PSA: Get your naughty bits checked

Txsunman's Avatar
Hmmmm Get a second opinion Bro. from another urologist. Good luck!
Guest010619's Avatar
Just remember.
Chicks dig scars.
Or is it...
Chicks dig cars?
n81428's Avatar
Reminds me of an urban legend about a kid who was in high school with me. Legend was that he lost one while unsuccessfully navigating a barbed wire fence. Never had the nerve then to ask him to verify.

Hope that you're on the mend fast.
Praying for you BG, as well as a speedy recovery and an Asian lady to take care of the pole, who will probably be ready to stand tall when you regain full good health status. No Polish people should be offended by this post. Lol!!!
Best wishes, dude - and remember, it only takes one to cum!
Cheesecake7's Avatar
Best wishes. On the good side you may get a discount on BLS because there is only one left!
Worst thing is missing Sweet Bunnys farewell ! I feel you Best wishes !!!
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Good luck Big Guy. I hope you have a complete and speedy recovery.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Hope all comesout well,sounds like you've have a positive attitude,which goes a long way in a complete recovery. All the best to you BG.
BG13...wish you a successful surgery, delightful news from the biopsy, and a quick refilling of the remaining "pelota" with double the cum. Prayers and thoughts to you.
ck1942's Avatar
Definitely opt for a second opinion when surgery is indicated.

Best of luck for the out come and hang in there!
Sending healthy, positive, healing energy to you. I'm sure many ladies will be more than happy to show your ball extra loving when you come back. <3
BigGuy13's Avatar
So, had the surgery yesterday. Feel pretty good, considering... Doc went from "it could be several things" at the appointment to "I am pretty sure it's cancer" during our pre-op talk. Will have some follow-up appointments to determine if we caught it early enough, and what my future needs are.

Again, I will say, I am not looking for sympathy. Take the time to schedule and get your sh*t checked out. If they catch it soon enough, this has a 97%+ cure rate. If it gets to your lymph nodes, then you have a problem...
Dr Grey's Avatar
Thanks for the update big guy. Pulling for ya bud. Prayers and the force be with you.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Sorry to hear that.
I hope you are able to nip it in the butt and
things turn out okay...