Your attitude

Victoria; I remember when you originally posted that motto; I copied it down and attached it to the inside of my business planner. On a recent trip to China; my business guide and interpreter saw it and also copied it into his business planner.

Many thanks for re-posting this; just wanted to let you know several people around the world now carry this with them....

How awesome is that!!

Great post. A tool I use to guide manifestation is Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, bascially a guide to universal laws that govern taking the unmanifest (a thought) to matter. He combines quantum physics with Vedic science, the ancient practice which gave birth to yoga. It's all about training your mind to be positive and open to possbility, and able to live in the wisdom of uncertaintly while the gets behind you. That can be very difficult in today's tumultuous world but so critical. And yes, your attitude rubs off on everyone around you, so it ain't even all about you!
What tools do others used to stay focused and positive? Originally Posted by ClairJordan
I love Deepak Chopra and that is exactly who I thought of when Princess posted this. Thank you princess. I like the motto It's not my business what others think of me! I am a firm beliver in karma too. I see it all the time and that's what keeps me from losing my temper when people are being assholes!
bundy64's Avatar
Hey V,

Thats a terrific motto! It truly is our 'attitude' that personifies who we are to those around us.

Make it a great day!

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"When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute." ~Author Unknown
rrrabbit's Avatar
"Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?"

I love it!
I always try to abide by the "Treat others how you wish to be treated." mentality.

Love this thread! Originally Posted by PeAcH
Since my attitude is between my legs, usually hagning to the right ... I'm not sure anything contagious would be viewed as desirable.

I have to say that it goes both ways. If I have a crap day, I really shouldn't take it out on you. If my boss treats me like a dog turd, you may be the saving grace for the day. Relax me, focus me, let me have multiple shots with you so it only takes one shot on the boss. Ooops, shouln't say that last part, should I? But the rest goes.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-05-2010, 12:25 PM
Since my attitude is between my legs, usually hagning to the right ... I'm not sure anything contagious would be viewed as desirable.

Originally Posted by rrrabbit
ROFL! Your post was funny, then I noticed your avatar and nearly died with laughter.

Thank you rrrabbit!