Age Limits

Mature Companion's Avatar
Speaking only for myself & as one who chooses not to see young guys under 35.
I'm not attracted to young guys. Not in nor out of the hobby. I'm not attracted to their flakiness (booking only to confess later they had no intentions of meeting). They way they beg, their boy bodies nor their immaturity or the boring sex.
(my POV) Young guys lack the knowledge & know how, in pleasing a woman, beyond just fucking. Seeing young guys grosses me out. I'm an older woman with a kid in the Military, close to your age.

As woman of 44 I'm attracted to men my age & older. We have more in common and the level of passion, intense pleasure with a mature man is incredible, beyond words. Mature men (with the exception of the pricks) know how to make a woman feel beautiful & desirable, in their presence & under their touch. Long before the fucking begins.

You asked. You got an honest answer. It may not be one you like.
The above POV is based on my experience with young guys. With the exception of 1. And beyond him, I don't make exceptions

So please, when a woman you contact, tells you she doesn't see young guys. Respect her choice/decision. Don't beg, don't ask her to reconsider. Understand, she'd rather say no than to see you for the $ and you have the worst time of your life.

Could a provider who is strict regarding 25 and up, 30 and up, etc, offer some insight as to why you adhere to this age cutoff? I ask as a 23 year old interested in pursuing the hobby but hesitant to make the first call because I have seen many requiring 25+

Thanks for any input, I hope I have asked this question in the correct place Originally Posted by Reasonable_man

So please, when a woman you contact, tells you she doesn't see young guys. Respect her choice/decision. Don't beg, don't ask her to reconsider. Understand, she'd rather say no than to see you for the $ and you have the worst time of your life. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
This is certainly not a problem for me, and I appreciate your honest input!
Mature Companion's Avatar
And that's appreciated. As there are far too many young guys who do beg and hound a lady to reconsider. No matter how many times she's said no.

This is certainly not a problem for me, and I appreciate your honest input! Originally Posted by Reasonable_man
I just don't click with the youngins and I am in my early 20s. I dated older guys long before I got in the hobby and the young guys do absolutely nothing for me. It is Very rare that I make an exception. 23 is just too young for me. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Now that's what I'm talkin' about......
Anyone of any age can be an asshole..for example I had an old man call me about an hour ago just to "inform" me that my price was too high due to me being a "fatass" I believe he was just pissed because I would not lower my rate.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Anyone of any age can be an asshole..for example I had an old man call me about an hour ago just to "inform" me that my price was too high due to me being a "fatass" I believe he was just pissed because I would not lower my rate. Originally Posted by SarahAndFriends
That is why I don't list my number. These things are avoidable. This business is all about body, looks and the way we market ourselves. I've never received a nasty email but I'm sure if I listed my phone number I'd receive my share of nasty phone calls and texts.
beautifulbailey's Avatar
1. The youngins have a high cancellation rate.
2. They are waayy too nervous for me which will make me uncomfortable.
3. They usually have waayy too many unsavory questions.
4. They do respect no for an answer. (exp. Dont put your finger there sweetie didn't I already tell you that!)
5. I am really not attracted to the under 30 crowd.

As with all things there are exceptions and as rare as it may be I do make them from time to time in the hobby.

As for my civie life? Nooo. I do not even like to date under 35. I prefer 40+.
topsgt38801's Avatar
I prefer over 30 and in most case like providers in the late 30's and 40's. It is just something about the maturity in the older ladies that stands out. Not saying that some of the younger ones cannot compete on the same level, but from overall experience 30 and up has always been a better fit for me. Also, some I have seen in the early 50's can be awesome and some hobbyist do not know what they are missing by not giving them a call.

Once again, no offense meant to any of the beautiful, younger ladies. I have had some good experiences with some of them also.

boardman's Avatar
I'm 326 in cat years.
Is that too old for any providers?
I'm 326 in cat years.
Is that too old for any providers? Originally Posted by boardman
Don't make me do that long division stuff. Just tell me how old you are.
topsgt38801's Avatar

Your never too old. You just have to find some old cats.

boardman's Avatar
Don't make me do that long division stuff. Just tell me how old you are. Originally Posted by Ansley
Old enough to know what I'm doing and still young enough to do it. Well most of it.
If it comes down to whether you'll see me or not, Ansley, just tell me how old I have to be. I'll lie through my whiskers if I have to.
The youngest person I have seen doing this was 19. It was an interesting experience.
Old enough to know what I'm doing and still young enough to do it. Well most of it.
If it comes down to whether you'll see me or not, Ansley, just tell me how old I have to be. I'll lie through my whiskers if I have to. Originally Posted by boardman
Well it sounds like we are both old and will be picking up each others slack.

Don't make us both lie about our ages. You be your own age and I will continue to lie about my age. An escort that lies about her age!
London Rayne's Avatar
I lie about mine too ha ha, because guys automatically add a few years. If I told the truth they would make me over 30 by adding fake years. I think when I actually turn 30, I will stop lying, but then they will assume I am 35. Can't win!

I do have somewhat of an age limit on the older side, but not the younger. I will see any guy that is legal.