Rick Perry compares alcoholism to homosexuality ...

Rick Perry wouldn't be my choice; but if it was between HC and RP, I would prefer Perry over Clinton without blinking.................Perry would be a much better administrator president than Hillary.......she has proven her self to not be up to the task. America would be in better hands with Perry.

Besides, Rick Perry didn't vote for the Iraq war...which Hillary Clinton supported.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Rick Perry wouldn't be my choice; but if it was between HC and RP, I would prefer Perry over Clinton without blinking.................Perry would be a much better administrator president than Hillary.......she has proven her self to not be up to the task. America would be in better hands with Perry.

Besides, Rick Perry didn't vote for the Iraq war...which Hillary Clinton supported. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Who the fuck cares who you vote for- how did your vote turnout in 2008 and 2012???? Mine turned out very good!!!!!
Who the fuck cares who you vote for....no one asked you......If you don't care how I voted, then why have you asked multiple times ?

You fucking stupid shit.

Of course you think your vote turned out great; you are a dumb shit who thinks America is on back on the right track -

Chronic unemployment
Record debt
Massive illegal immigration
Regulations killing industry and growth
Failed foreign policies

Your man is in the White House and you are a happy camper.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2014, 01:46 PM
So you agree with Perry............homoism is a choice. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
NO fuck no I do not agree with Perry or any other of you assholes that think homosexuality is a choice...sucking dick is a choice. I'm a straight man but fucking women is a choice. My being straight was not a choice....I have always loved pussy! Did you suck a dick and eat some pussy and chose pussy? Do you think you chose to be straight? God Damn you fucking Bible Thumping so called conservatives are more fucked in the head than JD on Fathers Day!

I think for some homosexuality is a choice, for others it is DNA, and for some it is environment................... ..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What I meant is ... and I know that I didn't state my thoughts clearly, is that bottom lining it, having the alcoholic "gene" as it were (new alcoholic "speak" is referring it to being almost like an allergy), isn't a choice that an individual would make for themselves.

I think that one is probably born with the predisposition for alcoholism. I'm very close to the subject, actually.

As with homosexuality, I also think that it's something that well ... it's just hardwired for most people. I don't think that being a homosexual is a personal choice.

One can choose to not drink. One can choose to not fuck a person of the same sex.

But what's inside, the deep parts of your psyche, etc., aren't really up for the whole thing of "choice".

If a person is an alcoholic, and in recovery or trying to get there, each day (minute/hour and sometimes seconds) is a struggle to get to that point where you're not craving a drink.

And one has to repeat that mental process (whatever works for them, personally), and getting outside support (AA is one of them), to help with getting through those constant cravings, which tend to pop up again and again throughout the sobriety process, which will last a lifetime.

Completely different topic than a sexual desire for someone of the same sex. They do not intersect.

Being homosexual isn't a choice to me. It's just who the person is. It's an inherent trait.

Complicated topic.

Honestly, I just wanted to bitch about Rick Perry, who I've not admired for a very long time.

He should have never been governor. Texans are often perceived in an unflattering light. Perry doesn't do anything to change that perception when he opens up his mouth.

Or as people might write in this forum, his pie hole.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
So, it isn't a choice to be attracted to (prohibited topic) either, is it? Just a natural disposition?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2014, 02:51 PM
I think for some homosexuality is a choice, for others it is DNA, and for some it is environment................... .. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How does one make the distinction and wouldn't the same hold true for heterosexuals?

So, it isn't a choice to be attracted to (prohibited topic) either, is it? Just a natural disposition? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
So you want to outlaw homosexuality? You fucking Iranian! I knew it.

Homosexuality is not against the law....the outlawed topics are you goat loving shebe!
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 06-12-2014, 03:01 PM
Why is it that so many people who should know better--don't.

I am very capable of having one glass of wine--my alcohol of choice--and stopping. My boss is not. The 1st drink is a choice for him, but once he has it, the second, third, forth, are not.

My father quit smoking cold turkey--the first time he tried. Never smoked again for the next 40 years of his life. My mother sincerely tried over and over but could never stop.

It appalls me that there are so many folks who say, "I don't have a problem controlling XXXXX, so there is no valid reason anyone else should!" Even worse, "I am not attracted to XXXXX, so you shouldn't be either!"
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Who the fuck cares who you vote for....no one asked you......If you don't care how I voted, then why have you asked multiple times ?

You fucking stupid shit.

