Getting turned down for a session.

sparrow1122's Avatar
As for me, tell me. Be brutally honest. I will then know if I need to fix or change something or just move on.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I already have low self-esteem. If I get rejected by an escort I might kill myself. Better make up something good. Originally Posted by L.A.

pyramider's Avatar

Now, are there some reasons that are TMI? Like she is on her cycle, for example?

I turned down a session a few days ago due to the hobbyist reputation not so great amongst the ladies. I didn't tell him why because I didn't want to feel like I was throwing a few providers under the bus.

It was a catch 22 for me personally. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
The cycle thing we hear all the time from the SOs. So you better be stating there baby body parts falling out, too.

If a fucktard's reputation is not so great I am sure he knows why.

As for me, tell me. Be brutally honest. I will then know if I need to fix or change something or just move on. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
Can you fix being a lousy lay?
Count me as one who would also want to know why. If it's something about me, then I REALLY want to know so that maybe I can change it. If it's a periodic thing, then that's just a scheduling issue (pun intended ).

Not knowing why is actually more ego-deflating than knowing, in my opinion.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, I'd want to know. It does suck to get rejected, but maybe the reason is avoidable or fixable, or may be a clarification issue.

If you can't bring yourself to tell me, just lie and say that you heard that my dick was too big. That will at least make my ego flare up for a second.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I would want to know out of curiosity more than anything. It'd be really helpful if the reason was something that I didn't see in myself that I could correct.

I understand why some providers don't, some guys can't deal with rejection and will try to turn any reason into a debate or lash out. But no one likes being left in the dark.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
I don't think this hobby is a good place for a provider to be open as to why she is turning down a client. It may be personal reasons that keep her from sharing. Perhaps she has kids, has a job, a husband, is emotional about something or any number of legit reasons she doesn't want a gent to know about because it's her personal life.

If it is because his references are saying he is not safe/secure then I wouldn't share that with him. I would not tell a gentleman what another provider told me because he has proven not trustworthy in some way. If a provider exposes another providers confidence and trust it can't be earned back. It dilutes the value of the reference system among providers.

For you gents who worry the info is false it is one of the reasons providers ask gents for more than one reference...among other reasons. We are looking for the whole picture. Not just one perspective.

Gents, you know the simple reasons we may not see you. Such as, time waster, over stay, push boundaries, gossip about others during time together, ask you what your rate is in person or haggles, It's uncomfortable for us. Check yourself. You know if that describes you.

We are paid to be an enjoyable companion. We don't want conflict during time together. The private atmosphere is not conducive regarding potential argument or harm by bringing up something we don't know how you will react. So we share during the reference process.

Y'all have reviews to read and assess a lady. Also ML, behind the scenes intel, etc. We only have the reference system. If you are the one getting turned down more than once.....Take a look at yourself first before getting defensive. I know, it's hard. None of us like to take an honest look at ourselves. We want to believe we are a good person. And in my case, I'm not succinct LOL
  • D.G.
  • 05-01-2015, 03:56 PM
As a new guy on here, yes, i would like to know as well. I was thimking about asking this myself today. I had scheduled my first appointment on here last night. The provider was quick to respond last night. Had a time. Place. General area, this means when you get to intersection X and Y i will give you the physical address. Well this morninh i sent a hello reaffirming we are on text. No answer. Hour later when it was time to leave to travel. No answer. One more text asking if her non reply meant she changed her mind. No answer.

SO yes especially as a new guy i want to get it right and not labeled a creeper or time waster so i can enjoywhats around here.
It's different for the guys than it is for the girls.

The times that I have responded to an ISO and the hobbyist felt compelled to EXPLAIN to me why he wasn't choosing me, I had to shake my head~~~ um, just delete my PM and move on, Sir!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I'm with you Emily and Honey.

I've held back in the past due to not wanting to throw a provider under the bus. If she is kind enough to give a ref or write an alert, I'm kind enough to respect her privacy.
Of course, you asked what we would like, not what is expected or realistic. I have never not passed screening but if I did, I would be shocked if the provider told me why.
Richardtx's Avatar
I absolutely would want to know. Beats being completely ignored. I know one provider who just completely ignored me, but then posts an ad. Incredibly odd.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I once sent a prescreening request through p411 to a provider on there. She politely responded that she would not be able to meet with me because our menus did not mesh. I was butt hurt fir about two seconds but I appreciated her honesty and not just seeing me to get my money. Thought that was very cool of her.
I think I would like to know if it was some other reason. Some thing you can fix, some uou can't but you have you can't do anything if you are unaware.
Once you get a bad reputation, you might as well hang it up or change your handle and try to make better impression the second time around.
"If you can't bring yourself to tell me, just lie and say that you heard that my dick was too big. That will at least make my ego flare up for a second."

Candidate for post of the year.

PERFECT ego boosting reply! Love it!

Could not have said it better.
No reason needs to be given.