Apolitical Topic?

dirty dog's Avatar
If the situation is that a non smoker has to be in a place, like an office. Then smoking should be banned, but if its a bar the person makes a personal choice to be there, if they dont like smoking there are places they can go that cater to them. A non smoker does not have the right to dictate to a business that you can't have smoking because I might come there some day. Like many on this thread have stated they choose not to go places where smoking is allowed. That is how you deal with it.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I feel it is another conservative plot to legislate morality! jkjkjkjkjkjkjk Originally Posted by catnipdipper
JG, catnip was not getting political. He was trying to be funny. You see, the "jk" stands for just-kidding.