GAO says that Obama broke the law...

Perhaps the Travis County DA's office will file charges.
We know Holder won't. Originally Posted by boardman
Holder wouldn't know how anyway.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Holder supports any and all unlawful actions of Obama.
He should be under investigation for obstruction of justice just as a start.

Very disturbing that our military would break the law at the bequest of Obama.
Makes you wonder justy how far they would go if he wanted them to turn on the citizens. What is the limit on how far they will go.
This administration and it seems much of our Congress and judicial system is ignoring the Constitution.
The demise of our Republic is in full motion.
The demise of our Republic is in full motion. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
They're coming to take 2Pups away, ha, ha!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Holder supports any and all unlawful actions of Obama.
He should be under investigation for obstruction of justice just as a start.

Very disturbing that our military would break the law at the bequest of Obama.
Makes you wonder justy how far they would go if he wanted them to turn on the citizens. What is the limit on how far they will go.
This administration and it seems much of our Congress and judicial system is ignoring the Constitution.
The demise of our Republic is in full motion. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You are correct - the demise is totally evident, and I blame liberals!