Who Do guys Hobby? Just check you local Wal Mart Or Target

it goes both ways. Originally Posted by Thatdude
...na I doubt I could store my cellphone in my ass crack...LMAO
Dude I am so very sorry you walked past me in Wal-mart, I know that mini skirt I had on was not very appealing, but the cashier dude liked it.

A hot, tight body is great, but what else goes with it. Many hobbyist actually do find ladies who look like their SO or remind them of their SO, the SO is probably not doing what they are supposed to do, some ladies do not even do simple things like actually carry a conversation with their man.

And other just want a tight, hot body to play with.......nothing wrong with that.

We hear a lot of reasons for why guys decide to take up the hobby.
I.e. seeing providers.
After going shopping at my local Wal Mart and Target today the reasons seemed fairly obvious to me.

Walking down the aisles I could not help but think about the statistics that show that Americans have an obesity problem. I would say 90% or more of the women in these stores have serious weight issues.
The guys actually were more like in the 35% range. I saw only a very few ladies that I would consider attractive and most of these were younger .
Don't get me wrong , I'm not talking about folks who are carrying around a few extra pounds , instead I am saying these folks have no shape other than round.
I actually like a normal sized woman , she doesn't have to be extra thin or extremely beautiful. Just not totally out of shape.
I do want her to have at least a wee bit of concern for her appearance and health.
All I could think of by the time I finished shopping was how many very lovely, women are on this site and are providing in general.
This alone is enough to have me seek a provider when I am looking for company.
I guess this just seems a mini rant but I think if the wives and SO's want to keep their man around and happy they should look at themselves in a mirror from time to time and resist the urge to snack. Originally Posted by looiecypher
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
It's all that. Obesity. Kudos to the First Lady, but regardless of how we feed kids at school, I guarantee you there's a 7-11, gas station convenience store, pizza parlor or Gamestop within a stone's throw of their campus. There's also no shortage of fast food joints at which Mom or Dad can pick up a quick dinner. Kids, and many of their parents, are fat because they don't get enough exercise. Hell, I work at it, and still need to lose about 30. As for why we hobby--everybody's different. I get sex from my SO, but not nearly often enough and not the way I like it. I'm still 16 in my crotch and head; she's past menopause and not all that interested. But even so, I like to fuck other women. Could I stop, sure I could. I just don't want to. That's on me.
...na I doubt I could store my cellphone in my ass crack...LMAO Originally Posted by Marla
lol I should explain. I mean some of my fellow hobbiest have let themselves go physically. Just like some So's stop doing whatever they did to get us , some of us act accordingly. Just like hobbiest are hobbying, I am sure some SO's are doing their own form of hobbying
daltxm4f's Avatar
My wife would beat 1/2 the ladies here on looks, and could hold her own with the rest. (at least, who are at least 1/2 her age).)

It all boils down to a mental thing, something I am starting to grasp finally. As I get a handle on what has driven me to hobby, I find my desire to hobby has dwindled. Not that Reese and the rest of the ladies here are not hot, sexy, interesting, etc., but I realize that I am letting my SO control my behavior in ways I do not like, and I want to be in control of myself again.

It would take way to many lines of text in these forums to explain what i have learned about myself, but I do not think it has anything to do with the weight/physical shape of my SO.

When I look at many of the ladies who advertise here, when I look at the number of reviews written on BBW or 'thick' woman, I find it hard to believe that the main motivating factor in a guy hobbying is his SO's weight. I think there are many other factors that influence guys, and 'getting some strange' is only a smll portion of that influence. Heck, in my case, I preferred seeing the same lady multiple times versus playing around with new ladies each week.
smokeater's Avatar
Marla was right on with her first post. I have a good looking wife who is 4'11 and weighs 105 lbs. If she had any interest in a sexual relationship I wouldn't be here. MY e it's my problem and I don't do it for her but what ever the reason I stand on that. If I was getting it at home I'd be satisfied.
elcalifa's Avatar
Dude, look at where you live. Fried chicken nation.

Since moving out here I find that I fit in more body-type wise
I think it's pretty shallow to scan the women at WalMart, Target, Dollar General wherever and state that men hobby b/c most women are fat. I think, like Reese mentioned, it's more complicated than that. I'd venture to say that many Providers would say the same thing about the men at the very same locales. If a Hobbyist could pick up a hottie for free or less than he'd pay for some smokin' pussy he'd be all over her. Unfortunately, I'd be willing to surmise that a good many men on here have a bit of a weight issue too. I Hobby for the variety. I Hobby because I like certain sexual activities that I can't get at home. I Hobby because I'm weak when it comes to women. I Hobby because I enjoy pussy, boobs in my mouth and exploring the variety of ways different women can pleasure me.