Ladies, would this cause you concern?

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I think you should write your reviews because some of us "freaks" out here would love to hear all about them. Never let someone else opinion affect your doings. You are a human being and you should be able to release your kinky side I know I like to! So write those reviews and do it with pride, I'm pretty sure plenty of providers will still see you, remember we are human to. Originally Posted by Mariah Moore
well said mariah
pmdelites's Avatar
Hey PPE: Didn't you say something about wearing this to the "Trick or Beat" party next month?. . . Originally Posted by Sandman
i seriously doubt it cos he would be able to see what's getting ready to happen to him. it's not his style %^) [that's a blindfolded smiley as best i can do]

[the above is just my humorous conjecture of ppe, having tag-teamed w/ him exactly once w/ one of our fair maidens.]
Thank you everyone for your input. I think it's clear that if I do post reviews of these sessions I should make sure the lady is okay with it
Guest062512's Avatar
OK, I'll put my 2 cents in.
I have a weird hang-up. I'm fighting through it, nearly there, but it might help you to understand some things. If I know that a lady enjoys being tied up and spanked, I usually avoid seeing her. I'm not judging. I fully support everyone's rights and privileges to enjoy whatever activities you want in the privacy of the bedroom.

My problem is MY problem. Once I get the image in my addled old brain of a lady that I admire in such a compromised position (tied up and spanked or otherwise tortured - my image, not necessarily reality), I cannot "make it happen" for her or with her. I've tried. Even with the most wonderful of providers, it just won't happen. I can't pry that image out of my head. Now, I'm beginning to work through it with some help from a good friend, but I'm not competely successful yet. So... for now... I don't see ladies that I know are into BDSM. Maybe eventually, but not yet.

Consequently, I prefer not to see BDSM activities in reviews. If you could put those reviews in "another realm", I would greatly appreciate it. I avoid that forum in order to avoid knowing who does that.

I know, I'm gonna catch some some horrendous fallout from posting this. So be it. Again, though... I'm not judging or condemning. I just make my selections partially based on this issue. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone or if you think less of me for this. I understand if you do.


Let the flames fall.
... I don't have ANY fetish reviews. Nope. Not one. Its not uncommon for the fetish providers and clients to keep things more hushed. Not certain why... Originally Posted by DecemberLove
Hey,,,, I would've written a fetish review but you told me not to say anything about the ape suit, the vacuum cleaner, or the vibrating paddle because you were worried about scaring of the "straights".

MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
I love that mask BTW!

Hmm, would I be taken aback by a gentleman that loves to indulge in erotic forms of fetish play and/or BDSM? NO.
Would I look down upon him for allowing me the pleasure of knowing his innermost secret desires? NO.

It all depends on the individual and how 'open' and receptive they are to indulging in these kinds of fantasies and the knowledge of them. Yes, you are correct. Some women get offended by it, but as you can see some women do not. It is perhaps walking on a fine line but it's nothing that great research can't cure! I guess one must take all aspects of it into consideration, just like with anything, and realize that not everyone is open and comfortable with it and then go forward with one's selection.

Life is good isn't it? Sexuality opens new doorways, not only as far as experiences, but for connecting with an individual, and getting carried away inside the 'forbidden' domain.

BTW, I love mostly anything kinky, fetishes, and BDSM, (granted that it is not harmful or gross). As long as the boundaries are set and with someone you trust, the erotic and mental connection can be MOST stimulating. *getting warm down below *


***** Disclaimer - This is PPE's personal opinion and not to be confused with any real or implied mandate or direction of ECCIE Worldwide or it's affiliates, advertisers or participants. *****

Sir, I want to start with I appreciate and respect your post and it's intent.

I do respect you posting that you are challenged in getting together with a lady that is interested in surfing the edges of the play spectrum... We all fully respect that and understand it is a process. I do have to mention 2 things in your post... for clarity:

First point, Your use of the word "Torture"... I for one do not do "Torture" . That is a sick and sadistic term. I do bondage and dominance. The ladies I play with are submissives... and in the end, they have all the power in the activity. Torture implies no control and abuse for abuses sake. Could not be farther away from my sessions. Very very very different concepts. A submissive always has control of what is happening and can always stop with a single safe word. You would be surprised in the number of ladies whom express interest in this play. Does not make them any less of a fine GFE lady and has no real impact in the service level they provide to you in a more Vanilla setting.

Second, I am not a fan of pushing all reviews with any sort of "Kink" based activity into Another Realm. Though Another Realm was created to give a open forum for discussion and reviews of edge play sessions, it was not intended to be a dark corner to shove all of this away from sensitive eyes and libidos. WThe intention is to allow more folks to get knowledge of what kink means and allow it to flow freely into other forums as it becomes more accepted. I know that many will never completely accept and /or participate in edge play, we still want allow for reviews to be posted wherever the reviewer wants to post, as long as it follows the accepted format of the forum (Indy, Studio, AMP, Strip Club, etc.)

I hope this is not construed as "Flaming" or attacking you in any way, it is meant to levelset on what my intention is in moderating the Realm and in coming forward in my interest and enjoyment of kink.

Thanks for your time and understanding....


***** Mod Mode switch reset to active *****
Guest062512's Avatar
We will likely never see eye-to-eye on this topic, and that is fine, of course. My purpose in commenting in this thread was to answer the OP's original question, "does seeing this kind of an activity bother some people?" No one else had responded in the affirmative, so I chose to express the minority opinion. It does bother me to read this in reviews and it affects my selections. With tens of thousands of eccie members, I doubt that I'm the only one.

PPE, you are a well- spoken individual, and I appreciate your eloquence and diplomacy. However, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. By all means, please see whomever you like, and I hope you enjoy whatever activities you agree to share. I'll see others and assume you'll wish the same for me.


I hate iPhones sometimes... I typed out a great reply but it ate it...

I don't want to hijack this thread as the PPE show... So I will leave with this final thought...

I do want to say that I understand Crossroad's post and his opinion and I completely respect it.

I hope I did not minimize his or any other persons opinion that posted here or wishes to post on this thread. I know this is not for everyone and even in the realm of kink, I do not go for everything.

I do get a bit on my soapbox when it comes to the subject and terms used, as I know a lot of time and energy has been put into education on kink and bringing it out of the shadows. Not meaning to pick on the esteemed Crossroads, just happened to be the one that I saw and commented on.

I do hope that everyone's time here is enjoyable and that we all get what we are looking for. God Bless us one and all that are here and enjoying the fine ladies of our board.

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I wouldnt look at them any differently. Some fetishes might seem funny to me, but its the fetish not the person i find to be different.