Referrals for PacePro! 🌼 Let’s ALL help it BLOSSOM!

@foreverpearl, inboxing you now with references!
Hi Pearl, this is a great post. I’d love a referral
mastermind238's Avatar
Hmmm ...
referral please
Passion2015's Avatar
Sounds like it will be a more positive interactive site.
Hi Pearl. I’m hoping you’ll remember me. We did have a fun time. Please refer me.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Pace Pro is a restricted access invite only site:
You must have had a date with a gal that can invite you.
Hombreloko69's Avatar
Need some help please I will love to be add there too!
Hombreloko69's Avatar
Need help to be add too !
I'd love a refferal!
Mulani Butterfly VIP's Avatar
I was finally added an it’s been great very clean an runs smoothly
Parsifal's Avatar
No luck yet for me - I’m registered pending authorization but the provider I listed hasn’t followed up yet or I’ve been declined. Tried to start over and my hobby email can’t be used more than once. Also tried to PM the admin via the UserCP and I get “you’re not authorized” to even send a PM. I’m stuck…

Is there some way I can switch the referring provider once my account has been started? Seems like I’m stuck in limbo (or I’ve been denied and just don’t know it)

Any help/ advice is appreciated-
I signed up at least 10 days ago, NOTHING.
Emailed an admin with a referral from you Pear......NOTHING

I have no idea what to do at this point to get signed up
Running into the exact same problem as Parsifal
ForeverPearl's Avatar
Austexgtown - did you put me as the referring provider? I have approved all the gents I know and haven’t had an issue! Pm me your email address and handle for PP and I’ll message admin for you and see what’s going on!
I may not have received the pm from them to “approve” you babe.