I Voted For Wendy Davis

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So basically, you spouted hate against the US and sought a better life in Eretz Israel but don't have the courage of your convictions.... Just checking. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I feel the same way toward the US that 60's radicals felt, back before they changed the country to what they wanted it be, the current liberal shithole.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's a dodge my friend.

You hate America (which BTW is controlled on most levels by Republicans, so it's their/your shithole too), applied for Israeli citizenship, turned your back on your country, but retain your US passport so you can vote?

Please clarify.
"Of the 14 counties along the Rio Grande, Davis lost seven—including heavily Hispanic Webb and Hidalgo Counties. Davis Challenger Reynaldo “Ray” Madrigal’s prediction may have come true to an extent—Wendy has a pro-life Catholic problem and may not hold the support of motivated Latino voters by default.

Davis' opponent Madrigal, argued...... “The majority of Texans are tired of Republicans being in office for 16 years and they don’t see Wendy Davis as a leader, especially Catholics,” to a Lubbock newspaper. “But it’s just not Catholics, it is Baptists and people of other religions. They don’t support abortion, and Wendy Davis is an abortion candidate.”

Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Of the 14 counties along the Rio Grande, Davis lost seven—including heavily Hispanic Webb and Hidalgo Counties. Davis Challenger Reynaldo “Ray” Madrigal’s prediction may have come true to an extent—Wendy has a pro-life Catholic problem and may not hold the support of motivated Latino voters by default.

Davis' opponent Madrigal, argued...... “The majority of Texans are tired of Republicans being in office for 16 years and they don’t see Wendy Davis as a leader, especially Catholics,” to a Lubbock newspaper. “But it’s just not Catholics, it is Baptists and people of other religions. They don’t support abortion, and Wendy Davis is an abortion candidate.”

http://www.texastribune.org/2014/03/...at-over-abbot/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, but in November, they'll vote for a Yellow dog before they'll vote for Rolling Rolling Blunder Abbott.

You're quoting the campaign speech of the Hispanic candidate who was thoroughly trounced in the primary.


Very weak bullshit, Whirlyturd. For a change.
They won't vote for someone who favors infanticide........

Mark P. Jones, a political scientist at Rice University, said Davis' showing in border communities should be alarming for the campaign because of how crucial increasing voter turnout is to her candidacy.

"These are dark blue counties," Jones said. "... She needs to be winning those counties with 85 to 90 percent of the vote."


Yeah, but in November, they'll vote for a Yellow dog before they'll vote for Rolling Rolling Blunder Abbott.

You're quoting the campaign speech of the Hispanic candidate who was thoroughly trounced in the primary.


Very weak bullshit, Whirlyturd. For a change. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
I wouldn't put a lot of weight on foul weather primaries, particularly in the Valley and up River toward El Paso .. and I certainly wouldn't count those chickens now and sit on my ass. The block captains in those precincts know how to load up a produce truck full of voters with instructions on how to mark their "correct" vote with beer and lunch waiting before their ride back home.

And BTW, if "the Father" says it's ok .... it's ok.
The block captains in those precincts know how to load up a produce truck full of voters with instructions on how to mark their "correct" vote with beer and lunch waiting before their ride back home. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wouldn't put a lot of weight on foul weather primaries, particularly in the Valley and up River toward El Paso .. and I certainly wouldn't count those chickens now and sit on my ass. The block captains in those precincts know how to load up a produce truck full of voters with instructions on how to mark their "correct" vote with beer and lunch waiting before their ride back home.

And BTW, if "the Father" says it's ok .... it's ok. Originally Posted by LexusLover

That's a couple of miles there, Mr. Texas! Kinda funny how this only happened at the top and bottom of the border.... Never happens anywhere else.

LexusLover's Avatar
Link????? Originally Posted by bigtex
"Link" to what?

You need to get out more .... like down into South Texas ....

Intiendes, hombre?

Life is not a "link" .... there was a world before the internet, BT. May be not yours!
The block captains in those precincts know how to load up a produce truck full of voters with instructions on how to mark their "correct" vote with beer and lunch waiting before their ride back home. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Talk's cheap, where's the link???????????
LexusLover's Avatar
Talk's cheap, where's the link??????????? Originally Posted by bigtex
Can you read? Engllish?

Life is not a "link" ....

......................there was a world before the internet, BT. May be not yours!

I think I am beginning to get your deficiency .... the internet life-support system!
LexusLover's Avatar
UP RIVER TOWARDS EL PASO... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You don't know any more about where "the Valley" is than where Clarksville is located. Mr. Austin!

"The Valley" is roughly an 11 hour drive to El Paso.

Now you might think that's a few miles, because 11 hours in your donkey cart is just a few miles. Fool!