Of course you think your vote turned out great; you are a dumb shit who thinks America is on back on the right track -

Chronic unemployment
Record debt
Massive illegal immigration
Regulations killing industry and growth
Failed foreign policies

Your man is in the White House and you are a happy camper. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yep Whirlaway you fucking POS flip flopping asshole all those problems I highlighted only happened during Obama's term- because during the last Republican President the economy was booming and there was no illegal immigration and the debt was zero?????
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So you want to outlaw homosexuality? You fucking Iranian! I knew it.

Homosexuality is not against the law....the outlawed topics are you goat loving shebe! Originally Posted by WTF
Those are the laws made up by mankind. Clearly, you can't base them upon whether or not a motherfucker has a natural inclination or propensity, because otherwise, (prohibited topic) if someone was born with it, would be legal.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
NO fuck no I do not agree with Perry or any other of you assholes that think homosexuality is a choice...sucking dick is a choice. I'm a straight man but fucking women is a choice. My being straight was not a choice....I have always loved pussy! Did you suck a dick and eat some pussy and chose pussy? Do you think you chose to be straight? God Damn you fucking Bible Thumping so called conservatives are more fucked in the head than JD on Fathers Day!

Originally Posted by WTF
If homosexuality isn't a choice, neither is (prohibited topic), because who the fuck would choose (prohibited topic) over a skinny, young, pretty sexy girl?
It is a choice not condoned by society, exactly like homosexuality used to be before you liberals fucked things up.
You see, that is the difference between you and me...I acknowledge Bush was a terrible president............but you are a fucking ideologue who stands with someone because of their skin color, political party, or some other fucked reason.

You aren't smart enough to acknowledge failure. You accept failure too easily.

Why do you have such low expectations ?

It is your kind of thinking why we are in such a fucked up mess.....You think Obama has us on the right track....

Fortunately there are more like me in America than people like you.


Yep Whirlaway you fucking POS flip flopping asshole all those problems I highlighted only happened during Obama's term- because during the last Republican President the economy was booming and there was no illegal immigration and the debt was zero????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You see, that is the difference between you and me...I acknowledge Bush was a terrible president............but you are a fucking ideologue who stands with someone because of their skin color, political party, or some other fucked reason.

You aren't smart enough to acknowledge failure. You accept failure too easily.

Why do you have such low expectations ?

It is your kind of thinking why we are in such a fucked up mess.....You think Obama has us on the right track....

Fortunately there are more like me in America than people like you.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/publ...or_wrong_track Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are a lying filthy POS- first of all since day 1 I have stated that I have liberal and conservative views and values- there are issues that I don't see eye to eye with Obama and others that I do- point blank. You on the other hand are making Al-Queada and the Taliban very proud because your hatred for the POTUS is dividing this great country and causing division.
This is one reason why I respect Ex-Nyer conservative views versus you and your dick sucking goons- at least Ex-Nyer is fair if a DEM has a good policy he will admit it- unlike you- if Obama found a cure for cancer you would chastise him and think of something negative to say you POS.
You want me to believe that Obama is doing a horrible job- he inherited a fucking mess- speaking of the economy- Romney was quoted as stating that if wins the election in 2012- by the end of his 4 year term he would have the UE rate to 6 percent : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/...KvkU_blog.html This is his direct quote: “I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we’d put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent, and perhaps a little lower,” he told Mark Halperin.
Well guess what Whilagay as of 6-12-14 the UE rate is 6.3 and Obama still has 2 and half years left- so in all likelihood he will have the UE rate lower than what Romney expected to have the UE had he been elected!!!!!
You respect Ex Nyer because he voted for Obama...and FYI, he isn't a conservative !

And if the only "success" Obama has going for him is the UE; then you are on slippery ground. The UE is so low NOT because of job creation but because of people dropping out of the labor force due to no recovery in certain sectors and low recovery in other sectors.

Chart: What’s the real unemployment rate?

CNBC.com staff | @CNBC
Friday, 2 May 2014 | 8:36 AM ET

A number of economists look past the "main" unemployment rate to a different figure the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls "U-6," which it defines as "total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers."

In other words, the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged — a rate that still remains high.

People are dropping out of the labor market because they have become discouraged by the economy.....and that is all on Obama !


And the U-6 Unemployment rate under Bush was significantly lower than even Obama's best years; and that is with Obama benefiting from unprecedented Fed action, Obama's stimulus, and his failed "shovel ready" jobs !

By relying on the bogus unemployment numbers and promoting the phony idea that the Obama economy has been a success, you prove my point that you have low expectations for this president and in reality he is a failed presidency.
Did Rick get drunk enough one night to suck a dick?