Broaching the testing question

There is no doubt I am getting tested that was never the question. The only question was is it acceptable to inquire with the provider about her testing habits. Until 3-6 months later you can not be 100% certain if you are clean. I just thought if I knew from the girl that she has been tested negative recently it would help the psychological impact of worrying about it. I never thought for a moment if she tells me I am clean then I do not need to get tested.

As for 2 years without a test, the reason is I was not hobbying over that time. I was exclusively with 2 women and neither break was over infidelity. Condoms were used more to prevent pregnancy than a doubt that other was not clean. So not getting tested over a 2 year period when I was with 2 women exclusively, at different times, and not with multiple partners is not a stretch.

My GP suggests yearly testing for males who practice safe since the probability of transmission is low. That may differ for female particularly who are providers and whether or not greek is on the menu.

I had no real particular fear about this woman. It is more of a fear of the unknown because believe it or not this was the first time I ever had a condom break. The provider really did not display any signs of health problems but the fact greek was on the menu was a slight concern. She did speak of some health problems but nothing that sounded like a STD. I am speeding up my testing schedule, in which I let a year lapse due to monogamy. The question was never to test or not to test. That is a definite.

However, the question is is it ok to inquire about a providers testing status. An answer might alleviate worries and change the situation from holy cow WTF happened to I am just doing do to be sure. Now that I think of it may not even help so I will just have to find a way to keep things in proper perspective.
Again I did not mean to start a thread over testing versus not testing. Testing is the obvious answer. The real question is is it ok to inquire about the providers testing status to hopefully ease the psychological effect until the test can accurately say anything which is at least 6 weeks.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The point still being know there is risk but don't overstate them to yourself. If people looked at probabilities of a car crash and they registered the same way many handle HIV probabilities we would never leave the house. Originally Posted by Bannor
In one of his books, I think it was in Innumeracy, the mathematician John Allen Poulos gave a proof that the drive to the drugstore to buy condoms had a greater chance for a fatal outcome than unprotected sex with a random opposite sex partner had for contraction of hiv.

The real question is is it ok to inquire about the providers testing status to hopefully ease the psychological effect until the test can accurately say anything which is at least 6 weeks. Originally Posted by igor-the-lab-rat
OK with whom? Fine by me, but I guess you're wondering if it's OK with the girl...only one way to find that out, unless I'm missing something here.
Hell, just ask her...she may be wondering the same thing about you, and y'all could cooperate and ease one another's anxieties...