How many of you are actually worried about being deported?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This needs to be moved to the political forum......

btw....FUCK OBAMA....piece of fucking shit muzlim brotherhood rat bastard who won by promising "hope and change" bullshit to blacks and mexicans....and fucked them over royally....

wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire....and Michelle is a tranny...fuck him/her too...

carry on... Originally Posted by SNL9933
lol tell me how ya really feel. but seriously they're likely both better human beings than you as they would never talk about you that way.

They're both good people with good hearts that tried to help as many people as they could while on earth and I'm sure God will judge them as such on judgement day. The question you should be 'axing' yourself is how will God judge YOU, especially with that kind of vitriolic hatred in your's totally uncalled for. Barack and Michelle are highly accomplished people and were before he became POTUS....I seriously doubt you are anywhere near their professional level in any way, shape, form, or fashion. ;-)

But you are entitled to your opinion and I can respect that.
ahahaha...fucking hilarious...dude talking about GOD like he's a fucking altar boy or priest yet he's on a hooker board....CLASSIC!!..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
ahahaha...fucking hilarious...dude talking about GOD like he's a fucking altar boy or priest yet he's on a hooker board....CLASSIC!!.. Originally Posted by SNL9933

This is not about me at all. It's about your silly tirade. You come across as educated but that post showed you're really not. You're not in the Obama's league period end of story; and especially morally. Michelle Obama would run circles around you dude.

See the Black Eagle Joe Madison on Sirius talks about people like you. I forget the term for it but there's a term for when the most anti-intellectual often times the poorest white men amongst us actually believe they're better than the smartest and brightest black men amongst us.

You need to check yourself it's not about me at all. I have no issues calling you and anyone else out on your subtle / masked/ thinly veiled racism that likes to rear it's ugly head every so often.
awww someone's butt hurt I called out your terrorist in chief...

I will wait until the mods move this to the correct (political) forum...and there I will hand you your ass about Barry....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
awww someone's butt hurt I called out your terrorist in chief...

I will wait until the mods move this to the correct (political) forum...and then I will tear you a new asshole there... Originally Posted by SNL9933

oh really? Cool...I tell you what if you're capable then head your racist ass on over there now. I may the only black on this site carrying the banner but I have white supporters there too.

I've had my cup of morning black eagle and loaded for bear.

aptly portrays you:

That's right because anyone who doesn't like Barry MUST be racist....keep going...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That's right because anyone who doesn't like Barry MUST be racist....keep going... Originally Posted by SNL9933

go back and re-read your post. You gave it away with your Michelle Obama insult quip. Thinly veiled!!! I know all about people like you just like all those racist circle jerkers in the political forum. You're no different from them. Don't run from your positions you are who you are.

The Obamas were nothing but class 100% before and after they took office and will continue to be because it's who they are. Morally, ethically, intellectually, and spiritually Donald Trump is but a small fraction of the man that Barack Obama is and 99.99% of the world knows it.

OK now Bye Felicia!!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
This thread should be moved to the Sandbox.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
^^^The delete function would probably be a better choice.
^^^^ that prohibited modville zone
^ give me an example or two of false narratives please.

Thanks Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Feel free to find vast examples of proof HERE
Sarunga's Avatar
So, I have a friend who was just telling me that they are genuinely concerned that they will be deported now that Trump has won the election because they are an illegal. I had no clue since my friend is married to a citizen and has a kid here. Seriously, are people honestly scared of this? Originally Posted by gtoman
If your friend is married to a US citizen, he/she may be eligible for permanent residency (a Green Card) through that marriage. This is easier in certain states than others.
So, I have a friend who was just telling me that they are genuinely concerned that they will be deported now that Trump has won the election because they are an illegal. I had no clue since my friend is married to a citizen and has a kid here. Seriously, are people honestly scared of this? Originally Posted by gtoman
I have non-native friends who feel this way, so I would say that yes, it is a legitimate concerns for a lot of people.

I have my own fears just simply being a woman, as he's happily proven he is a misogynist through and through.
people here illegally should just go back on their own
As crazy as this place has become. Being deported sounds better everyday! I mean it is one hell of a way to get a "free" flight, but can I still get the mileage???