Omar Walks It Back

ICU 812's Avatar
This must be a personal hell for you. Originally Posted by matchingmole
The above quote in response to my first post.

Well matchingmole,you may be right. In the 1990s through 2003 I worked at a major hospital with a thoroughly multi-ethnic/multi-cultural set of co-workers; African-American, Egyptian, Pakistani, Indian, Hispanic and so on. I was one of a very few White Male staff members and the only one at my grade and job title.

On September 11th, 2001 the only Sheit Moslem in the department came to work late. In fact she only showed up at work when it was all over.

So, yeah, Maybe Rep. Omqar and her supporter do bother me a little.
Chung Tran's Avatar
One thing about that cunt. She is about as Muslim as Nancy Peloci is a Catholic.

She wears that stupid head covering to show her obedience to her mass murdering "Prophet", but then turns around and fucks anything with a dick.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
thanks for that.. do you know how my people can get in touch with her people?
The above quote in response to my first post.

Well matchingmole,you may be right. In the 1990s through 2003 I worked at a major hospital with a thoroughly multi-ethnic/multi-cultural set of co-workers; African-American, Egyptian, Pakistani, Indian, Hispanic and so on. I was one of a very few White Male staff members and the only one at my grade and job title.

On September 11th, 2001 the only Sheit Moslem in the department came to work late. In fact she only showed up at work when it was all over.

So, yeah, Maybe Rep. Omqar and her supporter do bother me a little. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I've told this story many times so I'll abbreviate it. I worked with a white guy in his 30s for about 10 years in corporate America. He had converted to Islam to marry a Paki woman he had met at the University.

A couple of months after 9.11 I asked him how he felt about it and how the people at his mosque felt. He said the incident and the reaction at the Mosque bothered him and he set up a private meeting with the imam.

The imam told him that Muslims don't criticize fellow Muslims especially in matters concerning nonbelievers. The imam also reminded him that "unconverting" from Islam meant death.
So much whining over an inconsequential Congressional freshman with no pull in the caucus. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
All these bumbling, incompetent morons in Congress used to be called an "inconsequential Congressional freshman with no pull in the caucus". Plus, when people are talking about you on a national scale like this, you aren't so inconsequential anymore.
All these bumbling, incompetent morons in Congress used to be called an "inconsequential Congressional freshman with no pull in the caucus". Plus, when people are talking about you on a national scale like this, you aren't so inconsequential anymore. Originally Posted by SecretE
Considering her voting block is one of the largest next to old baby boomers.

She is a power because she can summon her minions to crawl out of their parent's basements and vote in primaries. A primary win is as good as a general election win in many Districts.
Chung Tran's Avatar
All these bumbling, incompetent morons in Congress used to be called an "inconsequential Congressional freshman with no pull in the caucus". Plus, when people are talking about you on a national scale like this, you aren't so inconsequential anymore. Originally Posted by SecretE
Ilhan is consequential, because the Right can't stop talking about her and AOC. I don't get the obsession. the set up of Congress gives each zero authority and "pull" on anything.

Ilhan is consequential to me because I want to fuck her 9 ways to Sunday. but politically speaking she's a gnat on a Horse's ass.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't get the obsession. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

It's because they make every day Christmas and The Forth of July and Kwanzaa and Easter and Flag Day. They are the gift that keeps on giving.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't get the obsession.... I want to fuck her 9 ways to Sunday. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't get your obsession either. I would rather fuck any of the 227 girls you have reviewed than stick my worm anywhere near that ignorant repulsive Somali bitch. There are beautiful Muslim women out there - but she ain't one of them!
Ilhan is consequential, because the Right can't stop talking about her and AOC. I don't get the obsession. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The right only mentions them when the lefty media fawns all over them and tries to portray them as consequential. It's a vicious circle. The media is the problem in their message.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ilhan is consequential to me because I want to fuck her 9 ways to Sunday. but politically speaking she's a gnat on a Horse's ass. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I think she is more of the ass on a gnat on a horses' ass. But hurry the heck up and bang her already. I want to see the review and ROS. She must be a banger under the sheets.
Chung Tran's Avatar
But hurry the heck up and bang her already. I want to see the review and ROS. She must be a banger under the sheets. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I think she is.. I'm waiting for that White Guy to get finished with her. it's bad enough I would be cheating on her Brother by sleeping with Ilhan
LexusLover's Avatar
I wish she'd walk it back to Somalia. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They'd amputate her clit.
  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2019, 08:34 AM
Omar would be stoned fro marrying her brother back in Somalia.

Let the DPST's send her as a special Envoy!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
They'd amputate her clit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
they can't do that.

how is the Tran Dick supposed to impart pleasure in that zone? sure, I can take her up the ass, and I would love that, but the clit is so basic to Man-Woman relations.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I would be cheating on her Brother by sleeping with Ilhan Originally Posted by Chung Tran

So I dunno. Is it encouraging to encounter a moral compass on a monger board or not? But then, here I am waiting for someone to TOFTT before I decide to give her a spin. So there is that...