Rest in Peace Maggie Dog

Charlie Brown's Avatar
Reading your post midgetwrestler reminds me of the sadness I felt when my dog passed.

Every pet is special if you allow them into your heart.

Many years ago I had a Great Dane, or maybe she had me. She was a brindle.

I have pictures of her as well but I rarely look at them because it reminds me she's gone. I have one picture of her standing with her paws on my shoulders on a sail boat looking at the camera like a celebrity....OK, a little dramatic, but still special.

I named her Bozo, because when I brought her home she had to lean against the wall to walk - she was so gangly and awkward at 6 weeks. At around 10 weeks I took her to run with me and she ran 3 miles and looked at me with a look like " what, we're stopping ? "

Bozo was a good traveler - Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas. I'd take her with me on rugby tournaments and she'd babysit my girlfriends until we'd return home on Sunday nights. I once took her to summer camp in Jacksonville, being in a Marine Helicopter Squadron at the time wasn't necessarily the best was a WTF moment so to speak.....too funny!

We were kicked out of two apartment resident manager sent my rent check back to me with a letter proclaiming " your dog's feces is to large for such a concentrated population ! " Should have framed that one...but there were so many " special moments " with this critter.

Bozo died on an Easter morning about 18 years ago.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Oh my gosh, I am SOOOO sorry, MW. I know how much I love my geriatric chihuahuas. Sweet Pea's loss last August nearly killed me, and I'm probably going to lose one, possible two more of my beloved wee woofs this year. The 5 remaining wa's are all between the ages of 14-16 and have heath problems raging from mere old age side effects to severe and could pass at any moment, but they are all still alert, loving, happy, playful waggers.

I wish there was something I could say, but only time will heal this type of wound to the soul. I still look over on at the pillow next to me in bed and expect to see her curled up there, and when she isn't.......

For Charlie and Maggie, Bozo and Sweet Pea, and all the furry friends we miss:

The Rainbow Bridge
Inspired by a Norse legend

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

© 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky. All Rights Reserved.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Putting my personal feelings about you aside, I'm also very sorry to hear of the loss of your deal animals.

As a fellow pet lover, it's just horrible to lose a pet. Or two. Or ever more. It's always horrible.

You seemed to have been a very good person to your dogs all of these years.

Always horrifically sad.

Good luck with this.
My condolences...I had to put one of my dogs down last year due to cancer and was vey tough for she wasn't that old. Just remember, All dogs do go to heaven...
You have my thoughts in this time of mourning and grief. Give it some time and when your heart is ready Maggie would be honored to know that you are willing to save another rescue dog in her name. Waggin' tails forever!!
uniquemonique's Avatar
So sorry for your loss...Hang in there..There are so many rescue dogs out there. They need a second chance. when your ready contact me. My thoughs and prayers are with you.
Loosing both Charlie and Maggie in such a short period of time has been difficult. Charlie was not that old, but the tumor on his thyroid grew so fast and started to spread, I did the only thing possible to relieve his suffering.

Maggie was old, but happy and not in any pain until the end. It was time to say goodbye to my friend and companion. I held Maggie and rubbed her ears and talked softly to her, it was the last act of love I could do for such a wonderful dog.

I will be rescuing another dog in the near future, just need to find the right dog. I still have Maybelle, a one year old german shepherd that is also a rescue. Maybelle is almost more than I can handle, but she is settling in fine. I prefer to have another dog from the herding breeds. I like border collie's or maybe an Aussie or even a blue healer. They are all loyal intelligent and incredible dogs.

I will not buy a dog from a breeder or pet store, there are too many animals in need out there. Thanks again for all the kind words.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
I know how much you loved Maggie...I know how much you loved Charlie and all your dogs for that matter.

My heart goes out to you my friend. I know a loss like this will take time. Please know your in my thoughts.


RIP Maggie Dog
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Sorry about your loss. I love my dogs and I dread the day that this will inevitably happen to them.... They are family.