Freaking Fantastic News

Treetop78759's Avatar
Treetop78759's Avatar
There is no way for me to tackle all human trafficking in the world. That's stupid for even asking the question.

The reason I'm fixated and focused on AMPs is because I understand them very well. They are a great place to start.

Also, I'm only 2.5 months into my crusade. The first 2 months were a flop but I changed my approach. I'm certain that trying to trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage from the right people is going to work. Judge my effectiveness starting 2 weeks ago.

Once I crack the code locally I will then put forth the effort to combat human trafficking and take it nationally.

From there is will expand to other industries but I needed a starting point. That point is the AMPs in Austin and Round Rock.
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
The reason I'm fixated and focused on AMPs is because I understand them very well. They are a great place to start. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Because you've been to over 100 AMPs yourself I'm guessing, based on your reviews and a perusal of some of your posts. Feel pretty guilty about all those handjobs, don't you? Was it Mia or Vivian you fell for and got rejected by? Or both?

Also, I'm only 2.5 months into my crusade. The first 2 months were a flop but I changed my approach. I'm certain that trying to trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage from the right people is going to work. Judge my effectiveness starting 2 weeks ago. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
In other words, all of your posts over the past 2 weeks have been complete sensational bullshit solely for the purpose of provoking a reaction by other eccie members and anyone else who finds these pages.

Mods, once again I call on you to revoke Treetop's eccie membership. He is clearly using eccie as a personal platform to further his own agenda. He is not a positive, contributing member here, and he clearly will cause undue harm to eccie, its owners and its members.
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 07-15-2017, 08:00 AM
There is no way for me to tackle all human trafficking in the world. That's stupid for even asking the question.

The reason I'm fixated and focused on AMPs is because I understand them very well. They are a great place to start.

Also, I'm only 2.5 months into my crusade. The first 2 months were a flop but I changed my approach. I'm certain that trying to trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage from the right people is going to work. Judge my effectiveness starting 2 weeks ago.

Once I crack the code locally I will then put forth the effort to combat human trafficking and take it nationally.

From there is will expand to other industries but I needed a starting point. That point is the AMPs in Austin and Round Rock. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Treetop78759's Avatar
Treetop78759's Avatar
Treetop when will you fight me? Originally Posted by Yoloswagginz
I don't fight monkey's.
Wakeup's Avatar
Are you idiots seriously interacting with the troll? You know that handle is a fake...right? It was only created to troll know this...right?
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
He created a fake handle 5 years ago, made over 1600 posts, reviewed 10 AMPs and made many other posts about visiting AMPs in other cities, all so he could now start trolling eccie members about a fake crusade to stop sex traffickers in Austin AMPs?

So Treetop is just like Mom and Pop on Seinfeld?

Mom and Pop
Wakeup's Avatar think that's real??? Okay...never mind...carry on...
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
Think what's real? His fake crusade? I think fake is the keyword there.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Two more human trafficked sex slaves were saved today!

This is awesome.
  • HB361
  • 07-18-2017, 01:05 PM
So now they get deported with no money back to their country of origin only to be pimped out as whores again... joy!

Surely it's a better life there, why else would they risk all to come here... ooooops got that backwards Originally Posted by rockerrick
...and their family's safety is now in question as well because they couldn't pay back the money it took to get them over here. Life will be twice as hard for them now. And since they are deported with a criminal record, their dreams of becoming an American citizen are now shattered.
  • HB361
  • 07-18-2017, 01:09 PM
They will not get deported. They get two years asylum. Any human trafficked sex slaves also qualifies for withness protection.

Our country is very compassionate. Especially to non US citizens who were trafficked. There are churches that have homes for these people and will get them the services they need. Medical, dental, psychological, etc. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Someone has been watching a little too much Law and Order.
winn dixie's Avatar
...and their family's safety is now in question as well because they couldn't pay back the money it took to get them over here. Life will be twice as hard for them now. And since they are deported with a criminal record, their dreams of becoming an American citizen are now shattered. Originally Posted by HB361
well said
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah think sumbuddy's tryin' ta bee-cum a martyr. Butt he cain't hold a candle ta ol' Saint Thomas à Becket.