How about some historical prospective? The first african slave arrived in the English colony of Virginia in 1637. It was England at the time. The United States came into being in 1781 but only some states had slavery. The confederacy came into being in 1861 and was gone by 1865 along with slavery. So some of the United States had slavery for 84 years. So let's knock off the falsehood, promoted by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, of hundreds of years of slavery. It was only 84 years of US slavery in some states. Some states like Kansas, Nebraska, California, etc. never had slavery so they are blameless.I think this is a good post, and shows a side of the issue rarely discussed.
Trading places was a movie. I suppose you can take a Harvard trained commodities analyst and exchange him with a con-man with street smarts but I wouldn't bet on it. Who is oppressing whom. Who accuses a black student of acting white if they speak without an urban dialect? Do you know that test scores of black students were much higher in the 1920s through the 1960s and on par with white students. In New York going to to Harlem was not about buying drugs in the 1930s. It was about going to a middle class area with good music, fun, and food. The same was said about Washington DC before the Great Society. In Oklahoma there were black cities with schools, churches, streets, and middle class citizens. In some parts of the country black Americans were doing pretty good except maybe in the deep south. The democrats holding the power preventing voting, promoted lynching, and used the chain gang to get free labor. If someone had said how do we hurt the black American, someone else might say that they had to devalue human life with abortion, break up the black family with welfare programs, destroy the culture with violence and sexually insulting music and images, and we will finish by putting many black fathers in prison and withholding jobs. We will also downgrade the school system and enslave young black students to failing school systems. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn