Hobbying Cancelled on Account of Allergies

aRandyOne's Avatar
I read somewhere on the Interwebs (so it MUST be true) that this year is at a 10 year high for allergy producing pollens.
My tools include a Netti Pot (twice daily) Zyrtec D, Zyrtec Anti-Itchy Eye drops and Advil Cold and Sinus tabs.
Next season, I want to go to a specialist rather than a GP for the sinus/allergies. What kind of doc would be better - an ear, nose and throat guy or an allergist??
If you know a good doctor, PM me with contact information. I have terrific insurance, Obamacare notwithstanding.
I'm a lifelong allergy sufferer and have been taking shots for about 15 years. Although I'm far from "cured", I'm much better and have little need for antihistamines. (And I'm very glad; I hate to take them.)

It seems to me that desensitization shots are the "natural" way to address the problem, since they build up your body's immunity over time by subjecting you to controlled doses of the offending substances.

One curious thing: My allergies gradually started getting worse a couple of years ago, so I got re-tested. It turned out that I was no longer particularly sensitive to grasses, weeds, and pollens, but had developed a great deal of new vulnerability to mold. Perhaps one's sensitivity profile tends to "drift" over time.

The doctor's office reformulated the extract used for my shots and I soon felt noticeably better.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
We have to put a stop to this now!!! No seeing us providers will never fly. on top of that taking all those drugs!!! it might never stand up again.A little spray never hurt anyone and besides that ive got a shower. we need to try natural cures first such as BBBJ or DATY,what the , we got a whole list we can try, and if that wont work Ive got a cold rag to hold on your forehead XOXO chelsea Originally Posted by chelsea simms
Ooooo, Chelsea, I like your remedies best! Don't know if they'll take care of the allergies, but sure will make me feel lots better in other areas.
GneissGuy's Avatar
My tools include a Netti Pot (twice daily) Originally Posted by aRandyOne
I find "Sinus Rinse" easier to use. It's a plastic squeeze bottle and you don't have to get into the weird angles a netti pot may require. The sinus rinse premixed packets are useful, but you can find the recipe to mix your own.

For those who don't know, netti/sinus rinse is where you run warm salt water in one nostril and out the other. It sounds awful and takes some time to get used to. Done properly, it doesn't burn because you have the right pH and salinity. It can wash out the pollen and helps you clean the mucus out of your nose.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Take a Zyrtec and go see a provider and have a good time.
I find "Sinus Rinse" easier to use. It's a plastic squeeze bottle and you don't have to get into the weird angles a netti pot may require. The sinus rinse premixed packets are useful, but you can find the recipe to mix your own.

For those who don't know, netti/sinus rinse is where you run warm salt water in one nostril and out the other. It sounds awful and takes some time to get used to. Done properly, it doesn't burn because you have the right pH and salinity. It can wash out the pollen and helps you clean the mucus out of your nose. Originally Posted by GneissGuy

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you are talking about this:


I use this and it works wonders. All natural and it's great as a preventative measure to keep stuff from building up. A couple of things to know before using:

1. It takes some getting use to as it's more of a salt water "flush" and not a spray. In short, it's kind of like getting hit by a wave in the ocean. That said, it really does work and, again, it's all natural.

2. Do NOT use it if you already have total blockage in one of your sinus cavities. If you do, it won't be able to drain properly and you'll end up with a nasty infection. This comes straight from my alergist.

Anyways, you can buy it at CVS, Walgreens, etc. I got away from using mine and I paid the price. Won't make that mistake again!

GneissGuy's Avatar
That's it.
Combustion's Avatar
It tastes absolutely horrible, but apple cider vineger 1oz diluted with water 12oz+ in the morning helps. So does Sudafed.