A question that I've never asked a man before ...

Hercules's Avatar
It's like taking a sleeping pill that only takes 2 seconds to work.....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
brownsugarbaby, you are very cute!

I'm so intrigued by these answers. I thought that only women had different types of orgasms.

Not trying to be glib, but other than intensity, I didn't know that male orgasms were so different.

Do any of you have blushing or like women, your nipples get hard? Some of us turn red from our face through our chest area.

I don't think that I've seen a man blush like that. (Maybe some response from the nipples)

This is SO great to read!!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... I am probably the odd ball here but I don't feel a need or even want to cuddle or lay around and whisper sweet nothings in eachothers ears. In hobby or real life alike. When I'm done, I'm done. It probably works out better for me in the hobby that way. Not so much in real life, I have always felt a detachment afterwards, don't know why??? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
You're not different in this respect. With even the clients that I feel very close to, many of them are just done when they're done. It's like a switch has turned off.

It's taken me a very long time to know that it's nothing personal. But I know that it's not.

NOW ... if I could FIND that switch and turn it back on for a few minutes, that would be great!

Some men like to hang around and talk. Others, want to run out the door after the dirty deed is done.
Pistol Man's Avatar
Elisabeth, you'll have to tell me how I look physically because I don't go look in the mirror. If I could actually get on my feet afterwards I might look in the mirror but I prefer to simply revel in the moment and allow all the tension to drain from my body.

When the frustration and tension of the work day get to the point of interfering with productivity, I find that a great orgasm - hopefully in or on a woman - sets everything back to normal and I can get on with "making a living". Once I regain my legs I find that I am much more productive and think more clearly than during the hours leading up to the orgasm.

I can liken the orgasm to a pistol with a very long and hard trigger pull. It's a lot of work to acheive, but after the explosion you feel great. At least the "Ole Pistol Man" always seems to have a long and hard trigger pull and unfortunately is a single shot muzzle loader!

To put it in perspective, orgasms are up there with oxygen and cash as things it is great to have in abundance.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
It's like a sneeze, with more than one expulsion at the end: ah, ahH, ahHH, ahHHH, aHHH CHOO! CHOo! CHoo! Choo! choo!

I don't have the experience that some of these guys have regarding which type of activity induces what type of sensation or intensity. All I know is that it feels so much better when it's not self-induced.
pyramider's Avatar
EW, how I feel ... you will have to ask me after I wake up from my nap.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Elisabeth, I'm glad you made this post. I've always wanted to know if there was a difference.

As I read, the vaginal O's sound more intense, does the cover not interfere with this?

In my mind, Iwould think that bbbj would feel better than cfs because guys could feel the friction and wetness.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I cannot describe it. For me, most O's are very strong, and it takes time to recover. The BBBJCIM O's are the most intense, I sometimes have leg cramps so strong they are. Vaginal O's are stronger without the cover than with the cover. HJ's are the least strong, but it is strong still. (Self) Masturbation is weak.I NEED WOMEN! Everybody is different, I guess.
icansmile's Avatar
It is a lot easier to show you than to try to explain.
MojoR's Avatar
  • MojoR
  • 01-14-2013, 08:09 PM
I think I actually have a more intense O when I use a cover then when I don't. Because there is less sensation I can build up the tension over a longer timeframe before I cum. Whereas when bareback, while the build up feels a hell of a lot nicer, I get to the end quicker, so my orgasm is not as intense. Agree that a BJ feels much nicer than a HJ.
DiabloCreek's Avatar
For me the orgasm itself is just at release and at some point I just lose it and all thoughts turn to wanting to release.....I actually enjoy the trip to the orgasm more than the orgasm itself...
Enjoying someone bringing me to that point is just absolutely wonderful.....Not wanting to reach an orgasm crosses my mind a lot because I know the fun will be over and I hate it when that happens.... lol
BJ's and intercourse are great but I have had some of my most intense orgasms from HJ's.
Something about your cock being out in the open and knowing that someone is going to watch you cum.......
After an orgasm I do enjoy touching and kissing......
pmdelites's Avatar
i wrote and posted my response before reading any of the replies.

TheWanderer's and TexasDave555's comments are right on, as far as mine are concerned.

EW, tho i have not looked at myself afterwards, i imagine that my face might get flushed cos of the rush of blood throughout my body.

Laura, you posted "As I read, the vaginal O's sound more intense, does the cover not interfere with this?
In my mind, I would think that bbbj would feel better than cfs because guys could feel the friction and wetness."

it depends on the cover. i've had great orgasms w/ and w/out a condom and from intercourse as well as from fellatio.
and the BEST MOST INTENSE [and i really mean the BEST MOST INTENSE] orgasm i've ever had occurred when i was getting fellated with a condom on!!!! my body was on fire for about a minute!!! i just fell back and let the energy course thru me until i came back to reality.

How does it feel when you orgasm?
But with men, how do you feel when it happens? Is this question too difficult to answer?

