Poll: References vs P411+

Cpalmson's Avatar
When I got back into hobbying about 5 years ago, I had to do the "reference" thing for only the first couple of times. Since then, I've never had a provider ask for a reference. For me, it is usually my P411 being good enough. Other times, it is just by my reputation on the board(s). Even on some rare occasions, I see a girl without any screening-- mainly UTRs.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Now that I know who you are referring to OP I can understand your frustration.

P411's good (same with RS2K), but not ever provider's a member so references have their place. You could have 411 references that get stale, or retire. If you only count on 411 you're limiting the providers you can see. Your choice.
Wicket's Avatar
P411's good (same with RS2K), but not ever provider's a member so references have their place. You could have 411 references that get stale, or retire. If you only count on 411 you're limiting the providers you can see. Your choice. Originally Posted by RichSeekingFun
Yup, my choice. I only see P411 ladies.
Works for you, that's great. I go places where 411 options are slim to none. Out in the sticks references are still the currency that gets you in the door.
Whenever I ask for additional references, it's because ladies don't return calls or emails by the time I get the 'when can we meet' message from a gentleman, or, the main issue I find, ladies don't know who you're talking about. They can't say for sure they haven't seen them, but that's pretty much the same thing. More than 3 okays is ok on p411 for me, but I can count on one hand how many have asked to be screened based solely on that.
LaStang's Avatar
mostly i forget to ask for an OK so mine are few and far between in the few yrs since i joined P411 , i would hope i carry a good reputation aside from it .
I rarely screen. I'll usually just text or answer the phone and get a vibe. It just takes too much time. Generally I can tell just by reading posts or seeing reviews that are written by a member if they're ok or not. Rarely trust or ask another girls opinion cause that can sometimes lead to more drama.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well lookie here
thisguy23's Avatar
I only see girls on p411 if they want to check my ref they can see them and contact them. If that is not enough I move on to the next girl.

Welcome back Shayla.
canuckvic's Avatar
I rarely screen. I'll usually just text or answer the phone and get a vibe. It just takes too much time. Generally I can tell just by reading posts or seeing reviews that are written by a member if they're ok or not. Rarely trust or ask another girls opinion cause that can sometimes lead to more drama. Originally Posted by Shayla
Nice to see you back beautiful!!
Here is how I break it down:
Not sure what p411 looks like on the client side, but on my side the clients okays the providers - show up as a blurb: contact info, short bio, personality and acronyms; ie nickname, site (sometimes) phone (sometimes) & email.

Client is MUCH skimpier - esp if they haven't added any text. It has your name number and email.

Basically the same info I ask for in my "invasive" screening: http://bluesbabee.com/contact.phtml

For me p411 gives a client 2 advantages: All the info I need to screen (link above) is there - you don't have to type it again.

It does lend credibility to both client and their refs.

On my end everything I need to check your refs is just a click away, thats handy.

The down side for me is there is No nothing.

A p411 okay is just that its an okay. If you are a GREAT guy, great client, nice guy...you get an okay. If you are an asshole who leaves skidmarks on the bed shows late stays over tries to bargain blah blah blah ....you get the same okay.

You're okay.

A reference is a totally different animal.

I sent a ref to Dallas a week or two back. Seen the guy 2 maybe 3 times but not in like a year or so? I didnt remember his name, sorta remembered his handle, wasn't real sure but ....I remembered what he looked like and what he had told me about himself and a few other details. "If that's him, he's a great guy." It was him and he got better than an "okay" from my reference (I hope because I sure meant it that way)

A reference should give me some idea of who YOU are. If you're ok with "okay" well ok. If a provider is ok with "okay"..well ok. If a provider isn't...well okay.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
P411 is way better than having to contact a provider personally for a provider reference.

When I used to rely on provider references, many times I was shocked how the girl on the other end of the line sounded high and half dead, yet I was about to put my faith in the words she said. Doesn’t matter if these ladies were right or wrong in what they told me, just the sound of their voice and their incoherent mumbling was enough to rub me the wrong way.

I rarely screen. I'll usually just text or answer the phone and get a vibe. It just takes too much time. Generally I can tell just by reading posts or seeing reviews that are written by a member if they're ok or not. Rarely trust or ask another girls opinion cause that can sometimes lead to more drama. Originally Posted by Shayla
I agree. I can't remember the last time I contacted a provider for a reference. I use my own methods to screen.
I take p411 as a reference but I do ask the ladies who have given okays how their time was with the gentleman and whether there is anything I should know. Asking questions like that can help me be aware of the kind of date I will be on, so far girls have been very helpful to let me know things like fetishes, ED, or fascinations with toys and it is very much appreciated.