Place for rent

  • anita
  • 12-03-2010, 10:37 PM
Why not getting a friend willing to do that? It would be more safe.
I am going to be traveling a bit and I do not want to break my lease. I wanted to see if any providers would be interested in renting for a discounted rate. PM me for more details.
Thanks Originally Posted by Jaynuts
You put an alert up on Amber! You accused her of stealing when she makes more than you probably do. You were behind on your rent and asked her to deposit to your bank account the rent money! Amber has rented a VERY HIGH END PENTHOUSE for a day to do her work ( daily fee charged only) and did not steal even a towel. I'm sorry but in ECCIE COURT - YOUR GUILTY. You did not even respond to your own thread on Alerts and now you try this?

Let me put this in a language your 23 year old mind understands

Now presiding in this court of : ECCIE
Justice, my, an escorts forté
I'll be the judge, jury, and speaking for prosecuting D.A.
Et ceteras, paraphas
My modus operende
It's carpe diem whether the fact or word is your way
The people versus YOU, you ain't no Sensi
Teaching that silly style of word-play
We got the words they need to hear
Regardless of what your friends say
They're all disable
Striken from the record and deemed inadmissible
The GUILTY sentence of this live lita
Close the case tighter than the jaws of a 'gator

Stenographer, that study law again, the jargon
Let your counselors 'a barking, in hopes of a plea bargain
I come with the truth, whole truth and nothing but
But when you read back verbatim It said:

Lyrics Courtesy of - Handsome Boy Modeling School- modified by me.

GUILTY - You tried to ruin Amber but her reviews saved her, you on the other hand are trying to scam a provider to claim " she stole appliances" . Her shoes cost more than your monthly rent!


There are other options for renting incalls. Ladies PM me for details.
Brooke- Don't even thinck it! Killersalt stop following me. All of you that had haterade in your cereal SHUT UP.

I've been working and I'm on my "A Game" today.


TMFT It's good to see you back....
Why not getting a friend willing to do that? It would be more safe. Originally Posted by anita

Google Translate reads:

"I have become a low volume provider" NOT " Has become low volume provider"

You missed the subject on topic of who or what? Eccie Addict, Texas Gator has become a low volume provider....

Anita - Did you forget what you wrote on this topic the first time....That made you look brilliant.

I'm not being rude just a gentle reminder for Anita......Research your own writings and responses I put a smiley so it's not rude.

I's gunna lurm to be a gramer notzi to, I's ben emspired.
I'm happy TMFT is back.

Not to Hijack - Dude just get a roommate.....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-04-2010, 10:55 AM
Google translate is the shit, its nice that you and AD have the same soft spot for TMFT. I used smiley too as not to be rude.
Thank you Trey That's just how I roll.
Killersalt's Avatar
Google translate is the shit, its nice that you and AD have the same soft spot for TMFT. I used smiley too as not to be rude. Originally Posted by trey
No shit, she couldn't form complete sentences a month ago. It looks like a bad idea to lease from Jaynuts. Looks like he forgot to mention how far behind he was in rent in the original add. This was a major thread bump, but makes sense given the alert.
  • anita
  • 12-04-2010, 11:59 AM
Google Translate reads:

"I have become a low volume provider" NOT " Has become low volume provider"

You missed the subject on topic of who or what? Eccie Addict, Texas Gator has become a low volume provider....

Anita - Did you forget what you wrote on this topic the first time....That made you look brilliant.

I'm not being rude just a gentle reminder for Anita......Research your own writings and responses I put a smiley so it's not rude.

I's gunna lurm to be a gramer notzi to, I's ben emspired.
I'm happy TMFT is back.

Not to Hijack - Dude just get a roommate..... Originally Posted by jasmin
Oh, I don't find it rude at all. Did not pay attention. Thanks I will change it.
Geniuses, check the date of the OP. This thread is 5 months old, bumped by someone thinking they were doing their good deed for the day...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
And then she robbed him blind...
sucks. Originally Posted by anothercreep

Naw, he was just pretending to be visually impaired. Evidence suggests he was trying to rip Amber, got stymied, then tried to get some squirrelly brand of revenge....but it didn't work.

But Amber's got to own some part of this trainwreck: she should of known better than to deal with a 23 y/o American male as if he were an actual adult...unless, that is, he were in the military. That's different.
Wayward's Avatar
jasmin kudos on your mastery of google translate, it's the bomb. Sadly TMFT's post was from last July. So we are going to have to keep missing him together.

On topic, Amber came out the winner in this kerfuffle at least in my view, she has hot pics, great reviews and her story was believable. jaynuts seemed kind of, well... nuts. Father Wayward seldom expects perfection in 'this thing of ours' most of us screw up at least a little every now and then. Trying to destroy someone, because they wouldn't let you screw them over is really funny when it backfires.
Mojojo's Avatar
I'm locking this one up, don't bump threads over 30days!