that Marjorie Taylor Greene was trying to rewrite history with her response.
I found that to be rather rich coming from a culture that wants to take down all the statues, rename schools, change the name of streets. Must I go on? comical.

Before you ask, I was/am not what you call a Trumpster, or any other derogative name you wanna call me. However, I was there January 6. Mainly for the historic value, ( and I know there are many OPINIONS of that day,so that historic events place in history, will have many different facets.) I’m sure there are many that will try to rewrite that history too. I read all the time different opinions that are completely fallacious. I had a much rather read history that is based on facts rather than opinions.
I don’t really lean one way or the other. I think the difference in a democrat and a republican, is the same difference between a mugger and a robber.