Is there really not an explanation? Can you put how you feel before, during and afterwards for us?... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
most Most MOST deliteful!!!! [what else did you think i would say??]
esp if the woman helping me cum is really into helping me cum and is really into cumming herself!!

seriously, i have different kinds - some are just low key and very localized. some are moderate intensity.
and some are intense body curling fucking-A-fantabulous orgasms.
sometimes i can tell it's getting ready to happen. sometimes i work to make it happen.
and sometimes it happens when something occurs that i wouldnt have thought would make me cum.

it basically goes like this ...
as the stimulation reaches a certain point, i start to feel some tingling in my crotch.
if the rhythm or stroke or angle is just right and we keep at it, then the tingling starts to get more intense and starts to spread through my groin. then it starts moving up the base of my penis.
if the stimulation is really good, then the scalp on the back of my head starts tingling [must be the brain going into overload].
as i get closer, my breathing starts getting shorter and shallower.
and when lil delites says "cumming!!!", the tingling goes throughout my penis and my brain.
and because of the release, it's like the blood flows thru my body easier and there is a flush filled feeling that goes through my entire body.
when that happens, if i focus on my breathing, i can make the orgasm feeling last longer than just a few seconds.

if it's an intense orgasm, then the tingling spreads down my legs and/or into my stomach.
if it's a really intense orgasm, then the tingling spreads throughout most of my legs and torso.
and if it's a REALLY REALLY INTENSE ORGASM, then my entire body tingles, shudders, and curls!!
most times, after an orgasm, i just want to lay back and either cuddle or take a nap.

and sometimes, when i'm thinking about sex or talking w/ a woman i've visited and not stimulating my penis...
i get mini-body orgasms. my body quickly shudders, almost like an electrical charge has been released thru my body.

like i said, whether i'm jacking off, getting fellated, being ridden, or stroking hard or sensually into a woman or having a mini-body-gasm,
it's most Most MOST deliteful!!!!
BBBJCIMNQNS is one that is very intense. I mean toes curling and cracklings, eyes rolling back, convulsions, muscles tighten up, and just pure ecstasy. And there is sensitivity after this way. I have to tell some ok, you gotta quick, WOW. Then you just collapse on the bed.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Elisabeth, I'm glad you made this post. I've always wanted to know if there was a difference.

As I read, the vaginal O's sound more intense, does the cover not interfere with this?

In my mind, Iwould think that bbbj would feel better than cfs because guys could feel the friction and wetness. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Thanks for contributing to this thread!

I've heard that often, a condom doesn't interfere. But I was wanting to know what it felt like and if men had a similar reaction during the sex act with regard to time. And reality.

Laura, I'm not sure if you're the same way, but when I orgasm, there is no time. The universe, the air, everything just seems to come together and inside, it's like my body explodes in this overall body type of sensation. Pleasure.

With men, I'm thrilled with what's been shared thus far but I also wish to ask if emotionally, when the act is happening, what is going on in your head.

With me? It's nothing. Pure sensation and my mind isn't anywhere else.

In a way, after reading these responses, I'm thinking that a man's orgasm might be more intense. Or the same in a slightly different fashion.

A man's need to orgasm and to have that inner need to "fuck" has to be strong since it's such a motivator for a man to be accomplished, have the drive to go forward.

To continue to be aggressive, conquer countries, go to war and that sort of thing. It has to be related to some sort of inner drive. Which is possibly related to the need to have sex?

Although I consider myself very experienced in the ways of men, I often still find them to be confusing and puzzling. Not only with their orgasms, but also in the fact that so often, while dealing with mergers, day to day drags and just going through life, so often men still giggle like little boys.

Which is endearing.

A man's sex drive is still just a mystery in a fashion.

Thanks for all of the responses. All of the nuances that you've presented have been great to read!

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Mine starts out building to a point where it resembles needing to piss REALLY bad - right now or very soon! That's not exactly it, it's the same, but different...LOL! Good information, huh? Well, it is the same but goes waaaay beyond it, involves the prostate area (taint), makes my stomach contract and the release does cause me to want to drive junior as far up the happy highway as possible. The intensity varies due to the emotional and mental involvment is the experience leading up to the climax. When I was younger (back in the golden days of yesteryear) there was more throbbing and pulsating sometimes written about in porn lit, but there still is an additional rush of whatever remaining blood there is into the shaft and especially the head just before and right after orgasm. Junior is straining so much that it's as if he would separate himself and lift off like a rocket. But, it's quick and over almost as fast as it came on although as I have aged I have been able to keep more focus on things right afterwards. That's probably because it is not as physically draining as it once was. I have noticed hard nipples afterward though the nipple to cock connection is probably not as strong as the nipple to vagina connection.

As far as the mental goings on go, well for me it's a mix of need for a connection and the imposition of will (no extra charge for the honesty). Very basic and not really thoughts, more primal and less filtered.